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Top 2GNT Technical Performance/Engine topic #59394
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Subject: "RE: Let's talk pistons." Previous topic | Next topic
mototoolSep-20-03 09:24 PM
Member since Sep 16th 2003
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#59821, "RE: Let's talk pistons."
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> I can't say that I appreciate the parody of my company name.

If you don't want me to parody the name maybe you shouldn't make it so public. a Parody is an OBVIOUS form of sarcasm.

> gives you no right to parody the good name that I have worked (and helped) to create.

You can make a parody of ANYTHING.

Parody: "literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule"

You said yourself my imitation was a parody. Okay, you're right. It's for COMIC RELIEF. Don't get your panties all up in a bunch.

>I will actually ask how you know Marco.

I buy parts from Marco. I talk to him on the phone. I ask him how his day is. He calls me pookie.

> Would you, by chance, be a member of NABR (your devout attention to grammar and spelling indicate such)?

What's NABR? My "devout attention to grammar" comes from intelligence, and the fact that Internet slang makes people look ingorant at best, and straight up stupid any way you slice it. Proper communication is a sign of intelligence. Argue with me.

> And if so, were you at the shootout?

I was at the shootout. I am at the shootout every year. I was at the shootout years before you knew what the shootout was.

> All bantering aside, building a motor, as I am sure that you well realize, is a comedy of compromise.


> I would be interested in seeing a motor with Ti rods, superlight pistons, counterweights removed, underdriven pulleys all around, and paper-light flywheel be able to launch in any non traction-impaired scenario.

Okay, so this has nothing to do with anything we've been talking about. Pistons, and coatings. And, incidentally, this is also no excuse for using pistons that weigh 60 grams more than any other pistons out there. Good job.

> I have no experience with the shop who did the coatings on Bill's motor, but I have heard (secondhand knowledge here), that the shop is reputable.

I do believe you're the first person here to actually say they heard something secondhand from somebody else! Let's do a little jig and celebrate!

> I asked Bill about the bubbling on the pistons, and he wasn't thrilled to see it.

Okay. You know, a better way to handle the situation would be to say something like "oh, shit, the guy who coated my piston didn't do it right. That really pisses me off." Instead of posting them, and acting like his shit didn't stink. The pistons and the coatings on them both suck. You just said it yourself. You said Bill wasn't happy about it either. Okay, that's great. Too bad he couldn't just acknowledge that and move on.

> The biggest compromise that had to be made in putting his motor together was cost.

uh-huh. Why'd he even put an engine together, then? He keeps mentioning that the next one will be better. I bet Bill STILL doesn't know what "vaporware" is. Ironically, this is the perfect example. Anyway, if the next one is going to be so much better, than why in the world is he even going to bother putting this one together? With the crappy job market in his area, it'd save him some money if he did it right, and did it once.

> So, he started the business with no startup capitol, and has done his best to make it grow.

It's painfully apparent. He's so rude to Dino he doesn't even pay to advertise. Did he even ask the admins at 2GNT if he could? Just curious.

> If this is a problem to you, kindly keep your opinion to yourself.

Uhm, riight. "I'm going to tell you my life story and if you've got an opinion, I don't want to hear it!" Hey, if you don't want an opinion, don't tell me your life story. 2Gnt, where's the emoticon with the guy playing the violin?

> If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to post publicly, and we will do our best to address your concerns, and possibly explain where we are coming from.

I have a question - when is GotTude, GTD design engine motor 2.4 stroker hybrid 420a division going to come out with something innovative? When are you going to stop making excuses about "turbo kits" that weren't right? "1t wuz th3 f1rst 1 u c4nn0t 3xp3ct 1t 2 B p3rf3ct."

>I get the impression that you were not terribly impressed with the intake manifold that we are trying to develop.


>Please note that the pictures that you saw were only from the prototype stage, and far from a finished product.

This is what vaporware is, you should tell Bill that. I mean, you're posting pictures of a product that doesn't exist, isn't available, and won't be for an indefinate amount of time.

>The finished product will not have holes tapped directly into 1/8" Al. There will be a plate in place which will increase
>the thickness to 1/4" at the very least.

It WILL? When WILL it be available? When WILL you stop hyping something that doesn't exist? When WILL you put it back into revision because it doesn't work right again?

> This manifold is another work influenced by compromise. Will it outperform a perfectly engineered sheetmetal manifold?

Will it outperform the restrictive stock manifold? Probably not.

> Will it be considerably cheaper? You can bank on it. This is a stage one manifold, designed for people who want a large bang for their buck.

