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Forum nameHandling/Suspension
Topic subjectTrouble, removing brake line from proportioning valve.
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=33829
33829, Trouble, removing brake line from proportioning valve.
Posted by dalesmitsu, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Has anyone replaced theres from this location, can I remove the line without removing the intake. I soaked the brake line and bracket bolt holds the line to the firewall with wd40.

In the link, brake line I need to remove/replace is #1 which goes the driverside this brake line attaches to top of the flex hose. I've replaced the 8 inchbrake line from the wheel cylinder to the brake line flex hose.


The brake line is 3/16, it runs from driverside in between the gas tank and spare tire location, joins with fuel lines, passenger side brake lines. Four lines total runs along passnger side to the firewall.

Which line is which, that runs along the passenger side I know its #1 brake line from the propotioning valve but each line are about the same size and I dont want to remove a line that isnt the right one. Only the replacing the line that is bad.

33830, RE: Trouble, removing brake line from proportioning valve.
Posted by dalesmitsu, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I've decided to part ways with my 2gnt and start over with a 2g later on. Getting rid some 2g parts, look for them in the FS section

Was offered, a 5spd 4x4 at a price I couldnt refuse. Cant have two cars at the moment plus this lil'4x4 will save me gas, get through heavy snow and good tool/parts hauler.
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