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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectAmerican Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=2237
2237, American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I just want to say ‘God Bless America!’ Thank God we live in a country whose legal system supports the hard-working, god-fearing, righteous dominatrixies’ of America.
Barbara Asher was just another wholesome, honest, hard-working businesswoman trying to make her way, turning tricks for a living. And she found a niche, as a dominatrix, one of the most strenuous and rewarding forms of hooking in modern day society (as I side note, I believe that in the future we will have even more rewarding, though somewhat more mechanical forms of hooking). And she was successful, she had a healthy clientele base, she operated out of her own home (something a lot of us only dream of), and she entertained a very loving relationship with her boyfriend at the time.
Then, during a bondage session in 2000, that all changed. Due to what was most assuredly, an aggressive yet pleasing series of testicle grinding’s and nipple electrocution’s followed by gentle but firm probing with various produce, while strapped to a replica medieval rack in Asher’s, a.k.a. Mistress Lauren M, condominium dungeon, Michael Lord suffered a heart attack and died. While a heart attack is viewed by most in the intricate world of dominate/dominator to be a highly efficient form of domination, the legal ramification’s had yet to be explored. And as the client had died while on the table, Asher did what any other true American would, she covered her fuckin’ ass!
She had her boyfriend chop the body into pieces and then disposed of them behind an unnamed restaurant, probably a Denny’s, in Maine. And who could blame her? Who among us wouldn’t do the same? I know if a 275lbs man died on a medieval rack in my apartment I’d dispose of him, sure I’d probably toss him in a chemical vat, or maybe feed him to carnivorous cow’s (but that’s another blog altogether) but the idea is the same.
Well thanks to the ever-vigilant Maine legal system for seeing the same, Asher was acquitted on all charges today. And we can all rest easy knowing that the business interests of budding dominatrixies' everywhere are safe from prosecution, and the use of cardiac arrest in session is protected in the court of law.
I also refer you to the pictures of Prosecutor Robert Nelson and his use of a black leather mask in the impromptu reenactment in the courtroom, entertaining to say the least.
2273, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by thedawg, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'm not sure where you copied this blog entry from, but whoever wrote it needs to get off the internet and go back to church or something.

Here's how the American justice system works: We have rights to do whatever we want in our own homes, as long as it does not harm or disturb others. If you want those rights taken away, move to China.

This chick was an idiot for thinking what she was doing was illegal, and a bigger idiot for disposing of the body and not performing CPR. However the Police (who are well trained and paid by taxpayers to do their job right) were even bigger idiots for not following procedure and good sense, and therefore were unable to prove her guilt.

You may have heard of "Innocent until proven guilty"? They were unable to prove anything.

Sorry but the days of mob lynching of witches on a moral/religious whim are gone. "I think theyre a bad person so lets punish them" just doesn't cut it anymore.
2276, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by mcgyvr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
if they found the body/dna evidence she would have been in jail.

no rights were protected its just the way the system works.
if you cant prove it, your not going to get charged.

So what have we learned... its okay to kill someone as long as you hide the bodies well enough to not be found and hope the police department is full of idiots who cant do thier job correctly
2279, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by thedawg, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by mcgyvr
no rights were protected its just the way the system works. if you cant prove it, your not going to get charged.

The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men
(women, jews, and even dominatrixes!) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..."

These are the laws and ideas our country was FOUNDED on, they are the very core of what makes this country great. They protect unpopular citizens from religious and political extremists like the blog poster above.
2280, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I am said blog poster and that post was filled with sarcasm. I guess I should apologize, I originally wrote that for my close friends to read as they know my sense of humor enough to understand that I think it's a complete joke. I understand how she got away with it, though don't agree with it, and I understand that if the police that were present for the alleged interview had taken any basic responsibility then this broad would be serving hard time as we speak. I posted this cause I thought you guys would have fun with it, didn't mean to step on anyones toes and I apologize if I did.
2284, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by thedawg, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
The sarcasm was quite clear, as was the underlying passive-agressive sniping common to religious extremists. This is the same thinking that slaughtered "witches" and went on Inquisitions killing thousands before the laws of this country were established.

The "Jihad" going on in Iraq is what happens when religions are allowed to dictate and enforce their own laws of morality.

Disposing of the body was the only thing she did that was against the law. I wish the cops weren't so dumb that they couln't prosecute her on it, but they were. I'm glad the law was upheld.

If you want to attack the cops for screwing up royally, go for it. If you want to attack the woman for hacking up the body, by all means do. But dont attack anyones right to choose whatever occupation and leisure time activites that makes them happy, and don't attack the justice system for doing exactly what it was put there to do.
2285, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
not a bad looking broad for 56 IMO.


but I wouldn't want her to step on my junk.
2304, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by BumpinTalon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by micyek
not a bad looking broad for 56 IMO. *edit* but I wouldn't want her to step on my junk.

I agree, and thats about all i have to say about this whole deal
2287, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by thedawg
The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (women, jews, and even dominatrixes!) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..."

Wait... Jews too?
2288, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Dawg, I think you have mistaken my intent. I am by no means a moral or religious icon nor do I aspire to be, anyone who looks to me for guidance in either of these areas would be sorely disappointed. It appears that I have pushed a button of your's and for that I'm sorry, Dominatrixies' have nothing but my full support for what they do, and I trust that it is an emotionally and physically taxing service to perform, what with the whippings and the beatings and the acid-ball-dip treatments. If thats how a person wants to make their living then I say let them. Hell those schmucks from Jackass pour crabs down their pants and we televise it on national TV, if that's not testament to the broad view of acceptance by the American people then I don't know what is. In closing I'd like to point out that there are a lot of odd, screwed up individuals out there, and as long as they make news, I'll laugh at them.
2293, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by WIDECLIPSE, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Dude, you can hate what they're doing and tell everybody you think that dominatrice's are the worst scum on the planet and that you hate that bitch for what she does. That's YOUR right. You can say whatever the hell you want about it, attack whoever for whatever reason you feel fit. thedawg can then say whatever he wants in rebuttle to what you said, but there's no need to back peddle. I don't know if that's what you were doing or not, but don't be afraid to say what you want.

With that said, what the hell was that crazy bitch thinking. Chopping somebody up because he had a heart attack. Poor bastard might not have even been dead. Guess we'll never know.
2295, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
wow, this post went the opposite way of what I intended. I have no real opinion on the matter other than the fact that this is entirely amusing to me. And if you don't find this amusing then look at the pictures of the prosecutor reenacting the event. That's enough to make anyone laugh. If it is offensive to anyone then I apologize, for that was not the intent of the post.
2296, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by thedawg, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'm mostly responding to the victim's mother and the religious/conservative side that thinks she should go to prison for being an all-around bad person, not Keith in particular. He's probably making fun of both sides.

"She should have been guilty," said Lord's mother, Audrey H. Lord, 81, reached by phone at her home in Jonesboro, Texas. "I think that everyone is kind of liberal and tree-huggers up there in Massachusetts. You don't get justice there."
“I just wish we could have gotten a little justice,” Audrey Lord said yesterday from her Texas home. “Some of those New Englanders are pretty wise but a lot are liberals. I sort of expected it.”
2299, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I didn't even read that far. Kinda funny that the 81 y/o had no real reaction to the fact that her son died strapped to a rack in the middle of a sexual fetish. I'd figure, given the medical history of the family, that'd give her a heart-attack.
2301, RE: American Justice system protects Dominatrix's rights
Posted by WIDECLIPSE, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
You've also got to look at your dealing with. An 81 year old woman from the south, especially Texas, is going to be like that.
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