Uh-huh. The expected price of the thing was posted by Bill. Wasn't it supposed to be around $400? Oh, yeah. Xerox Marco's plenum, and bolt it to a set of stock runners. High Flow. Great price, too.

> I hope that I was able to show you that this business is innovative, creating new products and using new designs.

I'm not convinced. You want to convince me, post some real numbers.

>However, we must be able to appreciate the tight fisted people who are not willing (or able!) to drop $600-$700 for a properly made manifold, or $2000+ for the best internals out there.

Maybe if I put it in my sig right next to my company name you'll remember it. You have to pay to play. Unless you do that, you only end up fooling yourself.


>There is friction with the contact between rod and wrist pin and wrist pin and piston..

So much that it merits coating the wrist pin. How thick is the coating on the wrist pin? did you hone the piston itself? Are you worried about oiling clearances now that you've filled space that should have oil in it with superhyperpolymolychromoly? Just wondering.

> The less friction the better to an extent

What do you think causes less friction, a liquid that's designed to lubricate, or a solid that happens to be slippery? I'd put my money on the liquid... it's called "motor oil". You should try it in an engine someday, it works wonders!

>I DO agree with everything said on the motor that you would build mototool my question for you, where is it?

It's in my lawnmower. Haven't you ever seen lawnmower racing? My mom lets me race sometimes. It's fun. Funny, you don't have one yourself?

>Its is amazing the coater hater himself posts long and hard about coatings..(ina good way im astonished)

Me too. I'm astonished that you can't understand what I'm saying. m4yb3 1f 3y3 typ3 1t 4ll 0ut l13k th1s U w1ll und3rst4nd that I'm not against COATINGS, but I AM against POOR COATINGS. Figure it out.

>and its even a company that uses the same brand of coatings as ive got...(uho)

Yeah. PPG makes Chameleon paint, and they make crappy green econo paint, too. Tell me they're both the same quality. They certainly don't cost the same amount of money.

>Mototool I respect that you have a vast knowledge, if only you could present it in a better manner..

I can present it in any way I want. Who are you to tell me otherwise? Only my mom and dad are allowed to scold me, and you ain't my daddy.

> since the discussion is going about valve seats, by larger valve seats do you mean larger by less cuts 3 versus 5 or a full radius valve cut?

I thought I said the more surface area the valve has in contact with the seat? Guess that could be taken a few different ways. If you have more faces contacting each other, than there would be more surface area, wouldn't there?


>I love how we have someone pop up with a few answers and astute observations, and all of the sudden, he is the "hero du jour."

I am? Did I save the day or something? I am Batman, but I don't remember doing anything super hero in nature today. I hate this superhuman curse!

>Just because you came over from NABR (you did, didn't you?)

What's NABR?

>does not mean that your knowledge outshines the local gurus.

Uh, Your knowledge does? I mean, you'd even associate yourself with someone who boasts about his poor quality pistons and coatings. That's not a very smart business decision.

> I guess you did not see my post above regarding your signature. Please change it to a name that does not make any insinuations on the quality of the product or the intelligence of the people involved in the company.

What company?

> I also ward you about laws regarding libel. You are frightfully close to crossing the line, sir.

I am? In what way? I'm curious as to what you've got to say about this.

Also, "as a gentleman" I'd like to ward you about laws regarding false legal threats. Figure it out.

> As for the valve staying cooler, I don't personally feel that it will be an issue.

Okay, so EVERYTHING you just said in this entire paragraph reiterates EVERYTHING that I said. Why did you even waste keystrokes retyping it all out? That's funny. Oh, wait, I bet you just did it so that your chronies would read your post, not realize that it was originally posted in this thread like me, and then say something stupid like "who was just own3d?"

> To really convey what is going on, you need something with a higher surface area.

Uh, actually, you don't. You push the SIDE of the needle against your friend's head, not the POINT. Ouch, are you a sadist, or what?

> The key to keeping a valve cool is, however, in the valve seat.

Is it? Really? Oh, I think I know that because I also posted this in this thread the other day, too. Thanks for backing up my typing. Dork.

> A single angle valve job would do the worst job of dissipating heat to the head

You know, all you needed to do was tell Bill this, as neither of you must have read my post earlier regarding this. Thanks for retyping all this out, too. Did you do it to back up my words, or to make it sound like this all originally came out of your mouth?

>Coating any part of the valve other then the face, however, would be counterproductive because there is no spoon. Damnit!

No spoon, it's true. So, in this paragraph, you're also spitting out everything that I said about spoons, and only coating the valve face, right? Or is it to pass this as your original post as well? I'm curious about this, too, because you keep saying the EXACT SAME THINGS that I've already included in my own post. This is like Dejavu!

