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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectRE: fuckers tried to snap Daisy
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=288&mesg_id=298
298, RE: fuckers tried to snap Daisy
Posted by injendsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by BlackMagic
god damn that shit pisses me off, you spend so much effort and money in a car and then some dickless bastard comes up and tries to take it all in a matter of minutes, what the hell is happening to our world??? If i ever caught someone messing with my car, i would shoot him in the leg, drag him inside, and cut off his balls with a rusty knife

lol, nice. our society has gone to shit because no one has respect for anyone or their property anymore. i blame the parents that let their kids do whatever the fuck they want and dont even try to discipline them.
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