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Forum name2GNT Site/Forum Questions
Topic subjectRE: In which direction would you like to see 2GNT move?
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=766&mesg_id=821
821, RE: In which direction would you like to see 2GNT move?
Posted by xcasbonx, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I voted for a better balance between the both.

I think you hit the nail on the head Brian about new members needing to display an amount of effort, understanding, and follow-through with their questions/posts. I think the hardest part is for new members that have new ideas, how are they to know that some of their ideas have been thrown out there before by older members who have came and gone and never followed-through? I guess you would have to be able to carry yourself well enough to handle criticism from others...which goes back to what I said about needing members to display understanding and ability.

I think the hardest thing here would be trying to come up with some kind of notice or bulletin to new and existing members, that would let them know that posting "OMG HELP ME CAR WONT START" and then in the thread they have no reasoning or state whats happening when they turn the key etc. I think you've already done something similiar to this, Brian. Maybe on the main site we can add a RULES link or something like that...you get my point I think.

On the pages graphics/style...personally I've grown attached to the visuals of 2GNT. Sure the home page could use some sprucing up, but I think the actual forums are layed out very well for reading and making navigation simple. A lot of other forums (Not necesesarily car forums) I've noticed they seem like they are out of this world and are a pain to navigate. This is something I would not like to see happen to 2GNT...again thats just my opinion.

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