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Forum nameEngine Management Systems & Controllers
Topic subjectSoo.....who wants to help?
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=54&topic_id=3086
3086, Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by MR BLUNT 2gnt, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'm getting a little irritated that my efforts don't seem to be paying off. I've been reading my @ss off trying to get a grip on all of this madness and i'm growing a little frustrated that I can't get it dialed in enough to enjoy driving. Can someone take a quick glance at my msq and a datalog or two and possibly tell me whats wrong w/ my setup? I was trying to use autotune and even after adjusting the parameters in the custom.ini file I'm still getting an error about being outside the tuning window. I can view my logs in MegaLogViewer but trying to bring them up in MSTweak3000 doesn't do a damn thing.
3088, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by XtremeRS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
hey chad i did get your PM, just been way too busy lately to dig mine up..Go ahead and send me your msq file, and let me know exactly what code(firmware) you are using, and what your setup is- injectors:low/high impeadance/using resistors or flyback board; ignition setup-ignition box, mitsu transistor, or however you are firing your coils; and anything else you can think of pertaining to your engine/turbo/MS setup.
Also, what exactly are you havin troubles with? Too rich, lean, studders/misses, acceleration, ect..?? In order to help out, i'll need as much info as possible on the setup and the issues your having.

Send it here:

3089, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by MR BLUNT 2gnt, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I sent it over sir. I appreciate any help I can get at this point. I hate making a cry for help but I want to drive my car and break this motor in.
3090, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by Slushbox, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I am a BANME! to MS, but I'll throw out my 2c. I used MT Log Viewer to do all my rough in and fine tuning. I adjusted the target A/F map (with wideband selected) to match the target map in VEXME. After 2 good logs, things were running at decent drivability level. I then tweeked the map to my specs.
3094, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by MR BLUNT 2gnt, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Thanks man, that software looks pretty useful. I have a few logs that I can toss in there for it to check. That is what I was hoping MSTweak was gonna do for me but evidently the software needs further configuration.
3095, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by XtremeRS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
hehe man your msq is all jacked..either it didnt load perfectly right into my megatune, or you have quite a few settings not correct at all. First off, you are using the V3.0 board, and you have the low-z injectors, which means you have the "flyback board" components already on your board. Your settings for PWM on the constants were at 100% PWM current limit. Basically your are not limiting any current to the injectors..you are basically driving them full force like a high impeadance injector. I think the injectors are getting so much current, they are not even closing fully, or just behaving very erratic. Also you have Mapdot set as your accel enrichment choice, not tps, but you dont have any sane values in the mapdot slots. I use tps for accel, and it works just fine..Your EGO settings were off, and everthing else being off, you ran A/F targets. You cant run those until you have dialed in your fueling within 5% of your VE table. A/F targeting cant correct fast enough for more than 5%.. I've found other settings as well, but i think i will just try and do a "guesstimate" msq for you to try out, and see what happens. If i dont get to email you, a few more questions for you:

Is your board modded for the 420a crank sensor input? Or are you using the tach wire from the ECU? You are not using any injector resistors, correct? Also, when you try this new msq, try and set your idle fuel pressure to around 40-42 psi(under full idle vac). I should have a msq for you to try tomorrow..check your email. Its difficult at best to help tune over the internet, but it should get you on your way close enough to at least drive it. YOu WILL have to tune the warmup, afterstart, VE, acell, exhaust gas, and tps settings. I will try and guess as close as i can though.

Oh and as for the autotune feature, i'm going to bet you adjusted those values in the wrong section of the ini file. I know because i had the SAME problem. I adjusted it, and it acted the same with no change.. Im going to guess you are changing the numbers under this heading: custom.ini in your CAR specific directory:

;#if GPIO
;#elif MS_I
#if MS_I
table = veTableMap ; Should be the map3d_id of a TableEditor entry.
allowAutoTune = on ; Displays the check box on the specified tuning dialog.
corrector = egoCorrection ; Variable used for correction algorithm.

; Tuning block parameters
; Global limits on tuning, outside the box and nothing happens.
xLimits = 1500, 4000 ; RPM
yLimits = 60, 90 ; MAP
zLimits = 10, 200 ; VE

Now, if you look real close at the top, at "#elif MS_1"
THIS is where the problem is. You dont change the numbers under that heading. Scroll down the ini file until you see this heading:

#else ; Actually only good for DualTable and MSnS-Extra.
table = veTable1Map
allowAutoTune = on
corrector = egoCorrection
xLimits = 1500, 4000
yLimits = 60, 90
zLimits = 10, 200
xRadius = 200
yRadius = 7
initialStartupInterval = 1.0
updateInterval = 1.0
proportionalGain = 0.5
lumpiness = 5

You need to change the numbers under the heading:
"#else ; Actually only good for DualTable and MSns-Extra"

The code is sensitive the the "exra" version of code that we use, NOT the base MS_1 code. Hope this makes sense. When you are using the autotune feature, try and keep a steady, constant kpa until its tuned in, then do the same at a different kpa(NO BOOST), even when changing gears. Try to keep the kpa at a certain point in the VE table, to let the code do its job. Do light, steady acceleration, and keep the kpa say at 60, while letting the rpm increase as you go through the gears. NOTE: autotune uses your o2 sensor voltage switch point as input. So to know for sure if your o2 voltage setting is correct, run closed loop idle control off of the o2 sensor. When you get your A/F close to 14.7:1, you found the correct o2 voltage, THEN you can start using autotune. Technically 2.5 volts is 14.7:1, but my AEM gauge didnt output that voltage for the displayed 14.7:1, which is why i had to adjust my o2 voltage settings.. To run open or closed loop idle, go to exhaust settings, and adjust the rpm. Set it to 700 rpm for closed loop idle, or 1200 for open loop idle control.

