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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectR.I.P.......
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=43784
43784, R.I.P.......
Posted by lild14, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
America, 1776-2010

43785, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Slo2g, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
lol thats all you can say to something like this.
43786, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Yeah, even though people not having health care is just another reason why this country is broke.
43787, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 740 turbo brick, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I must have missed something big, what happened?
43788, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 740 turbo brick
I must have missed something big, what happened?

For the first time, in quite some time, a president actually did something he said he was going to do that's actaully good for the people. Passed the health care bill. We actually get an intelligent president this time and he gets more shit than the dumb redneck administration that got this country in the mess it's in now............But it's Obamas fault.......lol
43790, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by teklein, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Originally posted by 740 turbo brick I must have missed something big, what happened?
For the first time, in quite some time, a president actually did something he said he was going to do that's actaully good for the people. Passed the health care bill. We actually get an intelligent president this time and he gets more shit than the dumb redneck administration that got this country in the mess it's in now............But it's Obamas fault.......lol


Welcome to the USSR.

Also, best picture I have seen in quite a while.
43798, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by dsmracr420a, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by teklein
Really? Welcome to the USSR. Also, best picture I have seen in quite a while.

Obama's "change".

43800, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullettdsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Biggest problem here is that it is another government program (very highly funded as well!). They can bray and bark all they want, but virtually every social help program the government has brought into being has been raped and pillage by the bureaucracy that created it (not to mention the governments ineptness at running ANY programs properly).

Hell, they're already pillaging the program that was created to help fund the program (social security) that was raped and pillaged so bad that it it is close to insolvency (which was a program that if left alone from its original inception, would still be working properly today).

Apparently they can't help themselves.

AND they did not attack the real problem in cost of healthcare; graft and greed and corruption within the medical/pharmaceutical industry. We are actually rewarding those fuckers with this bill. They will continue to make out like bandits and now they have a bigger piece of cheese to play with.

Oblahma is a huge disappointment.
43801, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Fallen4ng31, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hmm... I dropped my private health insurance at the beginning of the year since it was too fucking expensive; Now I'm going to get fined? I don't fucking think so. You'll have to lock my ass up, because you're not getting another penny outta me, Uncle Sam.
43793, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Originally posted by 740 turbo brick I must have missed something big, what happened?
For the first time, in quite some time, a president actually did something he said he was going to do that's actaully good for the people. Passed the health care bill. We actually get an intelligent president this time and he gets more shit than the dumb redneck administration that got this country in the mess it's in now............But it's Obamas fault.......lol

How is this good for the people? All it is going to do is steal money from my pocket to pay for some undeserving person to get free healthcare. This is $900 BILLION dollars we DON'T HAVE.

Those of us that actually WORK FOR A LIVING have the right to be selfish with our money - it's OUR MONEY. I don't care if you're indigent and dying of cancer, ITS NOT MY PROBLEM. You had the same opportunities I did. Too bad.
43795, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by whtclipse98, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
What about the single mom who has two kids that works multiple part time jobs because the economy sucks and that the dead beat dad ditched out on paying. Does she fall into that category? Or would you like to consider the person who had health insurance but because they got cancer and have had regular treatment, their insurance company has decided to drop them. Do they fall into that category?

I do understand the fact that the government is taking away from people who are getting health care but always keep in mind, you are expendable to your company. I busted my ass for 10 years in my previous job and spent close to 70 hours a week 6 days a week for my company and last year, I was let go because I made a simple mistake. YOU are expendable. So before you start bitching about how free health care is gonna kill the country, consider this, we were already dying, we just didn't know it.
43796, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Uberingram, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by whtclipse98

Whine, cry, piss and moan all you want. Not my fucking problem. I grew up on fucking food stamps, soup kitchens and hand me down clothes from 3rd generation Factory2U buyers. I busted my ass and have good health care because of it. Like Dino said, that 2 kid single mom had every opportunity I did and now I have to pay MORE money because she couldn't keep her legs shut?

And do you think my employer gives a shit about this? Do you think I'm going to see a cost-of-living increase in my pay. Not bloody fucking likely.

Fuck you.

Edit: You know what? Take my money to pay the deficit. Take my money to fix the housing crash. Take my money to get this country back on its feet. Take my money to pay for Enrique Joe Blow's unemployed head cold? Sure, if we had the money to pay for it. We don't. My house is worth 80k less than it was 2 years ago. HOW ABOUT WE FIX THAT FIRST?! There are 4 empty shuttered out bank buildings surrounding the grocery story I go to. HOW ABOUT WE FIX THAT WHILE WE'RE AT IT?! Oh no, taxing the fuck out of us that don't fucking fail at life to "help" those that do should be our first priority. Right. Fuck you again.

Dear 2 kid single mom, GTFO.
43797, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'd say that I'm moving to Canada, but their healthcare system is just as fucked as ours is going to be.

What really pisses me off is that they just passed a 1000+ page piece of legislation that not a SINGLE member of either house has actually read in it's entirety.

Welcome to the next big economy fucker.
43802, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
To put it simple, Americans are greedy people period. That's why there's such a problem with this. Nobody bitched about the stupid fucking war we're in, gas prices, etc etc, BUT HEALTH CARE!!! OMG!!! The reason why the country is broke has directly to do with people being selfish, greedy, and lazy. The loud assholes that have spoken up and gotten their way all of this time are the credit card companies, oil industry, big corporations etc......THAT'S WHY THIS COUNTRY IS BROKE. blah blah blah....my money, my money, my money, it's mine, it's mine, it's mine. Pathetic period. This bill is actually going to lower the national deficit. In ten years when the dust has settled, this will all be for the good.
43803, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Uberingram, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
That's why there's such a problem with this. Nobody bitched about the stupid fucking war we're in, gas prices, etc etc

I stopped reading your tripe after seeing that. You can't be serious. Do you ever read the news? Talk to people beyond your own basement?
43804, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by 97AllMtr That's why there's such a problem with this. Nobody bitched about the stupid fucking war we're in, gas prices, etc etc
I stopped reading your tripe after seeing that. You can't be serious. Do you ever read the news? Talk to people beyond your own basement?

43805, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Uberingram, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by 97AllMtr That's why there's such a problem with this. Nobody bitched about the stupid fucking war we're in, gas prices, etc etc
I stopped reading your tripe after seeing that. You can't be serious. Do you ever read the news? Talk to people beyond your own basement?

