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Topic subjectHow to Find Wholesaler Closeout Parts at RockAuto
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=12&topic_id=21911
21911, How to Find Wholesaler Closeout Parts at RockAuto
Posted by RockAuto, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Wholesaler Closeout parts are our "clearance rack." The parts were acquired at discounted prices from companies liquidating inventory (because they were overstocked, decided to carry a different brand, went out of business, etc.) and are new but may be older inventory ("last year's style").

To see a full list of all the Wholesaler Closeout parts available for your vehicle(s) that can probably all ship in the same box, click the RSS icon after selecting your vehicle’s engine size in the RockAuto.com catalog, and then click on the HTML icon next to "Love a Bargain?" As with all Wholesaler Closeouts, quantities are limited, so act fast!

Thank You!
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