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Forum nameHandling/Suspension
Topic subjectFront end problems
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=33825
33825, Front end problems
Posted by Iratelowery, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I just replaced my tierod ends they were completely worn out it did fix some
Issues like excessive wheel hop and extreme pulsation in the brake pedal... How ever the steering wheel has a bad pitch towards the passenger side can take pics of front end if someone can steer me in the right direction tired of the pull..
Also I have manual door locks and my doors have issues and don't open
Very well from the outside thanks for any input..
33827, RE: Front end problems
Posted by Wes Tank, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
You need to take it to a shop and get an alignment.

As for the doors, you may have bent linkage inside the door.
33828, RE: Front end problems
Posted by CODE4, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Replacing the tie rods without an alignment is not going to solve much.

And you need to pull the door skins off to see what is happening with the linkage as mentioned.
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