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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectRE: who was voted off of american idol tonight?
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=5998&mesg_id=6056
6056, RE: who was voted off of american idol tonight?
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Keith2172
Originally posted by DR1665
Originally posted by djtrickee The real question is... who the hell watches that crap anyway. I will take 3 dumps tomorrow and video it. then you can vote which one is best.
Thank God for deej. :order American Idol is the biggest slap in the face to music lovers of all time. It is the recording industry grooming some foolish dreamer, while whipping the mindless sheep of America who have nothing better to do than sit on their fat, lazy, asses and let the media spoon feed them pop culture in half hour doses into a frenzy, so that, when the completely fabricated album hits the shelf, you simpletons will buy that shit up like hot cakes. Fuck American Idol. Fuck Survivor. Fuck all that "reality" TV bullshit. deej for president. /soap box
The only thing contrary I have to say to this is, can anyone name the last American Idols? Didn't think you could, cause nobody remembers them, and the ones that do remember won't buy their cd's cause it's crap anyways.

i remember kelly clarkson, but that is because my woman liked her for a short while. notice the proof of your statement in my words. ;-)
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