Originally posted by cs82685
Wow long time since I’ve been here. Sad to see so little activity but I can’t even recall the last time I’ve seen a 2g on the road so not surprised. Was prompted to drop a note after seeing someone ask about the stillen bumper on reddit. Hope anyone that checks in occasionally is doing well. As for me realizing I was a huge part of this community in college and am now 17 years into a career! I parted the eclipse when rust got it. Sold the evo after 10 years, moved to something a bit more adult with a jaguar xe about 5 years ago and then moved back to a cartoonish wild car with an orange C8 a few months back that I’m using as my daily and loving.
Hey dude!
There's a handful of us still around. We mostly hang out in chat.2gnt.com and keep in touch that way.
Cars in sig :D