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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectGoogle Hangouts
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=49059
49059, Google Hangouts
Posted by freelancefool, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
If any of you people want in on the google hangouts, post up. They recently released a significantly easier way to join recently if you want to talk.

We have a lot of old school people in here that like to hangout (see what I did there) and chat since the application makes it way easy to connect and stay connected.
49061, RE: Google Hangouts
Posted by Uberingram, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by freelancefool
a lot of old school people

49062, RE: Google Hangouts
Posted by freelancefool, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Like this scrub here.
49075, RE: Google Hangouts
Posted by sonikbewm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by freelancefool a lot of old school people
/cough /hack /wheeze


I need in this Google Hangouts group. I'm pretty old school. :P

Edit: Nevermind...looks like I'm already in it
49076, RE: Google Hangouts
Posted by Ryan97EclipseRS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
As one of the few who still owns one of these lovely pieces of... Awesome? I'd love an active place to still be able to ask questions, lol. Think dr1665 tried to invite me but I don't get this hangouts thing.

edit: Ryan97eclipse@gmail.com
49077, RE: Google Hangouts
Posted by freelancefool, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Yeah, just download hangouts on your phone. Then come back here and click the link. That should add you in easily enough.
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