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Forum nameHandling/Suspension
Topic subjectPark, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=33761
33761, Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by valdeelrico, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Pulled in tonight to get a few things from my ex-gf place while she is out of town and BOOM!





What parts do I need to replace? i was thinking only the CV Axle but it looks as if the control arm is disconnected too. Tell me what you think? I'm going to have to get this done before she returns tomorrow from her trip.

Thanx guys!
33762, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by Islandertalon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Control arm was the cause (search for a recall to read more). Axle should be fine, but will need a new boot as well as a cleaning an new grease.

I would also check the tire/fender to make sure no damage was caused. Also check the brake line to make sure it didn't get pulled on and start leaking/rip. Judging by the thread title I'm guessing you were very lucky and just stopped before it happened. Might as well check the other ball joints while your down there to be safe.

When I replaced my axle boot most parts stores had the wrong part number listed. I believe it needs to have three semi circles to seal on the axle cup, parts store ones did have any semi circles. You will understand what I'm talking about when you remove the old one.
33763, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by valdeelrico, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Okay great, I'm just getting up now to call for parts. I was just going to buy a new CV axle but ill skip that a put back together my current one. Ill keep my eyes open to better understand the semicircles and thanks you for the quick response.
33764, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by SilvrEclips, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Rockauto was the only place I was able to find the right axle boot. They also have the best prices on control arms. I would recommend shopping there if you have a few days to wait for parts.
33765, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by Babbz413, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Been there. done that. Thank you chrysler.
33766, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by valdeelrico, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by SilvrEclips
Rockauto was the only place I was able to find the right axle boot. They also have the best prices on control arms. I would recommend shopping there if you have a few days to wait for parts.

Oh no I need this done in the next 5 hrs. but I'll give them buzz next time.Thanks!
33767, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by megaskillz, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
The same thing happened to me on the same side so I know what you are going through. Judging by your pics, it looks like your fender is bent as well. Good luck with getting it fixed in time.
33768, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by valdeelrico, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Islandertalon
Control arm was the cause (search for a recall to read more).... When I replaced my axle boot most parts stores had the wrong part number listed. I believe it needs to have three semi circles to seal on the axle cup, parts store ones did have any semi circles. You will understand what I'm talking about when you remove the old one.

Oh those 3 semi-circles... Argh!!!!
33769, RE: Park, Bang, Crash! Was that my axle?
Posted by ez, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Damn, that looks dangerous. Thank goodness it happened after you parked, and not on the freeway.
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