Try these autotune settings(after you get it running with the msq i send you)

x limits- 1500 , 5000
y limits- 25 , 98
z limits- 10 , 200

Autotune will work between 1500 and 5000 rpm
Autotune will work between 25 kpa, and 98 kpa(no boost)
Autotune will have VE table adjustment number range from 10-200
Only use autotune to get your non booted drivability dialed in. You still need to tune in accel enrichments. This is why you dont do any agressive throttle when using autotune. Slow enough to not trigger accel enrichment.
3096, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by MR BLUNT 2gnt, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by XtremeRS
Your settings for PWM on the constants were at 100% PWM current limit.

Son of a, I have no idea how that got back to 100%. I've been messing with this damn file so much and constantly checking it against other MSQ files that I must have not changed it back. I had the Time Threshold set right just didn't set this back. This sorta thing is exactly why I wanted someone with some knowledge to take a peak at my MSQ.

Also you have Mapdot set as your accel enrichment choice, not tps, but you dont have any sane values in the mapdot slots. I use tps for accel, and it works just fine..

I got these from Corbins MSQ file, and they match what I found by searching for MAPdot on here ( see Nates post here - http://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=54&topic_id=1462&mode=full )
I'll definately admit to not fully understanding the pro's and con's of one or the other. I was simply going by what I saw in both of the above. If tps works better I'm A-Ok with changing it.

Your EGO settings were off, and everthing else being off, you ran A/F targets. You cant run those until you have dialed in your fueling within 5% of your VE table. A/F targeting cant correct fast enough for more than 5%..

Using Corbins values here again. Looks like the difference between his and Terry's is the MS per Step is 24 vs Terry's 64, and the Step Counter i'm using is Ign Pulses vs Terry's mSec.

Or are you using the tach wire from the ECU? You are not using any injector resistors, correct?

Yes (a73 at the ecu). No, your correct.

Is your board modded for the 420a crank sensor input?

Yeah, Nate built it.

You need to change the numbers under the heading: "#else ; Actually only good for DualTable and MSns-Extra" The code is sensitive the the "exra" version of code that we use, NOT the base MS_1 code. Hope this makes sense.

Mother F#$@!$ I didn't notice that bottom field has MSns-Extra in it. I should have just changed every friggin one of them just to be sure. I was getting very frustrated why the thing wasn't working after I modded it according to what I found by searching on the ms forums. This was very frustrating, thanks for clearing that up.

Seriously thanks for taking a look at this. My VE table was stupid lean, I actually loaded another VE table from Terry's msq file and my car was actually drivable tonight. It was stupid fat rich anything above 3500 rpm but I was just happy to be out putting miles on the car.
3098, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by XtremeRS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Chad, I finished up a test msq for you to try out, and emailed it to you. Let me know if you got it...I loaded up my ve table into as well, so you may have to make some changes. Made changes to the accel enrich, overrun, codebase output-was set to MSns, should be 420a/neon, req fuel was too high, turned off baro correction, turned off A/F targets-dont use this until you manually tune in boost. You *may* have to adjust your exhaust gas settings slightly, esp the o2 voltage switch point, i told you how to do this in my email.. DO NOT adjust the req fuel value, or the PWM settings though. I could only find the code 029q2, not sure if you use the 029q or the 029q2 revised, so you *may* get a few audit log warnings when loading the msq up. *before you burn it to the MS, load my msq into megatune, DONT BURN, then go ahead and save it to the file name of your choice. Exit megatune, then reopen it, then open your new file and burn to the MS. YOu shouldnt get any audit log warnings.
3104, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by MR BLUNT 2gnt, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Matt that msq file works like an effin champ. The car maintains 14.7 at cruise at almost every rpm, its incredible. I've been logging since I burned it and thus far the car is loving that tune. I replied to your email btw, check it out. Once again 2gnt saves me. Thanks for all your help guys.

3105, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by XtremeRS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by MR BLUNT 2gnt
Matt that msq file works like an effin champ. The car maintains 14.7 at cruise at almost every rpm, its incredible. I've been logging since I burned it and thus far the car is loving that tune. I replied to your email btw, check it out. Once again 2gnt saves me. Thanks for all your help guys.

Awsome man! I figured it would :) I'll check me email...
3109, RE: Soo.....who wants to help?
Posted by XMasta19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I like reading this kinda shit... :thumbsup
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