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Topic subjectHelp with finding a part
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=1456
1456, Help with finding a part
Posted by Justencase99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Can anyone give me a part # or somewhere I can get a flywheel inspection plate for a 99 420a to NVT-350 I have looked everywhere and can't find nothen.I'm doing a complete rebuild on my 99 GS and don't want to leave my MT bell housing open to rocks and all the junk that can get up into there and mess with my new clutch and throw out bearing. Also I am looking for a 420a timming cover front and back,don't want to go to a junk yard to spend 5/6 hours pulling a motor to just get 2 pieces of plastic.
1457, RE: Help with finding a part
Posted by freelancefool, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM

Search timing cover. If you poke around you should be able to find the transmission dust cover there well.
1458, RE: Help with finding a part
Posted by Justencase99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
All they had was the inner triming cover,in more worried about finding the flywheel inspection plate or called the Bell housing dust guard for the nvt-350
1459, RE: Help with finding a part
Posted by freelancefool, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Pull one off a neon? I don't have any spares in the garage that I've been able to find. I'm also not seeing it listed anywhere. You can always use one off an automatic and just cut it down to fit.
1460, RE: Help with finding a part
Posted by Justencase99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Are you talking about the flywheel inspection plate is the same on the neon with a 420a motor and the nvt-350 trans, and the auto trans plate will work if i cut it down some?
1461, RE: Help with finding a part
Posted by freelancefool, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'm assuming that one off a neon will work since the bottom end and transmission are the same. I cut my automatic dust cover down when I did a manual swap back in 2007.
1462, RE: Help with finding a part
Posted by Justencase99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Can anyone find a link we're I can buy a dust cover for a neon then? I don't have one at all on eather of my eclipses, and I'm doing a complete rebuild on my 420a/nvt-350. At the moment
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