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Forum namePerformance/Engine
Topic subjectRE: Fun ECU facts and developments
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=138748&mesg_id=138749
138749, RE: Fun ECU facts and developments
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Added support for writing to the internal simulated EEPROM:

$ ./ecuwriter.py --debug True --write-vin True --read-vin True
Using device /dev/ttyUSB0 at 62500 baud, 8N1
Applying 20V+ to SCI RX. Ready? y/n: n
Provide a new 17 character VIN and press Enter:1B3EJ46X4WN322751
Command: 5500623142
Expected response: 56006231423142
Received response: 56006231423142
Command: 5500643345
Expected response: 56006433453345
Received response: 56006433453345
Command: 5500664a34
Expected response: 5600664a344a34
Received response: 5600664a344a34
Command: 5500683658
Expected response: 56006836583658
Received response: 56006836583658
Command: 55006a3457
Expected response: 56006a34573457
Received response: 56006a34573457
Command: 55006c4e33
Expected response: 56006c4e334e33
Received response: 56006c4e334e33
Command: 55006e3232
Expected response: 56006e32323232
Received response: 56006e32323232
Command: 5500703735
Expected response: 56007037353735
Received response: 56007037353735
Command: 55007231ff
Expected response: 56007231ff31ff
Received response: 56007231ff31ff
Wrote VIN 1B3EJ46X4WN322751 to EEPROM. Read VIN back to verify.
Sending command: 500062
Sending command: 500064
Sending command: 500066
Sending command: 500068
Sending command: 50006a
Sending command: 50006c
Sending command: 50006e
Sending command: 500070
Sending command: 500072
Vehicle Identification Number from EEPROM: 1B3EJ46X4WN322751
I generated this page in 0.0080480575561523 seconds, executing 6 queries.