5763, RE: MS2 - Stalling After Start (No Idle) Posted by Tired2, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by RfOeCnKdOeNr I just talked to Symtech and apparently my EXU only has the FIdle drive installed!!! So I guess I need to re-hookup the IAC to the stock ecu and splice the FIdle wire into one of the signals?? Any idea which pin to splice into for our cars??
So, if you have FIDLE only, you have a few options...
Your stock ECU has no use for the IAC, and probably will cause you more trouble than it is worth even if it did want to control it still. It would probably be hard to tune MS when MS was not controlling it.
So, you can remove the IAC if you'd like and install and FIDLE Valve. There are a few types, but probably you'll want a 2 or 3 wire PWM (I think both work fine). I know bosche makes one, there is info on the megamanual about them. You can probably find one at a junk yard or order one online pretty cheap. See if you can find some info about how to convert over the IAC to PWM FIDLE on our cars, I never really looked into it. Maybe Symtech can help. It should be as easy as finding one that fits and mounting it up.
The wires are in the harness because the IO can be used as spares for other stuff.
I'm not really sure why symtech did not fit the IAC stuff since the 420A is factory IAC, and I have no problems controlling it with the stock MS2 hardware. If they give you the answer to that, please post it back here... I'm not a symtech customer, so I could never really ask.
One other option is a FIDLE non-pwm valve. A lot of racing guys use this because it is simple... It is just on/off. If it will be a daily driver, PWM would be nicer, but you could get away with an on/off style as well. Like other IAC valves, it makes a vacuum leak, but instead of the amount of 'leak' being controlled as with a PWM or Stepper based IAC, it is just 'leak or no leak'.
One final option would be to find out what it takes to enable the onboard stepper control for your ECU. It should be as easy as jumpering in the 12v power up to the stepper chip on the MS2 (S12 comes to mind but you'd need to check the manual)... Then you just have to jumper in the pins near the DB37 on the board to use IAC. Then, the FIDLE wire could run cooling a fan relay or AC, etc.