No, seriously. What moon world are you from where people didn't bitch about the war or gas prices? Sounds like heaven. Every headline for the past 2 fucking years has been "Bajillion die in IRAQ! ZOMG!" or "TIME TO GET RAPED BY THE GAS PUMP! BLAME BUSH YOU HEATHEN!"

Please emphasize your post with excessive punctuation and a complete lack of capitalization or coherent thought.
43817, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by 97AllMtr That's why there's such a problem with this. Nobody bitched about the stupid fucking war we're in, gas prices, etc etc
I stopped reading your tripe after seeing that. You can't be serious. Do you ever read the news? Talk to people beyond your own basement?
No, seriously. What moon world are you from where people didn't bitch about the war or gas prices? Sounds like heaven. Every headline for the past 2 fucking years has been "Bajillion die in IRAQ! ZOMG!" or "TIME TO GET RAPED BY THE GAS PUMP! BLAME BUSH YOU HEATHEN!" Please emphasize your post with excessive punctuation and a complete lack of capitalization or coherent thought.

I was pretty much referring to when this country went to war while the Bush administration was ruining everything. Too many people supported it or sat back and just let this country go down the tube.
43806, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullettdsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by 97AllMtr That's why there's such a problem with this. Nobody bitched about the stupid fucking war we're in, gas prices, etc etc
I stopped reading your tripe after seeing that. You can't be serious.

Yup, stopped reading right there as well. Um.....whaaaat? :nuts
43808, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by 97AllMtr That's why there's such a problem with this. Nobody bitched about the stupid fucking war we're in, gas prices, etc etc
I stopped reading your tripe after seeing that. You can't be serious. Do you ever read the news? Talk to people beyond your own basement?

Ditto. What fucking hole have you been living in? It must be very nice to live in a world covered with cotton candy and frolicking unicorns that are searching for candy mountain.

Take off the rose colored glasses and learn what this really means: We're fucked.

It's economic destruction wrapped up in a nice sparkley layer of "hope and change" Hmmm, must be twilight fans that wanted this crap to happen.
43809, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Babbz413, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
43811, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
LOL...anyone that can't see that this is a blatant money grab is a fool...period. We already had programs in place for the under privileged. They are called Medicare, Medicaid, and social security....those are out of money so they had to cook up this 1000 page recipe. If they really wanted heath care reform they would have fixed the broken systems not build a new broken system. Things like frivolous lawsuits, rampant malpractice bullshit, and giving disability to women whose only disability seems to be, not being able to keep from lying on their back with their feet in the air, and pushing out a new paycheck out every year to 18 months.

I for one am looking forward to wait 6 months for an MRI to screen for my future cancer while every asshole with he sniffles needs to be seen first. Because, why not go? It's free, and besides I need to stop at wal-mart for a new x-box game.
43818, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by teklein, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by micyek
LOL...anyone that can't see that this is a blatant money grab is a fool...period. We already had programs in place for the under privileged. They are called Medicare, Medicaid, and social security....those are out of money so they had to cook up this 1000 page recipe. If they really wanted heath care reform they would have fixed the broken systems not build a new broken system. Things like frivolous lawsuits, rampant malpractice bullshit, and giving disability to women whose only disability seems to be, not being able to keep from lying on their back with their feet in the air, and pushing out a new paycheck out every year to 18 months. I for one am looking forward to wait 6 months for an MRI to screen for my future cancer while every asshole with he sniffles needs to be seen first. Because, why not go? It's free, and besides I need to stop at wal-mart for a new x-box game.


Hopefully someone will get into office and just throw the damn thing out. Isnt supposed to be implemented until 2013 anyways, and if all the other insane sheep turn out to be right, we wont be around anyway!

America is awesome.
43819, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Seriously. WTF is wrong with this country?

Why do they call it healthcare "reform," when they're not actually reforming healthcare? And prohibiting exclusion for pre-existing conditions? I'm sorry, but it's a necessary evil.

You can't get into an accident and call your insurance carrier to get full coverage on your car.

You can't call your agent from the front yard, while you watch the fire fighters trying to put out your roof and add fire coverage.

The biggest issue here is COST. People should be financially responsible for their own health and their own health insurance. The COSTS need to be reduced. Healthcare needs to ACTUALLY BE REFORMED - not forced upon every citizen.

Hundreds of thousands of people are going to sign right up with serious health issues now. They're going to flood the hospitals and doctors' offices, and the insurance companies are going to be forced to foot the bill for it all. They don't have funds for this, so they're going to raise EVERYONE'S rates. Your employer-paid plan? The rates just went up. Your personal plan? Your rates just went up. That's money right the fuck out of your paycheck. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! The people who don't have jobs or don't have enough money to pay for their now federally mandated insurance will get their premiums subsidized by our anyway-you-cut-it insolvent government! That's TAX DOLLARS right there, so expect your paycheck to get even smaller due to increased taxes.

We are ALL going to PAY MORE for health insurance because of this.
We are ALL going to be TAXED MORE because of this.

Meanwhile, the inefficiencies of the current healthcare industry - paper records, fourteen different numbers on your insurance card, over-crowded ER waiting rooms, expensive prescriptions, and in-network/out-of-network, HMO bullshit - rolls on, now forced upon every man, woman and child in the country.

If it didn't scare the living SHIT out of you when you heard the President and Democrats say things like "It's not ideal, but we need to pass it now," then you seriously should get your head examined.

This is half-assed, corporate lobbied, partisan-backdoor bullshit that's just been railroaded down your fucking throat without ANY say from you whatsoever.


The banks were too big to fail. They got bailed out. They still aren't making loans, but the executives are getting their bonuses, aren't they. Oh yeah. And the surviving banks are buying up smaller banks, creating a whole new class of too big to fail banks. :rolleyes

GM and Chrysler we too big to fail. They got bailed out. They had large numbers of their dealerships closed to better reflect the lack of demand in the economy. Oh shit. Now they're looking to let many of those closed dealerships back. They're also still seeing pathetic sales numbers, despite Toyota - wrongfully crucified by the retard, ass-fuck mass media - sees massive sales increases EVEN AS THEY ARE BEING BURNED AT THE STAKE!

The housing bubble. The government did something about it, but it's such a non-issue, that's done all of jack shit to help the market, you seldom hear about it. Thanks for the in-depth, quality reporting mass media whores.

