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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectNow I know how it feels like....
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=2507
2507, Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by Weezle745, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Had my car finally broken into. They broke and shattered my back window.

I live in a nicer part of town and never had any issues leaving my car in the driveway. I have an expensive headunit that stays there all the time. However, I left my bosses brand new AMD 64bit computer in the back on the floor. Only reason I left it there is because I was taking it back to work in the morning and my windows are tinted PITCH black, no one would ever see it even if they tried. They stole that and a new $150 ASUS socket 939 motherboard that was going in.

Tell me what you guys think....

So earlier that night I had gone to my bosses home to pick up his computer (lives 10 mintues from me). We put it into the backseat of my car and I was going to work on it in the morning at work (He wouldn't be in till later that day).

So then I left his home and came to my home and left it in the backseat with the new motherboard and upgraded processor still in the box.

At 4am I get awakened by my dad telling me that my alarm went off and that the light was on in my car. THIS WAS THE WORST FEELING IVE EVER HAD WAKING UP!! We both go downstairs and see glass ALL OVER the place. Only the backwindow is shattered and guess what? The computer and motherboard are missing.

My $400 stereo is STILL there!
So is my $299 IPOD
The processor (AMD 64 - 3500) $189 is still there!

Everything in perfect place except the computer and motherboard. It is so weird because only the back window was broken and you can not see ANYTHING in the back!!! Even in the daytime its almost impossible. Then on the other side of the car you can see a hand print that looked like they were wiping away the morning dew to try and look in.

Question now: Do you think I was followed from my bosses home? How would anyone know I had a computer in the back seat? Why would they break the back window be the only window they break when I have an expensive headunit in perfect view of the front windows (Not so tinted)?

I HATE THIEVES! They screw everything up for you over a stupid computer! I had to buy a new window and took a few hours to clean up all the glass. It was EVERYWHERE!

Sorry had to vent.

Any opinions appreciated on why my car was targeted.

2509, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by Ryan97EclipseRS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
that sucks man.....damn thieves. One time my SAFC got jacked and they ripped the wire bundle straight outta the display unit (morons), and broke my amp into 2 pieces on the same instance.
2538, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by Blizare, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
At least yu've made a bunch of free money to fix the window :P O I guess thats what insurance is for. :shrug

I don't know how likly it is that you were followed. How far away do you live from him? If I was a crook I would probably take everything I could till I was noticed......def. the other board and the ipod an shit. I don't know though.

2545, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by cougar694u, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
They probably looked for the easy score. Smash the window, roll out with a computer. They're probably computer illiterate and didn't think the CPU was worth anything. They saw a computer and thought WOW. Maybe they saw the stereo, but it takes more work to steal that.

I also read somewhere about stolen iPOD's being cracked down on, I don't remember the details, but maybe they're afraid it's too trackable.
2549, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by jsupetran, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Wow that sucks dude. Definitely possible you were followed. Did you boss live in a nice neighborhood?
2553, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by 96rs-t, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
could be that the one who stole from you just panicked once the alarm went off, and just ran off with the first item he saw in your car. I doubt he would have stayed trying to get everthing else while the alarm is sounding, especially in your drive way.
2554, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by whodatt1, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
you could have been followed. I was when my rims where stolen from my car. someone knew exactly where I parked my car. (behind the building not seen from the street). with morning dew on the windows probably no prints to find. sux man.
2559, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by saikou, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I believe most drivers are aware when someone is following them, even for a short distance of time... atleast I'm aware. The likely hood of someone following you from your bosses house is there, but I doubt that's the case. Could've just been some l33t nerd that wanted a new computer. :shrug

Since your alarm went off, that would definitely cause a theif to think quick and act quick; take what you can get. They're not going to sit in your car with the alarm sounding, trying to take your headunit when a very nice computer is sitting in the back seat, IMO.
2560, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by BlackMagic, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
i think it was your boss, he knew exactly where it was and now you have to get him a new computer, so he can sell it and make money. Just kidding by the way I doubt it. But yea that sucks punk ass people stealing shit
2665, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by Weezle745, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by BlackMagic
i think it was your boss, he knew exactly where it was and now you have to get him a new computer, so he can sell it and make money. Just kidding by the way I doubt it. But yea that sucks punk ass people stealing shit

LOL no I told him about it and he was super cool about it. Said not to worry about it and that he would buy another one.

The main reason I think that they knew it was back there was because of the fact that the back window was broken into initially. There is NO WAY POSSIBLE you could see the computer. The tint is PITCH BLACK. It was also on the floor with a jacket on top of it. Insurance is $500 deductible and won't cover stolen items. Should homeowners insurance cover it?
2666, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by BlackMagic, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
hm well the back is biggest window to get in through, maybe he just did it because of that
2667, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by Star Turbo Talon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Most homeowners wont cover it becasue it is a damage/theft of a vehicle (Has its or registration and title i think is why)

All you can do is call and ask but homeowners a lot of the time has a deductable of 1000.00. You dont file small shit on your homeowners its not worth it. You file 2000.00 and up if your wise.

2688, RE: Now I know how it feels like....
Posted by youkickedmydog, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 96rs-t
could be that the one who stole from you just panicked once the alarm went off, and just ran off with the first item he saw in your car. I doubt he would have stayed trying to get everthing else while the alarm is sounding, especially in your drive way.

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