> Well, more specifically, if you melt a SS valve, then you have so many other issues with tuning, that other sports/hobbies beckon strongly.

So, you're in agreement with me on THIS, too? I mean, geez bill, did you just go line by line and rewrite all my words, or did you INNOVATE and bring new things into this discussion? I don't see any new innovative thoughts yet, just all this stuff where you're retyping all the things I've already said. You must like to type.

> Bench racing is as enjoyable for me as it is for other people, so I will start out by describing my ideal motor.

Yeah, you do it so well, like you've done it for years.

> It would, of course, be a 2.4L. Displacement is good, as it allows for quicker spool of a turbo

But it has such an awful rod to stroke ratio. And I mean you'd have to do the math on the bore to stroke ratio, too! Oh, wait, that's a useless figure in trying to figure how much stress will be on the engine. nevermind. Anyone who's ever calculated their bore to stroke ratio needs to go sit in the corner for an hour, and think about what they've done.

> I would use Ross pistons, myself, just because I like them better.

Just because? You must have a REASON you like them better? I mean, didn't Bill say that Ross had 0ld sk00l technology out in their shop?

> I would go with a rod that is slightly SHORTER then stock.

Ouch, what would that make your rod:stroke ratio? You'd end up with like 90 degree maximum rod angle on that thing. Oh, wait, that's not possible. If you thought you could actually have a 90 degree maximum rod angle, then you need to hit yourself in the head once.

> so all we can do is try to squeak out of it what we can, and that will be low RPM torque. Just bear with me, as this topic has been discussed ad nauseam in the advanced tuning section.

"torque" and "4 cylinder" aren't synonyms.

> I would run a very tight ring gap,
> The Exhaust manifold would also be ceramic coated on the inside to keep the gasses hot on their way to the turbine.

Uh? Tight ring gaps and turbos don't allow for much boost.

> Now, before you all move on with your lives, I suppose that it would be best to describe my choices. I know that this motor will never see much more then 7K RPM.

It won't see anything, really, because engines don't have eyeballs. Not only that, but you must have forgotten that you're bench racing.

I hope you're writing all this out for someone else, because this is making me tired. Sesame street is almost on, and then it's time for my afternoon nap.

> Forgive the long excursion into math, but I wouldn't want to be accused of not backing up my opinions with facts, and exhaust ceramic coating was not covered much in the rest of the discussion, so I figured I would make my meaningful contribution.

Thanks for appologizing. I'm not able to do math yet. I can add up to the tens, but we haven't gone into any other kinds of math in school. I know how to read, though!

I hope you got pleasure and satisfaction knowing that all that stuff was extremely boring, bland, and had nothing to do with anything except coatings. Okay, Pauter rods, Ross pistons (sounds like a familiar combination...) with "small" valves made on inconel, and you'd have EVERYTHING coated. You Bills are all about coatings in a turbocharged application.

How many FAST guys do you know that coat everything? Just curious. With a turbocharger? I don't know anyone who's actually fast and has much coated. Nothing worth mentioning, anyway. I have a friend who has his combustion chambers coated, and his exhaust ports coated like a good little boy. His car is fast, but not as fast as my lawnmower. That's sad. Anyway, other than him, I don't know anyone who makes wicked power, and has everything coated. That's just me, I must not know what I'm talking about, though.


> btw....was someone just own3d?

You? You were onw3d before you stepped into this conversation. Go stand in the corner.

Mototool - The other white meat!

