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Forum nameInterior/Exterior
Topic subjectTime for tires, may aswell get new rims too!! What do ya think?
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=68321&mesg_id=68321
68321, Time for tires, may aswell get new rims too!! What do ya think?
Posted by OZ_GS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM

The TZ-10s are what I already own but in 17s.

Other suggestions are welcome. I just need to stay pretty close to $1000 for the entire package.


Poll question: Time for tires, may aswell get new rims too!! What do ya think?

Poll result (16 votes)
18" Excel Daytona Silver (7 votes)Vote
18" Excel Daytona Hperblack (2 votes)Vote
18" Excel TZ-10 Hyperblack (3 votes)Vote
Less spokes (3 votes)Vote
None of the above (1 votes)Vote


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