Oh yeah. Jobs. What jobs? Let's pass another piece of universally acclaimed, half-assed, less-than-ideal, legislation that gives businesses $1000 for every new employee they hire and retain for a year. Um, let me get this straight. You want me to hire someone, pay them $36,000 a year in this economy, and you'll give me $1000? WHERE DO I SIGN UP? :rolleyes Oh wait. There's some highway improvements tacked on to this bill too, so we can get more construction during our commute! WIN.


We ARE becoming the Idiocracy. Natural selection is being altered to reward not the smartest and the strongest, but merely those who reproduce the most.

Fucking incredible.
43824, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
Natural selection is being altered to reward not the smartest and the strongest, but merely those who reproduce the most. Fucking incredible.

Amen..the powers that be have done a excellent job of not only preserving the weak, but have allowed, encouraged, and nurtured them. Now they run our once mighty cities. Check out this outstanding Detroit City Council member Monica Conyers.

I guarantee that she got into that position of power by promising all kinds of social programs.

When you give someone something for "free" you take away a piece of that persons self worth and motivation. Before long that person begins to think "why do anything if I don't have to?" As others catch onto this game, more and more start to think "Why should I work if the Jones' don't have too?" Further down the road you get to a tipping point where the workers (the ones with a shred of self pride left) can no longer support all the social programs force upon them. So at that point one of three things will happen. Communism (we all know how that works), we start cutting social programs. And were will that leave everyone now "dependant" on the those programs? So are we really helping them? Or the third option is revolution. Oh...by the way we are getting dangerously close to that tipping point IMO. We are in a very precarious point in our brief history. To me this is scarier than the Cuban missile crisis. And because we've have only been around for 234 years it's really quite a massive embarrassment and it's only been in the last 50 years that something as good as the USA has been thrown away. I have to believe that it can still be saved...but I'm loosing hope.

Whatever happened to "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."?
43821, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by whtclipse98
What about the single mom who has two kids that works multiple part time jobs because the economy sucks

I bought a house, a new car, a dog, and am starting a family. Economy seems fine to me. :shrug

Originally posted by whtclipse98
Does she fall into that category?

She sure does. Maybe if she'd spent more time making herself employable instead of making herself enjoyable, she wouldn't be in the situation she's in. of course, if she's so poor, she's probably already on welfare, buying groceries on food stamps, and having the children's doctor bills taken care of by Medicaid... which means I'm *already* paying for it.

Originally posted by whtclipse98
Or would you like to consider the person who had health insurance but because they got cancer and have had regular treatment, their insurance company has decided to drop them.

Insurance is a business and as such, is liable only to its shareholders. It's unfortunate, but when you make yourself a money pit, they're inclined to stop paying for you. Car insurance is the same way. The simple fact is that medical care should be affordable but because of the current system it isn't, and this bill does nothing to address that fact.
43822, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Star Turbo Talon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I am so glad i get to pay for the health care to some fucking owlife who sits home popping out more kids to live off the system.

You know what they do in poland? If you collect unemployment or any financial aid.....you go to work for the government cleaning up the roads. No dollar is free.

Instead of putting people to work, this assbag is making it easier to stay home and fuck the rest of the working world over.

Someone please tell me how this is good? Then go hang yourself.
43823, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by .bs0d, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
The biggest problem I have with this is that the government is forcing it down our throats. This insurance should be an OPTION.

I can see it now... Officer, "Sir, can I see your drivers license, proof of insurance and proof of health insurance."

With this plan, why would anyone have to be responsible with their lives?

Also, the tax escalates with income. So where is the motivation for people to work hard to earn a higher wage, when it will be netted down with even more tax burden?

Everywhere I read, 9 of 10 people oppose the law... so how in the hell did this thing pass? It's BS and I hope this law can be repealed.

I'm not sure that the insurance is even the problem, it's the hospitals charging $20 for a #$@! band-aid.

This guy's got some ideas:

43825, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Ebster1085, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Well said Driggs
43827, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Hedge, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I have no idea what is going on in here lol.

Does this mean that basically if anyone stateside is in a car accident or something you will get treated and wont have a bill if you don't have insurance?

43829, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by lild14, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
A retired Constitutional lawyer has read the entire proposed healthcare bill. Read his conclusions and pass this on as you wish. This is stunning!

Please take the time to read this and forward it out as you see fit. Thanks
The Truth About the Health Care Bills - Michael Connelly, Ret. Constitutional Attorney

Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.

To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying. The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved.

The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business, and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats, and most of them will not be health care professionals. Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly controlled by the government.

However, as scary as all of that is, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed.

The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government. The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people, and the businesses they own.

The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with! I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.

This legislation also provides for access, by the appointees of the Obama administration, of all of your personal healthcare direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution information, your personal financial information, and the information of your employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is a protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. You can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide...

If you decide not to have healthcare insurance, or if you have private insurance that is not deemed acceptable to the Health Choices Administrator appointed by Obama, there will be a tax imposed on you. It is called a tax instead of a fine because of the intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th Amendment. However, that doesn't work because since there is nothing in the law that allows you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax, it is definitely depriving someone of property without the due process of law.

So, there are three of those pesky amendments that the far left hate so much, out the original ten in the Bill of Rights, that are effectively nullified by this law. It doesn't stop there though.

The 9th Amendment that provides: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people;

The 10th Amendment states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Under the provisions of this piece of Congressional handiwork neither the people nor the states are going to have any rights or powers at all in many areas that once were theirs to control.

I could write many more pages about this legislation, but I think you get the idea. This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights... Article 6 of the Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to "be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution." If I was a member of Congress I would not be able to vote for this legislation or anything like it, without feeling I was violating that sacred oath or affirmation. If I voted for it anyway, I would hope the American people would hold me accountable.

For those who might doubt the nature of this threat, I suggest they consult the source, the US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. There you can see exactly what we are about to have taken from us.

Michael Connelly
Retired attorney,
Constitutional Law Instructor
Carrollton , Texas

43830, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DanKid, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I laugh at dumb threads like this for the sole reason that probably about 85% of the people posting to complain were the ones that jumped on the Obama sausage wagon and voted him into office in the first place just cause they had a friend or relative who was doing so. People voted for his dumb a$$ because they wanted to be cool and felt like it would be the "in" thing to do without knowing anything about him. I sat back with my wife and watched people praising and even crying over this man during election time wondering if everyone was high on drugs. Who the f#$@ would have ever thought that a man named Barack Hussein Obama would be president of the USA. They should have just put Sadam Hussein's name in the ballot box for the hell of it.
43831, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Just for the record...I didn't vote for him. And I didn't vote for the white Obama (McCain) either. I threw my vote away on an independent.

