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Forum nameEngine Management Systems & Controllers
Topic subjectRE: MS2 - Stalling After Start (No Idle)
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=54&topic_id=5700&mesg_id=5802
5802, RE: MS2 - Stalling After Start (No Idle)
Posted by Tired2, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Gruff511
Sorry when I said 'Always On" I meant 'closed loop always on' since you were already running closed loop..You will get better results with closed loop. But the reason your idle is so high is because when you start it up your IAC is opening up to 150 steps and increases with Coolant temps. This is because since you switched to regular always on you made it switch over to read from the 'idle steps' graph. If you go to the 'iac steps' menu under your idle settings you will see you have the # of steps increasing greater as CLT temps increase, which is all wrong; the # of steps should be decreasing as CLT temps increase.(as stated in the manual for stepper control, 0-steps=closed; 255-steps=fully open. So when you start it up your giving it tons of air so its high revving. And turn your warmup temp cutoff temp down to around your thermostat temp rating. 180 will work. You have it set at 208 to cutoff so it may take a while to get to 208 and while driving at high speeds if/when CLT temps drop below say 200 then your WUE will be cutting on and off while driving.


If you watch this, starting at about 2 min, you can see mine closes as steps increases. I'm not sure if wiring can cause it to 'run backwards', but mine definitely is about closed at ~250.

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