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Forum nameEngine Management Systems & Controllers
Topic subjectRE: MS2 - Stalling After Start (No Idle)
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=54&topic_id=5700&mesg_id=5831
5831, RE: MS2 - Stalling After Start (No Idle)
Posted by RfOeCnKdOeNr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Gruff511
That's normal because after driving and everything heats up the idle will need to reduce the amount of hot air entering the motor to get the idle down so it rudeces the steps closing off some air. Its richer because your idle falls into a different map%. You can fine tune it in the 'idle ve' feature

That's kind of what I figured... It makes sense... And the fact that the valve closes more restricts the amount of air making it Rich...

Is the idle VE feature in MS2? I am having trouble finding information on it...
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