At least we wouldn't be in the this position in if McCain was in office, because even if is health care bill was word for word exactly the same as this one, it never would have got past the first vote. Just because McCain is a "Republican".
43834, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by micyek
Just for the record...I didn't vote for him. And I didn't vote for the white Obama (McCain) either. I threw my vote away on an independent.

I used the write-in spot. Optimus Prime.

We need to send a massive message to our government. Stop voting back in the incumbents and don't vote for anyone that has the slightest shred of socialist tendancies.
43835, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullettdsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DanKid
I laugh at dumb threads like this.........Who the f#$@ would have ever thought that a man named Barack Hussein Obama would be president of the USA. They should have just put Sadam Hussein's name in the ballot box for the hell of it.

I find it humorous that there are still people out there that use someone's written name as criteria for their qualifications as president.


43836, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by bullettdsm
Originally posted by DanKid I laugh at dumb threads like this.........Who the f#$@ would have ever thought that a man named Barack Hussein Obama would be president of the USA. They should have just put Sadam Hussein's name in the ballot box for the hell of it.
I find it humorous that there are still people out there that use someone's written name as criteria for their qualifications as president. Brilliant

He should have been judged by his previous working qualifications. Oh wait he has none. Obama has been a professional politician from the day that he graduated from college. Yeah, he knows a ton about how the real world works... Not. :twitch
43832, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by whtclipse98, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DarkOne
Originally posted by whtclipse98 What about the single mom who has two kids that works multiple part time jobs because the economy sucks
I bought a house, a new car, a dog, and am starting a family. Economy seems fine to me. :shrug
Originally posted by whtclipse98 Does she fall into that category?
She sure does. Maybe if she'd spent more time making herself employable instead of making herself enjoyable, she wouldn't be in the situation she's in. of course, if she's so poor, she's probably already on welfare, buying groceries on food stamps, and having the children's doctor bills taken care of by Medicaid... which means I'm *already* paying for it.

As far as the mom goes, maybe you should actually begin to think outside the box. Your simple minded scope of situations keeps you grounded. When I posted the situation, it was thought that she was a whore that just opened her legs and popped out kids, but no one thought beyond that and considered that maybe she was a mom living in an nice area that though she had a perfect life and was well off. The mom is question was employable and had a good job, the dead beat husband in question has a great job and doesn't help at all. Her employer fired her because she had to take care of her kids by herself. She works multiple jobs because no on will hire her full time right now. She juggles her work, kids and the daily house needs without the help of anyone. So I ask again, does she fall into that category?

Unfortunately insurance is a business that is all about profits. The more profits they make the better off they are. It a simply business structure. One minute they can deny coverage for a particular treatment and the next minute they approve it.

The reason why medical care is so expensive is because you are paying for the fact that you are seeing a professional that has attended atleast 8 years of medical school to do what they do along with paying for the cost of using their expensive equipment to find out what is wrong with you. Personally, I do not want someone who does not have the necessary experience or training what is wrong with me. Do you want a mechanic who doesn't know anything about cars working on your car, or how about a repair man who doesn't know how to fix your a/c system in the house you bought attempting to fix it? If you wanna bitch about how much the medical community costs, then bitch some where else.

The funniest this about this is that everyone seems to have forgotten that if the president is doing such a horrible job, we can impeach him. We, the nation, had decided to put him into office, and we can take him out if we want. If Bush was doing such a horrible job, why didn't we do that to him? This bill can be interpreted however someone wants to and make it seem like its good and bad.
43833, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by whtclipse98
The reason why medical care is so expensive is because you are paying for the fact that you are seeing a professional that has attended atleast 8 years of medical school to do what they do along with paying for the cost of using their expensive equipment to find out what is wrong with you.

Actually, um, the reason healthcare is so expensive is because:
a) The courts have consistently awarded idiots well above and beyond reasonable damages in the case of malpractice, leading to malpractice insurance for doctors which carries with it exorbitant monthly premiums.
b) The millions of illegal aliens in the country who have neither coverage, nor rights to coverage, simply make up names and insurance information to get medical care, then disappear in the night, stiffing the hospital with the bill.
c) Since hospitals are actually UNDERpaid for services by both insurance and Medicare/Medicaid, they have to charge the insurance carriers MORE (see: $20 bandaid) in order to keep their doors open.
d) The pharmaceutical lobby has been successful in preventing Americans from getting their drugs from Canada, Mexico, or anywhere else they are being sold for 80% less than we pay for them here.

Your argument of the single mom is baseless. The issue there is the deadbeat dad who isn't paying child support. If the father was paying child support, the mother could afford day care and work a full time job.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can ALWAYS count on the support of PAUL. This "reform" is bullshit, it's wrong, and those who are supporting it need to wake the fuck up and think about it.

Cry me a river.
43837, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullettdsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
Originally posted by whtclipse98 The reason why medical care is so expensive is because you are paying for the fact that you are seeing a professional that has attended atleast 8 years of medical school to do what they do along with paying for the cost of using their expensive equipment to find out what is wrong with you.
Actually, um, the reason healthcare is so expensive is because: a) The courts have consistently awarded idiots well above and beyond reasonable damages in the case of malpractice, leading to malpractice insurance for doctors which carries with it exorbitant monthly premiums. b) The millions of illegal aliens in the country who have neither coverage, nor rights to coverage, simply make up names and insurance information to get medical care, then disappear in the night, stiffing the hospital with the bill. c) Since hospitals are actually UNDERpaid for services by both insurance and Medicare/Medicaid, they have to charge the insurance carriers MORE (see: $20 bandaid) in order to keep their doors open. d) The pharmaceutical lobby has been successful in preventing Americans from getting their drugs from Canada, Mexico, or anywhere else they are being sold for 80% less than we pay for them here. Your argument of the single mom is baseless. The issue there is the deadbeat dad who isn't paying child support. If the father was paying child support, the mother could afford day care and work a full time job. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can ALWAYS count on the support of PAUL. This "reform" is bullshit, it's wrong, and those who are supporting it need to wake the fuck up and think about it. Cry me a river.


Jesus Driggs, get the fuck outta my head!

