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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjecthow many drinks?
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=2339
2339, how many drinks?
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
how many drinks does it take you to get tingly in your face and hands?

i have had four STRONG jack and cokes and i am a little tingly. :-)

chock up three more shots of jack in a row. not feelin it quite yet, give it a few more minutes. wow, i can type really good when i am a little tipsy. :D

ya know, i want to do one of those drunken driver test things. the ones where you get paid to drink and then drive a car to see how bad you do.

i love playing need for speed when i am a little drunk, i wreck into cars and get a huge kick out of it.
2341, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
screw you all then, bah im bored. reply to my thread peoples.
2344, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Diceman19
screw you all then, bah im bored. reply to my thread peoples.

eh, my drunken posts get ignored.

It all depends on my mood, have I had food? What am I drinking?

Jager... 1/3 bottle, but then again for me the tingly coincides with fairly inebriated. 1/2 bottle, Ryan wants to lay down and watch tv because he doesn't want to fall down.

Beer... Depends on the kind. Lite beer (rare for me): 4-5 Ale: 2-3 Porter: I drink those slow because they are expensive... no tipsy on those. All of this assumes no food and am in a good, happy happy joy joy mood.

Yes, I'm a lightweight, I'm 145 lbs and I don't drink very often anymore.
2345, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
lets see, i had some food about 6 hours ago, past that, 4 strong drinks and 3 shots in a row. :D im ready for bed.

does anyone else feel the extreme need to get in bed when they get drunk? i get drunk and just want to lay down in my bed and go to sleep. almost a waste really. :D
2346, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Yeah, I get tired sometimes, but that's when I'm sobering up.

I'm tired now, but I usually come on here and spend too much time reading stuff instead of going to sleep.

With that... I'm out, for now.
2354, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 95_ESi_Person
Yeah, I get tired sometimes, but that's when I'm sobering up. I'm tired now, but I usually come on here and spend too much time reading stuff instead of going to sleep. With that... I'm out, for now.

i definetely wasnt sobering up yet. ;-) i went to bed at around 3am and woke up at 9am, WTF willis?

whatever, no hangover, never had one in my life. :D i love it.
2360, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by SILVERNT, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
ahh my favorite topic, alcohol

last time i got drunk was saturday. Took 1 bottle of Glenlivet scotch, and a 6-pack of Harp for me to start getting "tingly." This was in a 5 hour period.

im 5'11" 165lbs, so my body shouldnt be able to handle that. What can i say, I'm Irish and i probobly no longer have a liver.

2362, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Real men don't get tingly. They get drunk.

I had, oh... 10 or so rum & diet cokes at the bar last night, and a shot of Patron some chick bought me. I wasn't tingly. I was fucking drunk.
2364, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by injendsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
it all depends on the drink. back in my prime, ie...early years of college, i could drink quite a bit more than the average person without getting drunk but my tolerance has dropped now that i dont drink as often. i went from being able to drink a 12 pack and only have a slight kool aid smile, down to a 6 pack. as far as stronger stuff is concerned, i can usually take half a bottle before i get to the point of no return.
2390, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Weezle745, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I can drink beer like its water. 10 bottles with only a slight buzz.

Hard liquor hits me way harder tho. After 4-5 strong drinks I am faded.
2391, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
working on my 5th beer right now... not tingly, TIRED.

Then again, not a lot of sleep, lots of they good sort of physical activity :7, wondering when UPS will deliver your timing stuff, and lots of group meetings and event planning will tend to make you skip buzzed and want to go to bed.
2392, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by eclpsmoneypit95, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'm drunk right now, haha.
2394, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Justin99RS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
i can murder a 12pack in 1 sitting without much problem, i'll be moderately drunk with a BAC of .13 or so(i bought a breathalyzer haha) i'm also not small at 255lbs...
2395, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by BlackMagic, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
15 shots of 100 proof soco = me on the floor, after 6 im feelin good and feeling like i could use more, after another 5 im drunk and then 10 minutes later i think, on no i i'm going to lose this feeling if i dont drink more, so i do, then i throw up, then i pass out. Story of my life, yea im kind of a light weight i guess, 5'9" 150lbs
2397, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by BlackMagic
Story of my life, yea im kind of a light weight i guess, 5'9" 150lbs