"He might just be more badass than Dino." -DR1665


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Let's talk pistons. [View all] , mototool, Sep-17-03 04:40 AM
  RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-17-03 05:00 AM, #1
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 05:09 AM, #2
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 05:18 AM, #3
RE: Let's talk pistons., jamesman, Sep-17-03 05:19 AM, #4
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-17-03 06:26 AM, #5
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 06:41 AM, #6
RE: Let's talk pistons., MmmDeion, Sep-17-03 06:46 AM, #7
RE: Let's talk pistons., safedawg, Sep-17-03 06:47 AM, #8
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-17-03 06:54 AM, #9
RE: Let's talk pistons., 420AYE, Sep-17-03 06:58 AM, #10
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 07:41 AM, #11
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-17-03 07:56 AM, #12
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 08:11 AM, #13
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-17-03 08:26 AM, #14
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamJeff_99gs, Sep-17-03 08:29 AM, #15
RE: Let's talk pistons., Uberingram, Sep-17-03 08:31 AM, #16
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 08:36 AM, #17
RE: Let's talk pistons., turbo8u, Sep-17-03 08:39 AM, #18
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 08:46 AM, #19
RE: Let's talk pistons., turbo8u, Sep-17-03 08:49 AM, #20
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 08:54 AM, #21
RE: Let's talk pistons., safedawg, Sep-17-03 09:08 AM, #22
RE: Let's talk pistons., Uberingram, Sep-17-03 09:08 AM, #23
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamJeff_99gs, Sep-17-03 09:46 AM, #24
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-17-03 09:54 AM, #25
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 10:06 AM, #26
RE: Let's talk pistons., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-17-03 10:13 AM, #27
RE: Let's talk pistons., xEclipsE RaceRx, Sep-17-03 10:55 AM, #28
RE: Let's talk pistons., 420AYE, Sep-17-03 11:09 AM, #29
RE: Let's talk pistons., Uberingram, Sep-17-03 11:32 AM, #30
RE: Let's talk pistons., 420AYE, Sep-17-03 11:43 AM, #31
RE: Let's talk pistons., Uberingram, Sep-17-03 12:37 PM, #32
RE: Let's talk pistons., turbo8u, Sep-17-03 12:44 PM, #33
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamXtremeRS, Sep-17-03 01:00 PM, #34
RE: Let's talk pistons., ez, Sep-17-03 01:19 PM, #35
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-17-03 03:11 PM, #36
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-17-03 03:16 PM, #37
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-17-03 06:20 PM, #38
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teamdougie2, Sep-17-03 06:48 PM, #39
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teamdougie2, Sep-17-03 07:03 PM, #40
RE: Let's talk pistons., xEclipsE RaceRx, Sep-18-03 01:42 AM, #41
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 02:54 AM, #42
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-18-03 03:49 AM, #43
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-18-03 04:06 AM, #44
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 04:15 AM, #45
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-18-03 04:53 AM, #46
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teamdougie2, Sep-18-03 05:05 AM, #47
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 05:08 AM, #48
RE: Let's talk pistons., mike_d, Sep-18-03 07:46 AM, #49
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-18-03 08:14 AM, #50
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 08:17 AM, #51
RE: Let's talk pistons., 420AYE, Sep-18-03 08:23 AM, #52
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-18-03 08:52 AM, #53
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-18-03 10:08 AM, #54
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-18-03 10:38 AM, #55
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-18-03 10:59 AM, #56
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-18-03 10:59 AM, #57
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 11:18 AM, #58
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teametx, Sep-18-03 11:30 AM, #59
RE: Let's talk pistons., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-18-03 11:45 AM, #60
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 11:46 AM, #61
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-18-03 12:04 PM, #62
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 12:13 PM, #63
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-18-03 12:22 PM, #64
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 12:24 PM, #65
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-18-03 12:27 PM, #66
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 12:28 PM, #67
RE: Let's talk pistons., widebodied, Sep-18-03 02:53 PM, #68
RE: Let's talk pistons., jerseystyle1, Sep-18-03 03:08 PM, #69
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teametx, Sep-18-03 03:16 PM, #70
RE: Let's talk pistons., pfmicks, Sep-18-03 03:45 PM, #71
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamJasonESi_T, Sep-18-03 04:11 PM, #72
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-18-03 04:23 PM, #73
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teametx, Sep-18-03 05:52 PM, #74
RE: Let's talk pistons., The1Bill, Sep-18-03 06:11 PM, #75
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teamdougie2, Sep-18-03 06:49 PM, #76
RE: Let's talk pistons., Chamuko, Sep-18-03 08:08 PM, #77
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-18-03 08:18 PM, #78
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-18-03 08:29 PM, #79
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-18-03 08:58 PM, #80
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 02:54 AM, #81
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 02:56 AM, #82
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 03:06 AM, #83
RE: Let's talk pistons., ModeratorCorbin, Sep-19-03 03:16 AM, #84
RE: Let's talk pistons., jerseystyle1, Sep-19-03 03:27 AM, #85