And the wife/mother example is just another example of trying to deflect responsibility. Because some jackass is a deadbeat, lets blame society.

Hey, check this out; here in the great ole U S of A there are plenty of programs already in place to deal with that situation. The kids aren't going to starve, the Mom's not going to starve. Yup, they may have it hard, but guess what? They could move to Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Equador, China, Yugoslavia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan (lots of etc.) and learn what needing REALLY is.

Now, how would I know they wouldn't starve? Because you just described MY mother's situation many years ago (when there were even fewer programs and there were no such things as "deadbeat" dads. They were just considered guys who left). Yup, we used welfare when it was like Leprosy to use. We were told not to let anybody know this shame. And lo and behold we all (me and my 2 brothers and 2 sisters) became responsible members of society with the same disdain for people who just want to get more and more government handouts.

Don't get me wrong, that situation sucks. But this healthcare bill is not the answer.

43838, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by bullettdsm
Driggs, get the fuck outta my head!

No! You get outta my head, you goddamned, commonsensical patriot! :P

This whole thing blows my fucking MIND!

Insurance companies pay for the services provided to claimants with funds collected from the larger pool of healthy insureds.

What happens when carriers are no longer allowed to deny based on pre-existing conditions? Now they are spending more money than they make.

There are only TWO possible outcomes in this situation:

1. The company goes out of business forever.
2. The company raises it's rates as high as needed to cover the costs.

Would you work for free? Neither will the insurance companies. They will either go out of business and run with whatever liquidity they have or they will raise everyone's rates whatever it takes to cover the cost of providing care to these people.

From Dictionary.comin·sur·ance
   /ɪnˈʃʊərəns, -ˈʃɜr-/
the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one's person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.
coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract.


SO, the insurance companies who remain in business are going to jack rates like you have never seen before. The cost of coverage is going to go through the roof. Those of us who are currently PAYING for coverage are going to be paying MORE for it.

The people who DON'T HAVE insurance right now are GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR IT, but they won't have to pay full price, right? Hey. That's alright. Just go ahead and take it out of my fucking paycheck every other week in federal taxes to cover the subsidies.

Think about it. Every dollar that gets spent on welfare, medicaid, food stamps, WIC, and every other bullshit subsidy under the stars and stripes is another dollar not spent on education, infrastructure, and innovation in this country...

43839, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I was just noticing a correlation between the socialist handout culture that voted this present government in, and all the annoying threads we see starting up asking for a list of what they need to do to their cars. We're surrounded by assholes that don't want to do any work for themselves, and they aren't willing to learn how. They just want us to spoon feed them the quick, easy and cheapest way to get the results they want.

I hate people
43841, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I think we should all get together and watch "Fight Club" and debate the meaning. :cheers
43842, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by RoninEclipse2G
I was just noticing a correlation between the socialist handout culture that voted this present government in, and all the annoying threads we see starting up asking for a list of what they need to do to their cars. We're surrounded by assholes that don't want to do any work for themselves, and they aren't willing to learn how. They just want us to spoon feed them the quick, easy and cheapest way to get the results they want. I hate people

Not everyone grew up in a wealthy family to be able to go to college or trade school to learn about cars. Do you ever go to the doctor? Do you want the doctor to spoon feed you and explain to you what is wrong with your body? And then have him call you an idiot and bitch to you about how he has to spoon feed you to tell you how you have to take care of yourself?? I agree with you about lazy people, and I also agree with you about hating poeple though. In all honesty, I am on the fence about this type of health care, I don't think it should be shot down, but this country def needs something done, it's gone too far. Lazy people, bad eating and health habbits, uneducated people, etc etc etc. I think AMERICANS are the problem. It's hard because common sense no longer exists, and without that, we are lost.
43843, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
I don't think it should be shot down, but this country def needs something done, it's gone too far. Lazy people, bad eating and health habbits, uneducated people, etc etc etc. I think AMERICANS are the problem. It's hard because common sense no longer exists, and without that, we are lost.

And you know what? That's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! It is not the governments JOB to tell us what we can and can't eat, what's good for us and isn't, how we should live healthy.

I make a personal choice to smoke about half a pack of cigarettes a day. I accept the risks involved in that act by paying more for my insurance premiums, as well as paying additional taxes on my chosen vice. If I get cancer, I'm not going to blame the government for allowing me to smoke in the first place.

I have the right to chose to live like I want, and that means eating shit food if i feel like it, smoking all I want, drinking like Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas; it's MY CHOICE. Not YOURS, not the GOVERNMENT'S, not ANYONE ELSE'S. *I* am responsible for the choices I make.

At the worst, education is a fairly level playing field. I went to public school just like the majority of people here, I received the same education as a lot of my friends that are now janitors and ditch diggers. I made it a point to DO SOMETHING with myself, because I'm too damn proud to end up a peon. Maybe they weren't, but they had the same chances I did.
43844, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Fallen4ng31, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Amen to that. No one in this country owes you a fucking thing. All you are entitled to is your "shot" just like everyone else. What you choose to do with that shot is all on you. And this non-college crap is a joke. If anyone has *ANY* desire to go to college, they can go. There are BILLIONS of dollars being handed out to those who wish to better themselves. Not to mention that, if you join the armed forces and wish to pursue a degree, they'll be happy to put you through school.
43846, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Not everyone grew up in a wealthy family to be able to go to college or trade school to learn about cars.

Guess what? Neither did I. I learned by reading and wrenching. I spent a HELL of a long time lurking here and other sites, reading every tech article in magazines and books that I could get my hands on. I have been wrenching on cars for almost as long as I can remember. I'm happy to help but I'm not spoon feeding babies.

Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Do you ever go to the doctor? Do you want the doctor to spoon feed you and explain to you what is wrong with your body? And then have him call you an idiot and bitch to you about how he has to spoon feed you to tell you how you have to take care of yourself??

No, I go to the doctor and thoroughly explain all the symptoms that I'm experiencing, any related activities prior to the ailement. I also expect to PAY the doctor handsomely for their time. When you're paid for the information it's not spoon feeding. Dumbass.

Originally posted by 97AllMtr
I agree with you about lazy people, and I also agree with you about hating poeple though. In all honesty, I am on the fence about this type of health care, I don't think it should be shot down, but this country def needs something done, it's gone too far. Lazy people, bad eating and health habbits, uneducated people, etc etc etc. I think AMERICANS are the problem. It's hard because common sense no longer exists, and without that, we are lost.

