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Forum name2GNT Buy / Sell / Trade (BST)
Topic subject(2) 1995 420A MTX ECU - Free
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=16&topic_id=122528
122528, (2) 1995 420A MTX ECU - Free
Posted by Corbin, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I am cleaning out some 420A stuff and found two 1995 manual transmission ECU's that I hate to throw away. They both have bad front O2 sensor inputs. They are free to a good home, as long as you pay shipping. You could use it as a core trade-in or as a stealth case for a MegaSquirt install. Part numbers are 05013115AA and M05269730.

'97 GSX dressed like a '95 ESi
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