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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectI have a really bad feeling about this...
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=1861
1861, I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
As some of you know... possibly:

My parents might/are moving to India due to a promotion/transfer for my father.

I just have a very bad feeling about this.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for my father for getting this postion, and I know that they will be moving there.

But I keep having this feeling, and I can visualize it, which is the very scary part... I'm out the couch of my apartment with my fiance when I get a phone call with very bad news, it's either the airline or my grandparents. The rest of it is unclear, but the feeling is that something very bad has happened and they are both gone.

I hope this feeling is wrong, but so far my track record with this sort of thing is very good... I knew that my trip to visit them for the chrismas of 2004 would go bad, and it did (stuck on the highway for 24 hours in one spot). I've seen my fiance and her parent's house before I met her.

I've never believed in precognition, but upon reflection I do now. Maybe it's all coincidence, hopefully, but I have a really bad feeling about this one.

Then again, I do see myself and my fiance going to India to visit and everything is ok there.

I just wanted to get this out there somehow.
1862, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I know what you're feeling, however you need to realize that thinking in this kind of way is going to be seriously detrimental to your well-being. First it'll be a slight depression, then anxiety attacks, and full blown depression and shizophrenia. The best thing you can do is stay in touch with them, and treasure every moment you have together. Whether they're in the same room or halfway across the world you're both thinking about eachother every day, and thats more than some people get in their lifetime.

As far as statistics go, I don't think you need to worry about being right again. Even the world's best 'fortune tellers' aren't right the majority of the time. As for you seeing your wife and the house beforehand, you'd be amazed at some of the tricks our minds can pull in strange situations. I've been studying psychology at my college for a bit now, and some of the things I have learned have really dampened my confidence in what we -perceive- as reality.

All in all, just be confident and don't worry about it, because worrying about it won't do anything but cause unneeded harm to you and your family and friends.
1865, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by Jeff_99gs, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
First it'll be a slight depression, then anxiety attacks, and full blown depression and shizophrenia.

That's some pretty serious stuff. You might be going just a tad overboard there.
1871, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Ok thats actually true, lol, I meant to say it as those are some things that -could- happen if you really worry ourself over it. This sounded like something you might be really worried over everyday, and something like that could cause some of those things. However some people are stronger (mentally) than others and can stand up to some of those pressures better.

Either way man I hope you feel better about things, I'm sure they'll be ok.
1874, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
The important thing to keep in mind is that you're happy for them, whatever may or may not happen. Sometimes, the only things you can change in life are how you let things affect you.

If you think you can or can't - you're right. This goes to say that, if you think you're going to have something horrible happen on your way home for Christmas, then you're more likely to do things, subliminally, to make it so (like leaving despite knowing there's a big ass snow storm rolling in - I remember that shit). The only thing certain about the future is that it is uncertain. There is a slight, psychological aspect to luck, but I think it has a lot to do with how a person views the world. If you think the world is out to get you, you will make the mistakes that result in bad things happening to you. If you enjoy life and make the most of it, you can't help but have an easier go at it. Being on the defensive and being laid back are two completely different mindsets that translate into more than just an attitude.

Don't worry about it. Your worry would be passed onto them that something bad is going to happen. You don't want them thinking that in the back of their minds.

1879, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by reeveso, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
i read a book called "the power of the subconscious mind" and it pretty much says that you can make just about nething happen IF YOU BELIEVE it will happen, and that the strongest part of it is visualization. so even if u dont believe it (i do b/c since i started trying it, i've been gettin pretty much everything i visualized lol)...i would still say try to visualize them calling you from India that they landed safe and everythings wonderful, etc. just dont have thoughts that they crashed or nething bad like that..that could explain why ur always right, because u THINK its gonna happen, so it does...the mind is some powerful shit
1880, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by eclpsmoneypit95, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
There is a lot of good advice here. I'll say what's been said before: Just be happy for them and even though they're half way around the world, remember that they are doing something that's benefiting and helping others.
1883, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by cougar694u, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
If you think the world is out to get you, you will make the mistakes that result in bad things happening to you. If you enjoy life and make the most of it, you can't help but have an easier go at it. Being on the defensive and being laid back are two completely different mindsets that translate into more than just an attitude.

Good words.
1891, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Yeah, I guess it's just my mind playing with me because of the situation. The whole halfway around the world thing is sort of unnerving.

Statistics wise... yeah, very low probability that it will come true.

As far as the depression goes, leading into schytzophrenia (however it is that you spell that).... that's going a little far.

1947, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 95_ESi_Person
Yeah, I guess it's just my mind playing with me because of the situation. The whole halfway around the world thing is sort of unnerving. Statistics wise... yeah, very low probability that it will come true. As far as the depression goes, leading into schytzophrenia (however it is that you spell that).... that's going a little far.

It is going a little far, but I've seen it happen and heard stories of it happening. Not delusional skitzo, but skitzo in the way that your mood changes constantly and you have super hi highs and super low lows, and it just tends to screw up your life.

Just keep your head up and try not to think negatively about it all.

1953, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by Blizare, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
your mood changes constantly and you have super hi highs and super low lows

ahem, isn't that really bi-polar :shurg
2013, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Blizare
Originally posted by EclipseSix your mood changes constantly and you have super hi highs and super low lows
ahem, isn't that really bi-polar :shurg

sure is, my fault. manic-depressive, bi-polar, etc etc... Just sayin that thinking about these types of things can be pretty harmful to your mental and physical health.
2014, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
No, I'm just worried, as I'm sure a lot of people would if they were in my place. India is pretty far away.

I'm by no means schitzo or bi-polar, it's just that the whole situation is unnerving.
2022, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 95_ESi_Person
No, I'm just worried, as I'm sure a lot of people would if they were in my place. India is pretty far away. I'm by no means schitzo or bi-polar, it's just that the whole situation is unnerving.

Nahh didn't mean to say you were, I was just saying you seemed pretty convinced that your premonition might come true, and worrying like that can ruin your life. There's a thread around here about Bru_ce, and I'd hate to hear about a similar case with you.

Just take it easy, stay in touch, and keep busy.
2112, RE: I have a really bad feeling about this...
Posted by 95_ESi_Person, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
There's a thread around here about Bru_ce, and I'd hate to hear about a similar case with you. Just take it easy, stay in touch, and keep busy.

There is no way in hell I'd kill myself. I've been through what it does to people, I'd NEVER put anybody through that much torment. One of my aunts killed herself when I was a child, my fiance's sister committed suicide a few months ago (yes, it did hit me pretty hard too, I thought of her as a sister), and I don't want to put anybody through such agony.

I was drunk when I posted that and I couldn't sleep because that though kept running through my head.

I'm just concerned about my parent's saftey... Terms of them moving... they WILL have security assigned to them, AND they will have drivers assigned to them... THAT is what is worrying me.

I couldn't be happier for them. If I had this opportunity I'd take it in a heartbeat!!! All I'm experiencing is the fear of the "what-if's".

I used to be at odds with my parents, there was a point where we didnt' even talk for a couple of years. Now that we are close and they have accepted my decisions and past mistakes I do worry about them and their safety.

I know all will be fine with them, I'm just concerned like I'm sure any of you would be if you were in my position.
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