Common sense doesn't exist becaue the government has put so many programs into place that we don't need it anymore. The liberals and bleeding hearts have negated survival of the fittest, why the fuck should we have common sense?

43873, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by RoninEclipse2G
No, I go to the doctor and thoroughly explain all the symptoms that I'm experiencing, any related activities prior to the ailement. I also expect to PAY the doctor handsomely for their time. When you're paid for the information it's not spoon feeding. Dumbass.
Originally posted by 97AllMtr I agree with you about lazy people, and I also agree with you about hating poeple though. In all honesty, I am on the fence about this type of health care, I don't think it should be shot down, but this country def needs something done, it's gone too far. Lazy people, bad eating and health habbits, uneducated people, etc etc etc. I think AMERICANS are the problem. It's hard because common sense no longer exists, and without that, we are lost.
Common sense doesn't exist becaue the government has put so many programs into place that we don't need it anymore. The liberals and bleeding hearts have negated survival of the fittest, why the fuck should we have common sense?

Well here, let me make something a little clearer. On webmd say, or any medical forum for that matter, you don't have educated people (doctors) calling people dumbasses for asking questions, even if they've heard them a million times. If they do say anything, it's a nice way of saying, "search". It's called being professional or having class. You can get on a medical forum, just like 2gnt is for a certain car, and ask the same damn question all day and you'll never get treated like crap. I can't say the same for this forum though. Maybe some of you need to learn a little respect for others, like I said, not everyone had the same opportunity as you all. Like I said, if common sense existed, there wouldn't be nearly as many problems in the world. Treating people with respect would be part of common sense if you ask me. So, before you go acting like you know something about common sense, you should think about YOUR actions first. End hypocrisy.
43875, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Well here, let me make something a little clearer. On webmd say, or any medical forum for that matter, you don't have educated people (doctors) calling people dumbasses for asking questions, even if they've heard them a million times. If they do say anything, it's a nice way of saying, "search". It's called being professional or having class. You can get on a medical forum, just like 2gnt is for a certain car, and ask the same damn question all day and you'll never get treated like crap. I can't say the same for this forum though. Maybe some of you need to learn a little respect for others, like I said, not everyone had the same opportunity as you all. Like I said, if common sense existed, there wouldn't be nearly as many problems in the world. Treating people with respect would be part of common sense if you ask me. So, before you go acting like you know something about common sense, you should think about YOUR actions first. End hypocrisy.

Do you really enjoy sounding like a dumbass? Or is this some kind of social experiment and you're actually sitting at home laughing at us? Please tell me you're not really this ignorant and stupid.

First, I don't go to "medical forums." They're a joke and a waste of time. 9 times out of 10 the "advice" that people get on those places is wrong. If you've got a real medical issue, go to a damn doctor.

Also, don't even try to compare this to a "medical" forum. The human body is a much, MUCH more complex machine than a 2G. There are as many potential different issues with the human body as there are people in the world. 2g's are much simpler, 99% of all the issues that your average 2gnt'er will run into have already been documented here.

Originally posted by 97AllMtr
like I said, not everyone had the same opportunity as you all.

Yes they did. I learned by reading my ass off and getting my hands dirty. ANYONE can do that. I lurked this site for 2-3 YEARS before I joined just reading and learning, not starting 50 threads asking the same bullshit over and over again. If you spent half as much time reading, searching and learning as you spend bitching about how we're all assholes you'd be 100 times smarter and probably able to join those of us that complain about the lazy bastards that don't bother to search for the answers beforehand.

Quit bitching, shut up and take the time to learn. I'm done with your lazy ass.
43877, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by RoninEclipse2G
Originally posted by 97AllMtr Well here, let me make something a little clearer. On webmd say, or any medical forum for that matter, you don't have educated people (doctors) calling people dumbasses for asking questions, even if they've heard them a million times. If they do say anything, it's a nice way of saying, "search". It's called being professional or having class. You can get on a medical forum, just like 2gnt is for a certain car, and ask the same damn question all day and you'll never get treated like crap. I can't say the same for this forum though. Maybe some of you need to learn a little respect for others, like I said, not everyone had the same opportunity as you all. Like I said, if common sense existed, there wouldn't be nearly as many problems in the world. Treating people with respect would be part of common sense if you ask me. So, before you go acting like you know something about common sense, you should think about YOUR actions first. End hypocrisy.
Do you really enjoy sounding like a dumbass? Or is this some kind of social experiment and you're actually sitting at home laughing at us? Please tell me you're not really this ignorant and stupid. First, I don't go to "medical forums." They're a joke and a waste of time. 9 times out of 10 the "advice" that people get on those places is wrong. If you've got a real medical issue, go to a damn doctor. Also, don't even try to compare this to a "medical" forum. The human body is a much, MUCH more complex machine than a 2G. There are as many potential different issues with the human body as there are people in the world. 2g's are much simpler, 99% of all the issues that your average 2gnt'er will run into have already been documented here.
Originally posted by 97AllMtr like I said, not everyone had the same opportunity as you all.
Yes they did. I learned by reading my ass off and getting my hands dirty. ANYONE can do that. I lurked this site for 2-3 YEARS before I joined just reading and learning, not starting 50 threads asking the same bullshit over and over again. If you spent half as much time reading, searching and learning as you spend bitching about how we're all assholes you'd be 100 times smarter and probably able to join those of us that complain about the lazy bastards that don't bother to search for the answers beforehand. Quit bitching, shut up and take the time to learn. I'm done with your lazy ass.

Lol, where are you getting the idea that I don't search? I'm not asking any stupid questions...... How can you say everyone has the same opportunity? If you grow up next to a place where a job is easily accessible, and someone else grows up in a town where a minimum wage job is nearly impossible to find, how it that the same? YOU are ignorant. I love it when people on the web talk shit and name call, like I've said before, pussies in real life and would never flap their irresponsible mouth like that. LOL. I am pretty sure "common sense" would tell people to treat eachother the way they would like to be treated. This country has turned into a laughing joke to the rest of the world because of people acting like this. Mine mine mine, I'm so high and mighty, I'm so much better than everyone else! on and on and on. BTW, how am I a lazy ass? lol.
43878, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Uberingram, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
How can you say everyone has the same opportunity? If you grow up next to a place where a job is easily accessible, and someone else grows up in a town where a minimum wage job is nearly impossible to find, how it that the same? YOU are ignorant.

