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Forum nameManual Trans - NV-T350
Topic subjectLeaking driveshaft seal, I think
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=34&topic_id=3760
3760, Leaking driveshaft seal, I think
Posted by LeJeune123, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I just got my passenger drivshaft seal replaced because it had started to leak 2 days ago. I had not driven my car since I got home after it had been replaced but everything seemed fine, then I get in it and drive down the road and I see a little smoke from my hood, well I was only one turn from my house so I just went home. I left the car running and popped my hood and I saw some smoke coming from the back of the engine so I turned it off and noticed that it did not smell like motor oil so I looked down under my car and already had a puddle of tranny oil. I looked like it was coming from the seal that had just been replaced. Well called the shop and they said bring it in and he would replace it under warranty. So I jack up the side of my car and go to add fluid but when I pull out the filler plug, oil starts draining out so I just put it back in. Now I don't know how much tranny fluid I used when it started to smoke but with the car jacked up in a way to get the oil away from the filler plug and the tranny in gear why would it still leak. Also if there is still oil in the tranny do you think it would be safe to drive the car to the shop to fix the seal?

I just started it up and let it warm up. It did not leak at first but when the car started to get warm it started to leak slowly. I did not let it keep going because I did not want to mess anything up. What do you think this is or what should I take a look at?

I am sorry for the bedtime story but I don't get why the oil is coming out of the filler plug if I leaked oil on my driveway and it is jacked up.
3764, RE: Leaking driveshaft seal, I think
Posted by Star Turbo Talon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
to clearify: you can see tranny oil seeping from the seal sorrect, so you know that is the leak? If so then it needs to go back. Next, you said you jacked it up, where? on the side of the car in the front? either way you jacked it up and pulled the soft filler plug oit and fluid came out......way to much fluid in there get a pan and let it drain out of the filler plug till it stops, put the plug back in. Clean it all off and see if the seal still leaks.


96 Eagle Talon ESI....Daily driver

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