Nothing wrong with being a lightweight! You don't need to spend as much money to get drunk. Well, that's my justification for me being a lightweight.
2399, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
now, just to clear this up, there is tingly, drunk, and tingly drunk. :D

tingly is buzzed, drunk is at the end of the scale, tingly drunk is drunk, but not totally wasted.

that night i was in between tingly and tingly drunk. i hadnt started losing my balance in the house to go get more drinks yet or anything but wasnt good enough to drive. the SO, i was drunk. 14 shots in a 1 hour period of whatever was available does that to ya.
2400, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by SILVERNT, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Diceman19
now, just to clear this up, there is tingly, drunk, and tingly drunk. :D tingly is buzzed, drunk is at the end of the scale, tingly drunk is drunk, but not totally wasted. that night i was in between tingly and tingly drunk. i hadnt started losing my balance in the house to go get more drinks yet or anything but wasnt good enough to drive. the SO, i was drunk. 14 shots in a 1 hour period of whatever was available does that to ya.

dont forget about the I was so drunk last night.....who the fuck is this?!!! drunk
2402, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by SILVERNT
Originally posted by Diceman19 now, just to clear this up, there is tingly, drunk, and tingly drunk. :D tingly is buzzed, drunk is at the end of the scale, tingly drunk is drunk, but not totally wasted. that night i was in between tingly and tingly drunk. i hadnt started losing my balance in the house to go get more drinks yet or anything but wasnt good enough to drive. the SO, i was drunk. 14 shots in a 1 hour period of whatever was available does that to ya.
dont forget about the I was so drunk last night.....who the fuck is this?!!! drunk

huh? im so confused.
2404, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by SILVERNT, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Diceman19
Originally posted by SILVERNT
Originally posted by Diceman19 now, just to clear this up, there is tingly, drunk, and tingly drunk. :D tingly is buzzed, drunk is at the end of the scale, tingly drunk is drunk, but not totally wasted. that night i was in between tingly and tingly drunk. i hadnt started losing my balance in the house to go get more drinks yet or anything but wasnt good enough to drive. the SO, i was drunk. 14 shots in a 1 hour period of whatever was available does that to ya.
dont forget about the I was so drunk last night.....who the fuck is this?!!! drunk
huh? im so confused.

a fat chick
2405, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by totaleklipse97, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Give me about 5 single Makers Marks and 7's and I'm still prety much sober and very comprehensive.. give me 5 more doubles and I'm starting to feel pretty good. That's about a normal nights drinking.

You put a 5th of Bacardi in front of me.. I can finish it in the night and still be somewhat comprehensive. Went out a few weeks ago, threw down a $100 tab on $3 drinks and $6 doubles and 3 rounds of shots.. I can say I had a hell of a time.. and barely remember how I got home.. or what I said to people on the phone. Ya... I wish I was a lightweight.
2403, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Chris97RS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Weezle745
I can drink beer like its water. 10 bottles with only a slight buzz. Hard liquor hits me way harder tho. After 4-5 strong drinks I am faded.

I'm the same way. Me and my friends go up to camp, and we'll each drink a 30 pack just on saturday. i dont even fuck with liquor any more, i fall asleep on the sidewalk to much when i do that. :7
2409, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by BumpinTalon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I don't even count, so I'll just go with "not much," but I almost always am blazing while I'm drinking so I think that just accelerates my get fuckedness.
2422, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Blizare, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by BumpinTalon
I don't even count, so I'll just go with "not much," but I almost always am blazing while I'm drinking so I think that just accelerates my get fuckedness.

Getting blazed and drinking Jager on Ice gets me fuckered.

Thats all I do.

2423, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by VTECKILLER, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
wow bunch of drunks in here lol I usally drink an 18 of budweiser in a sitting I usally dont count though I just remember what I started with and figure It out the next morning lol. I know last weekend I drank half a 1/5 of soco black label = 100proof and a 12pack of bud still standing that was all in 4 hours lol dont remember parts of the night though lexie had to fill in the blanks for me ;).

Then wen. was her 21st so I had quite a bit that night too like 8-9 shots of whatever people bought me lol and Im not sure how many bud's lol about 10 bc my wallet was emepty lol.
2519, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by ashaleenicole, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I probably don't even have to post in here because most of you have seen me pretty loaded but...

