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Forum nameHandling/Suspension
Topic subjectPicked up some suspension goodies today.
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=33836
33836, Picked up some suspension goodies today.
Posted by mgleason007, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with our pull-your-part. I love going out there and taking things apart. I hate how the bill always ends up being higher than I think it should. I grabbed the rear suspension out of a 3g. Most of the walk-throughs I read say that you need a spacer for the sway bar. It looks like the 3g rear subframe is the same as ours, except it has the spacer for the sway bar already welded up (obviously). I hope that I'm right, or I wasted $40 on the subframe ON HALF OFF DAY! The whole set up was a tick under $100.


It looks like the bracket that attaches to the knuckle on the upper control arm could use some more beef. I plan on welding it a little better and powder coating it. Mom would have a stroke if I used her oven, so I guess I'll be calling around to get this stuff pc'ed.
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