How can you say that everyone doesn't have the same opportunity? Did you come out of a vagina? You sure did! That's the same opportunity that I had! /gasp

Do you know where I grew up? The fucking sticks, that's where. I busted my ass in high school with SEASONAL PART TIME WORK that was hard to come by and saved my money. Do you know what I did when I graduated? I used that saved money and MOVED TO WHERE THERE WERE JOBS! /gasp

I applied for school loans and got them based on good high school grades and well thought out applications. I got a decent job and I make my own way in life. Nobody fucking helped me. *I* helped me. I have zero sympathy for people like you and others that want even more than the public services that already fucking exist. /gasp

So what shitty examples do you want to spew out now? Go ahead, keep fucking digging.

43879, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Uberingram
Originally posted by 97AllMtr How can you say everyone has the same opportunity? If you grow up next to a place where a job is easily accessible, and someone else grows up in a town where a minimum wage job is nearly impossible to find, how it that the same? YOU are ignorant.
How can you say that everyone doesn't have the same opportunity? Did you come out of a vagina? You sure did! That's the same opportunity that I had! /gasp Do you know where I grew up? The fucking sticks, that's where. I busted my ass in high school with SEASONAL PART TIME WORK that was hard to come by and saved my money. Do you know what I did when I graduated? I used that saved money and MOVED TO WHERE THERE WERE JOBS! /gasp I applied for school loans and got them based on good high school grades and well thought out applications. I got a decent job and I make my own way in life. Nobody fucking helped me. *I* helped me. I have zero sympathy for people like you and others that want even more than the public services that already fucking exist. /gasp So what shitty examples do you want to spew out now? Go ahead, keep fucking digging. http://www.dmiblog.com/archives/Shovel%20ready. jpg

43880, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullettdsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Uberingram
How can you say that everyone doesn't have the same opportunity? Did you come out of a vagina? You sure did! That's the same opportunity that I had! /gasp Do you know where I grew up? The fucking sticks, that's where. I busted my ass in high school with SEASONAL PART TIME WORK that was hard to come by and saved my money. Do you know what I did when I graduated? I used that saved money and MOVED TO WHERE THERE WERE JOBS! /gasp I applied for school loans and got them based on good high school grades and well thought out applications. I got a decent job and I make my own way in life. Nobody fucking helped me. *I* helped me. I have zero sympathy for people like you and others that want even more than the public services that already fucking exist. /gasp So what shitty examples do you want to spew out now? Go ahead, keep fucking digging.

Look at Uber slamming home with the truth.

The problem is, you'll never win with the whiney liberals (note I didn't say all liberals). I have had this debate with them many times and they just can't/won't see it. Why? Because its easier and more convenient to just whine and piss and moan about stuff than to hike up their little skirts and work.

We've had failsafe's (like welfare and unemployment) put in place for people who run into a rough patch in their lives. No, these are not meant to make you rich or give you a plentiful lifestyle. They were put in place to help you through a rough patch. This is because our society was showing compassion for those who had a really bad blip in their lives.

And what happened with those programs? People started using them as a lifestyle.

There are families that use welfare from generation to generation. They act like welfare is a right, not a priviledge. It was instituted by our once great country, to help those that needed a boost. This program was not meant to support you for life.

And unemployment is the same way (yeah, my own kids use it as part of their lifestyle - as do many of my friends). It was instituted to give you just a little failsafe for that moment when/if you lose your job. It allowed the person to maintain basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter while they look for a new job. Just for a very short period of time.

Now it is being used as a lifestyle. People in the labor field PLAN on it as part of their income. When winter rolls around and the job runs dry, they go on unemployment for the winter until the next spring when their company starts back up. They do it every year. They plan their life around getting that money during those months while they go on vacation or just hang out.

And now you want me to support your food adiction. Your drug addiction. Your smoking addiction. Your alcohol addiction. Your sugar addiction. Your sex addiction. Your....lifestyle.

43881, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 97AllMtr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by bullettdsm
Originally posted by Uberingram How can you say that everyone doesn't have the same opportunity? Did you come out of a vagina? You sure did! That's the same opportunity that I had! /gasp Do you know where I grew up? The fucking sticks, that's where. I busted my ass in high school with SEASONAL PART TIME WORK that was hard to come by and saved my money. Do you know what I did when I graduated? I used that saved money and MOVED TO WHERE THERE WERE JOBS! /gasp I applied for school loans and got them based on good high school grades and well thought out applications. I got a decent job and I make my own way in life. Nobody fucking helped me. *I* helped me. I have zero sympathy for people like you and others that want even more than the public services that already fucking exist. /gasp So what shitty examples do you want to spew out now? Go ahead, keep fucking digging.
Look at Uber slamming home with the truth. The problem is, you'll never win with the whiney liberals (note I didn't say all liberals). I have had this debate with them many times and they just can't/won't see it. Why? Because its easier and more convenient to just whine and piss and moan about stuff than to hike up their little skirts and work. We've had failsafe's (like welfare and unemployment) put in place for people who run into a rough patch in their lives. No, these are not meant to make you rich or give you a plentiful lifestyle. They were put in place to help you through a rough patch. This is because our society was showing compassion for those who had a really bad blip in their lives. And what happened with those programs? People started using them as a lifestyle. There are families that use welfare from generation to generation. They act like welfare is a right, not a priviledge. It was instituted by our once great country, to help those that needed a boost. This program was not meant to support you for life. And unemployment is the same way (yeah, my own kids use it as part of their lifestyle - as do many of my friends). It was instituted to give you just a little failsafe for that moment when/if you lose your job. It allowed the person to maintain basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter while they look for a new job. Just for a very short period of time. Now it is being used as a lifestyle. People in the labor field PLAN on it as part of their income. When winter rolls around and the job runs dry, they go on unemployment for the winter until the next spring when their company starts back up. They do it every year. They plan their life around getting that money during those months while they go on vacation or just hang out. And now you want me to support your food adiction. Your drug addiction. Your smoking addiction. Your alcohol addiction. Your sugar addiction. Your sex addiction. Your....lifestyle.

