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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectI need prayers now
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=23981
23981, I need prayers now
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I just got a phone call at midnight, a couple of my friends were hanging out at a girlfriends house, smoking in the front yard. Three gang bangers rode up and started talking. One guy talked back, the pulled a knife and stabbed him. My good friend Matt stepped in between to protect him, they stabbed him 5 times, once in the heart. Right now he's in surgery and last I heard he was losing blood pressure fast. Please pray for him, he's only 19 and one of the nicest guys I know.
23982, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Star Turbo Talon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
My prayers are with you and your friends buddy. I thought my life was crappy right now. I know its not much but at least they didnt pull a gun.

23983, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I just got word that they put him in ICU and are prepping him to transfer to Fresno UMC. I think that's good news, I hope.

Thanks for your help Terry, we need everything we can get right now.
23984, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by eclipse982nrRST, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
You got it buddy.
23986, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by xcasbonx, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
You got mine man. I hope everything turns out for the better.
23987, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
any word if they caught the pieces of shit who did it?
23988, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
No word on either side right now, I probably won't know anything more till after work.

As for the guys that did this, all we know right now is that they claimed North, but I'm going to put some feelers out and see if I can't pull any names.

Thanks all of you, I'll keep you posted and if everyone just keeps hope up I'm sure he'll pull through.
23989, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Here's hoping your buddies come through this alright.

Fucking bangers. Suppose they get caught? They'll get three square a day and roof over their heads for a few years while they get to lift weights and shit. Fuck that. Cops should be able to just cap them on sight out of principle. IMO.

Sherriff Joe Arpaio has the right idea out here in Arizona. They sleep in tents outside with no heat or AC. They eat green bologna and stale bread with their water. That's it. Anyone who thinks people in prison should have better living conditions should get a life. People like this serve no purpose in any society and we should put them "to sleep" just as we would an unwanted dog or cat.
23990, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by turbo8u, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
thats why I have guns, to protect me and mine.

Prayers are with you my friend :(
23992, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by totaleclipse_05, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
OMG, that sucks ass man. I'm very sorry to hear. I hate how innocent people get hurt when they are doing the right thing. I hope he makes it through.
23993, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hope he's ok. That sucks.
23997, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by RSClipse9d7, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Your friends are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything works out for the best. Be careful yourself when you try to find information.

To everyone else: Keeping the comments constructive would be appropriate during a fellow member's time of need.
23999, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by dsmmyth, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
What's the world coming to...

I hope your friend makes it through.
24009, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
They were finally able to seal his Aorta at 8:30 this morning, and they've pretty much dealt with his heart as much as they can. He's going in for his fifth set of surgeries right now because they haven't been able to stop the bleeding in his liver. Hopefully if they can stop the bleeding this time he'll be able to rest a little before they have to go after another artery, I don't remember which, but it wasn't deemed as vital as his heart and liver. It's just so hard to believe he's still with us after bleeding for 18 hours straight, he's so strong.

I also herad word that Eric (his buddy who got stabbed in the arm) was able to do a positive ID from police files and they've arrested the guy who held the knife. There's a big part of me that wishes I had a chance to find him first, I've had so many horrible ideas play through my head that this guy deserves in every way.

Thank you guys so much for your support, it's been an incredibly difficult day, but been much easier to deal with knowing that we have your hopes and prayers.
24010, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by edxmon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Damn bro, your friend is a real tough cookie, if you see him, tell him to hang on to life for us. Prayers go out to him, his family and his friends. He's gonna make it.
24094, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM

Good and Bad right now, the bad is that he's still open right now so they can keep an eye on his heart. The problem was that when he'd wake up after surgery he'd try to talk and move around because he's the type of guy that just wants to be up and around, and he would keep opening his aorta. As of last night the count was 71 pints of blood! By the way, go fricken donate blood to your local blood bank, it takes about 20 mins and if it weren't for that blood he'd be gone by now.

Also, the news I got about a positive ID was BS, apparently at that time Eric hadn't even had a chance to go by the police station as he was tending his own wounds.

Now the good news;
They did a sixth surgery today, expecting to repair lacerations to his lungs and intestines, and remove a portion of his liver that had been damaged. I just got a phone call about 5 mins ago telling me that they went in and were unable to find significant enough damage to his lungs or intestines to warrant further actions, and his liver had regenerated enough that they didn't need to remove anything. They're going to keep him open for now, but if no new complications arise they are planning on sewing him up on Sunday. We all have very high hopes, and the outpour of concern from the community has been overwhelming. We setup an account in his name at the blood bank and, while their normal volume is approx. 5 people a day, the recieved 40 donations in his name yesterday. That number doesn't include what I'm estimating as at least 15 on Tuesday and god only knows how many today.

As for the kids that did this to him, I may have my chance after all. I've got a few connections that I asked to keep their ears open, and I should hopefully have names by the begininng of next week. We'll see what happens...
24096, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Chamuko, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Damn, Sorry to hear that.

Prayers to him and you guys.

Need me to make some calls up there?

Never understood that north vs south thing you guys have up there...
24101, RE: I need prayers now
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Chamuko
Damn, Sorry to hear that. Prayers to him and you guys. Need me to make some calls up there? Never understood that north vs south thing you guys have up there...

First off, we all appreciate the prayers, it seemed at some points thats all that kept him with us.

It's f'ed up BS, kids with no parental guidance making stupid decisions to impress other kids with no parental supervision. It's really sad when they drag others in that have nothing to do with their world and pile fear and misery on innocents.
Don't worry about making any calls, no need getting you on anyones radar, I've got some guys that are already in the shit keeping eyes and ears out for me. We'll find them soon enough, and if I can make a citizen's arrest with a machete I'm going to.

Edit: On second thought, go ahead and make some calls up here, get everyone you can to donate blood to Matt Main at the blood center.
24188, He's getting better
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
The doctors said they're planning on closing him back up tomorrow!
He'll still be in the hospital for another six weeks for recovery and rehab, but he's coming out of the danger zone.
That does however buy us some time for his get well present though, we're taking donations from friends and family and I'm going to rebuild Jen's '72 Super Beetle and we'll give it to him when he gets out of the hospital. I'm so freakin' stoked!
That's pretty much all there is right now, except for the fact that we raised over 120 pints of blood by Saturday evening, yay us!
24189, RE: He's getting better
Posted by Star Turbo Talon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
wow this is good news
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