Lol so Im a 110 lb chick, and yesterday we had a huge party for Beths stepdad. I didn't eat all day, and we had a keg of Bud Light. I added it up and i drank about 100 ounces of beer. In MD we have ten ounces so thats 10 beers, and I had two pucker and sprites, the only remotely girly drink i like, two jello shots, and a jager bomb.

I was like belligerent like I couldn't stand. But i didnt get sick!

Being a lightweight is cheaper!!
2674, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by VTECKILLER, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by ashaleenicole
I probably don't even have to post in here because most of you have seen me pretty loaded but... Lol so Im a 110 lb chick, and yesterday we had a huge party for Beths stepdad. I didn't eat all day, and we had a keg of Bud Light. I added it up and i drank about 100 ounces of beer. In MD we have ten ounces so thats 10 beers, and I had two pucker and sprites, the only remotely girly drink i like, two jello shots, and a jager bomb. I was like belligerent like I couldn't stand. But i didnt get sick! Being a lightweight is cheaper!!

lol Thats why I wish I was a light weight but yea there is nothing to do here but drink I am like the only tuner for miles so can just go wrech or hang out the only wreching i get to do is on my car :D. lol that why I have been thinking about moving back to Columbus OH but dont know yet. yea I spend a good 20 bucks just on my budwieser a night and thats not at the bar thats a 24 pack of bottles lol.
2629, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by DSM Femme, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'm more of a shot girl. I love Goldschlagger, and for special occasions - Absinthe :P

the only drinks I really like are midouri sour, and SoCo with sweet tea...and it'll take 4-5 to get me tingly.
2649, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Kirby, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DSM Femme
I'm more of a shot girl. I love Goldschlagger, and for special occasions - Absinthe :P the only drinks I really like are midouri sour, and SoCo with sweet tea...and it'll take 4-5 to get me tingly.

I'd like to get you tingly bunny...lol
Please disregard as I am a pervert.
On a serious note though you are from florida you should be representing more drinking ability than that. I'm orignally from orlando, so I know how the partying is down there. Do you really think this would hold up on church street?
Also one last thing, the green fairy is the only fairy I have ever liked, How often do you guy's get that down that way?
2650, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by DSM Femme, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Kirby
On a serious note though you are from florida you should be representing more drinking ability than that. I'm orignally from orlando, so I know how the partying is down there. Do you really think this would hold up on church street? Also one last thing, the green fairy is the only fairy I have ever liked, How often do you guy's get that down that way?

LOL what can I say, I'm not a big drinker :shrug ...sadly I dont have absinthe too often since it has to be ordered from overseas (which makes it crazy expensive.)
I'll be ordering a bottle for my bday in March, tho :cheers
2673, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Kirby, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DSM Femme
Originally posted by Kirby
On a serious note though you are from florida you should be representing more drinking ability than that. I'm orignally from orlando, so I know how the partying is down there. Do you really think this would hold up on church street? Also one last thing, the green fairy is the only fairy I have ever liked, How often do you guy's get that down that way?
LOL what can I say, I'm not a big drinker :shrug ...sadly I dont have absinthe too often since it has to be ordered from overseas (which makes it crazy expensive.) I'll be ordering a bottle for my bday in March, tho :cheers

Look at you! You even disregarded my perverted comment like I asked you too. You will go far here. Now am I to interpert the post above here as an invite to join you for a drink of your bday absinthe?? :cheers :9
Damn I wish I still lived in FLA, hot chicas around ALL the time, and the car scene there is thriving pretty well. :thumbsup to a HOT car chick from my home state...lol
2675, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by youkickedmydog, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
6 shots of ever clear get me tipsy, 14 and I am gone... For beer its another story, on laborday weekend I drank 22 beers in 3 hours, I was compleatly destroyed. I ended up getting all beligerant and passing out on a dock.

2682, RE: how many drinks?
Posted by Chamuko, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
took a bottle of greygoose, one of captain morgan and some 151 to get me to the point where I was drunk for the first time in my life (hey im 22 damn it).

Beer? Hate the stuff...

Yeah I dont get affected as much, not the the point where you can tell easily. Small 5'7"(&3/4 that counts for me damn it) and 165lbs.
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