First off, I'm not whining about anything. I have a great job, I have a great life, I have great health insurance, I don't ask retarded questions on this forum, unless I just haven't learned it yet or can't find it by SEARCHING. Where you guys are getting off calling me lazy.....? I have no idea. I have never in my life been on welfare or unemployment. I am just not naive or ignorant to the fact that I might.....Just maybe.... Been dealt a better hand in life.... If you can't wrap your head around that idea, then I guess there is no hope. I have seen case after case of people working their asses off their whole life and getting fucked because of that very attitude.....GOOD PEOPLE....But hey, it's the American way, if you're not a sheep, you're a fucking greedy asshole.....right? Mine mine mine and fuck everyone else......Oh wait, until it happens to you, then it's a good thing.....But if life is going good for you, fuck everyone else right??? You don't need to help them because your life is great and it was all you.... Circumstance had nothing to do with it.....Wow, GOD bless America right? God bless the high and mighty that are just sooooo bad ass and MADE thier lives so great and fuck everyone else....It's pathetic.
43886, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by RoninEclipse2G, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Keep digging your damn hole. I hear China is nice this time of year
43892, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Uberingram, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
First off, I'm not whining about anything.

Then stop posting. Nobody here will miss you.

Originally posted by 97AllMtr
I have a great job, I have a great life, I have great health insurance, I don't ask retarded questions on this forum, unless I just haven't learned it yet or can't find it by SEARCHING. Where you guys are getting off calling me lazy.....? I have no idea.

Neither do I. It's hard enough reading your posts.

Originally posted by 97AllMtr
I have never in my life been on welfare or unemployment. I am just not naive or ignorant to the fact that I might.....Just maybe.... Been dealt a better hand in life.... If you can't wrap your head around that idea, then I guess there is no hope. I have seen case after case of people working their asses off their whole life and getting fucked because of that very attitude.....GOOD PEOPLE....But hey, it's the American way, if you're not a sheep, you're a fucking greedy asshole.....right? Mine mine mine and fuck everyone else......Oh wait, until it happens to you, then it's a good thing.....But if life is going good for you, fuck everyone else right??? You don't need to help them because your life is great and it was all you.... Circumstance had nothing to do with it.....Wow, GOD bless America right? God bless the high and mighty that are just sooooo bad ass and MADE thier lives so great and fuck everyone else....It's pathetic.

You're right. Good people get fucked in the ass but they have every opportunity to get themselves upright with EXISTING public services and their own ambition. My father bailed on my mother, me and my two brothers. I grew up on food stamps and a mother that worked 2 jobs. We turned out fine and she's currently building on property worth north of 7 figures. She figured it out. Why the fuck should we have to pay MORE money to see the same people take advantage of us and stay in the same shitty position?

This country is borked because of people wanting no-strings hand outs and not taking any responsibility for themselves or their community. Go ahead, point the finger at me and assume I'm a greedy capitalist fuck-you-got-mine pig. You know what that makes you? A hypocrite and very wrong. I'd point out what I do for my community while remaining staunchly against this bill but it's far more humorous watching you flounder.

There are plenty of holes in your unicorns & candy land fallacy to point out and continue to nail home your mental deficiencies but Bullet makes a good point. You sound like a broken record and it's difficult arguing with anyone that can't properly lay out their argument in a coherent manner.
43855, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullettdsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 97AllMtr
Not everyone grew up in a wealthy family to be able to go to college or trade school to learn about cars.

Really? Looking for a little more of my personal experiences eh?

Wealthy family? Piss off! Spent all my own money to get through college. Oh yeah, that was while working full time. Oh yeah, that was going to school full time. Oh yeah, that was while raising a kid as a single father. Oh yeah, that was while refurbishing my house. Oh yeah, I graduated Summa cum Laudie-Da (3.97 GPA).

EVERYTHING I learned on cars was hands-on or researched. Zero schooling.

And before you accuse me of being some really smart guy. I'm not. There are many on these forums that are much smarter than me. But what I did do was work my ass off. Period. Just like my grandparents did when they moved to this country.

43840, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Fallen4ng31, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can ALWAYS count on the support of PAUL.

Fuckin A! Now, where's this Peter guy?

43849, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by dalesmitsu, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Fallen4ng31
Originally posted by DR1665When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can ALWAYS count on the support of PAUL.
Fuckin A! Now, where's this Peter guy?

Peter, is busting his balls working two jobs. To pay his bills on time, the up keep on his dsm, roof over his head, and also keeping update with his Child supports payments that are garnished from his paychecks.

So, Paul the lazy ass can milk the monthly child support payments, pay checks, from his Peter's ex. wife. Also, the goverment assistance and Free College money " with no means of paying it back" the students loans.

43850, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Fallen4ng31, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
It was a joke made because it's my name. It was rhetorical you fuckwit.
43852, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by dalesmitsu, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Fallen4ng31
It was a joke made because it's my name. It was rhetorical you fuckwit.

You should've stated, that it was a joke at the end of your sentence.

I was playing along and knew it was a rhetorical question. Lightend up man.

43854, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Fallen4ng31, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
We can never be sure with you, Dale. ;)
43856, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullox, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Damn, I came back to some serious ignorance.

Sup guys.
43861, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by bullox
Sup guys.

Just the end of the god damn world yo.

43876, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by micyek
Originally posted by bullox Sup guys.
Just the end of the god damn world yo. LOL

Look guys, ze missiles, zay are comeen! Fire our shit!
44028, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by 420agreenvilleSC, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
read this http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/hrm/UNH-Insurance-Cost-Fact-Sheet.pdf
this http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/hrm/UNH-Health-Care-Costs.pdf
and this http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/hrm/PwCReport.pdf

i'm not sure how pricewaterhousecoopers (auditing firm) is involved in this...

I figured i'd grab from UHG over the other health care insurance companies because their a fortune 25 company, and, o yea, I have an interview with them tomorrow morning. lol
44032, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by djtrickee, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by dalesmitsu
Lightend up man.


44033, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by Star Turbo Talon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I quit my job today and need a 2 million dollar surgery on my back. All you fuckers are going to pay for it and just to show my appreciation I am going to tell you I am entitled to it!
44038, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Star Turbo Talon
I quit my job today and need a 2 million dollar surgery on my back. All you fuckers are going to pay for it and just to show my appreciation I am going to tell you I am entitled to it!

The best part is when you default on your mortgage you'll have no worries there either. Your all set man! Congrats, the American Dream!
44040, RE: R.I.P.......
Posted by bullettdsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Star Turbo Talon
I quit my job today and need a 2 million dollar surgery on my back. All you fuckers are going to pay for it and just to show my appreciation I am going to tell you I am entitled to it!


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