976, RE: Megasquirt with 390cc DSM injectors Posted by BRU_ce, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I have been reading the MegaSquirt site for HOURS on end, believe me! It is so much knowledge to absorb. My main problem with the MS site is that the information is all so non-specific! It generalizes on many things because it's intended to cover EVERY car. I would like the 2GNTers who have experience dealing with our particular setups to offer some insight.
The guy I want to buy the 390s from needs an answer ASAP and I don't want to buy them and find out later they will not work.
Also, the MS site will not answer my other questions pertaining the injectors.
edit: Oh, and is it beneficial to use the spark control, or is it better to just turn that off and use only the fuel control at the boost levels I will be running?