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 03:32 AM, #86
RE: Let's talk pistons., extreme97nt, Sep-19-03 04:18 AM, #87
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-19-03 04:32 AM, #88
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-19-03 04:41 AM, #89
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 05:03 AM, #90
RE: Let's talk pistons., Teametx, Sep-19-03 05:15 AM, #91
RE: Let's talk pistons., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-19-03 05:30 AM, #92
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamXtremeRS, Sep-19-03 05:54 AM, #93
RE: Let's talk pistons., Eagle 5, Sep-19-03 05:59 AM, #94
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 06:23 AM, #95
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 06:41 AM, #96
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 07:20 AM, #97
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 07:37 AM, #98
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 07:45 AM, #99
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 07:53 AM, #100
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 07:55 AM, #101
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamDeanoD, Sep-19-03 07:57 AM, #102
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 08:06 AM, #103
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 08:12 AM, #104
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 09:36 AM, #105
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 09:53 AM, #106
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 10:04 AM, #107
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamMichael_97RS, Sep-19-03 10:10 AM, #108
RE: Let's talk pistons., whodatt1, Sep-19-03 10:27 AM, #109
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamJasonESi_T, Sep-19-03 10:29 AM, #110
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamDeanoD, Sep-19-03 10:44 AM, #111
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-19-03 10:50 AM, #112
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-19-03 11:15 AM, #113
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamMichael_97RS, Sep-19-03 11:33 AM, #114
RE: Let's talk pistons., TeamDeanoD, Sep-19-03 11:47 AM, #115
RE: Let's talk pistons., thedawg, Sep-19-03 01:23 PM, #116
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-19-03 05:40 PM, #117
RE: Let's talk pistons., Chamuko, Sep-19-03 08:52 PM, #118
RE: Let's talk pistons., Shockeclipse, Sep-19-03 10:04 PM, #119
RE: Let's talk pistons., The1Bill, Sep-20-03 12:00 AM, #120
RE: Let's talk pistons., Remy, Sep-20-03 02:35 PM, #121
RE: Let's talk pistons., Chamuko, Sep-20-03 05:05 PM, #122
RE: Let's talk pistons., KidEvo, Sep-20-03 05:16 PM, #123
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-20-03 09:24 PM #124
RE: Let's talk pistons., KidEvo, Sep-21-03 06:54 AM, #125
RE: Let's talk pistons., MotoFool, Sep-21-03 08:58 AM, #126
RE: Let's talk pistons., The1Bill, Sep-21-03 10:26 AM, #127
RE: Let's talk pistons., WIKKI, Sep-21-03 10:50 AM, #128
RE: Let's talk pistons., mototool, Sep-21-03 03:06 PM, #129
RE: Let's talk pistons., calcio20, Sep-21-03 05:54 PM, #130
RE: Let's talk pistons., The1Bill, Sep-21-03 06:24 PM, #131
RE: Let's talk pistons., The1Bill, Sep-21-03 06:28 PM, #132
RE: Let's talk pistons., Mannyyy, Sep-21-03 06:51 PM, #133
Off topic, but my thoughts, TeamMuRiX, Sep-22-03 12:55 AM, #134
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, mototool, Sep-22-03 05:30 AM, #135
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, jerseystyle1, Sep-22-03 06:58 AM, #136
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Teametx, Sep-22-03 08:28 AM, #137
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, The1Bill, Sep-22-03 01:59 PM, #138
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, The1Bill, Sep-22-03 07:34 PM, #139
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, vtcomp, Sep-23-03 01:51 AM, #140
RE: Let's talk pistons., vtcomp, Sep-23-03 02:06 AM, #141
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, mototool, Sep-23-03 05:04 AM, #142
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Chamuko, Sep-23-03 07:33 AM, #143
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, soulcontroller, Sep-23-03 08:10 AM, #144
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, MotoFool, Sep-23-03 08:54 AM, #145
RE: Let's talk pistons., Raven457, Sep-23-03 08:59 AM, #146
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, vtcomp, Sep-23-03 10:02 AM, #147
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Teametx, Sep-23-03 10:25 AM, #148
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, vtcomp, Sep-23-03 11:49 AM, #149
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, mototool, Sep-23-03 11:58 AM, #150
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, vtcomp, Sep-23-03 03:19 PM, #151
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, mototool, Sep-24-03 04:02 AM, #152
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Teametx, Sep-24-03 07:58 AM, #153
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, mototool, Sep-24-03 08:25 AM, #154
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Teametx, Sep-24-03 08:36 AM, #155
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, mototool, Sep-24-03 08:53 AM, #156
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, TeamDeanoD, Sep-24-03 11:16 AM, #157
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, vtcomp, Sep-24-03 11:28 AM, #158
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, MajinVejitaXV, Sep-24-03 04:11 PM, #159
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, SoCal99GS, Oct-21-03 10:07 AM, #160
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-21-03 01:15 PM, #161
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, SoCal99GS, Oct-22-03 04:03 AM, #162
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Teametx, Oct-22-03 05:51 AM, #163
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Matt_95tgs, Oct-22-03 11:06 AM, #164
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, KidEvo, Oct-23-03 07:55 PM, #165
RE: Off topic, but my thoughts, Teametx, Oct-24-03 04:27 PM, #166

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