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Forum nameHandling/Suspension
Topic subjectSnapped bearing/knuckle bolt
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=33783
33783, Snapped bearing/knuckle bolt
Posted by MCubed45, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Is the bolt that attaches the hub/bearing to the rear knuckle a dealer only part or can I use something from a hardware store? One of the bolts snapped when I was putting everything back together and torqueing them down. All the bolts were in pretty good condition (no rust etc) so I was kinda surprised
33785, RE: Snapped bearing/knuckle bolt
Posted by Corbin, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
You would have to get the correct strength and thread pitch. You would probably have to seek it out on the internet rather than a hardware store to really get it right. Hardware stores tend to have a very limited selection of higher strength metric bolts. If you choose incorrectly, you risk a pretty major failure. I would just buy one from the dealer.

'95 ESI-T

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33787, RE: Snapped bearing/knuckle bolt
Posted by MCubed45, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Corbin
You would have to get the correct strength and thread pitch. You would probably have to seek it out on the internet rather than a hardware store to really get it right. Hardware stores tend to have a very limited selection of higher strength metric bolts. If you choose incorrectly, you risk a pretty major failure. I would just buy one from the dealer.


My local hardware store actually has a decent selection of metric bolts. It's a M10 1.25 pitch bolt. I went slightly longer (50mm) since there's a lot of space past the threads. This is just temporary until my replacement comes in from the dealer. It's a class 10.9 bolt also. :)
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