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Forum name2GNT Buy / Sell / Trade (BST)
Topic subjectFS Catback,Hahn FMIC
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=16&topic_id=122530
122530, FS Catback,Hahn FMIC
Posted by mreigle, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
My other thread was locked because I sold my 20G.

I still have a HRC front mount intercooler with Batman logo on front that was a throwing star that was JB welded on the front. Includes all Hahn Piping and Blitz BOV. $350 + Delivery When I originally purchased it the installer cut the top pipe from the throttle body down in two. Still holds 28psi no problem with connector.

I also have a HKS catback that I don't feel like dealing with and just want it out of my way. Local Orlando FL Pickup only, please do not ask to ship. $150. I paid $750 when it was new. I just have too many projects and want it out of the way.

email me at mreigle@bellsouth.net for information.

As always Mods, thanks for the space.
122532, RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC
Posted by electrohead, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Email sent. Let me know if went through. Thanks.
122537, RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC
Posted by mreigle, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Catback sold
122538, RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC
Posted by mreigle, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I also have a set of RC 450cc injectors. $100 shipped.
122541, RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC
Posted by mreigle, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
FMIC sold
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