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Top 2GNT Technical Performance/Engine Auto Trans- A604 topic #4140
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Subject: "RE: Overdrive button on A/T" Previous topic | Next topic
Keith2172Aug-03-06 05:50 AM
Member since Jan 16th 2004
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#4141, "RE: Overdrive button on A/T"
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Aug-03-06 05:53 AM by Keith2172


You should really take the time to proof read you posts, I had to drop a few IQ points just to make sense of what you're saying. You want to know if it's ok to leave the OD button off while getting onto the on-ramp, right? Well, I'll be nice and help you out a little rather then just saying go search (which is what I ought to do BTW)

The OD button is there as an attempt to help you have a little control over your transmission, a time when this would be helpful is when you are climbing/descending slopes such as the infamous Grapevine here in CA.

As you ascend the slope you will notice that, with the OD on, your car reachs a point where it can no longer accelerate inspite of having the gas pedal fully depressed. You may even actually lose speed. If one were to turn off OD, or essentially downshift into 3rd, this would bump the engine back up into it's powerband and return the ability to accelerate uphill.

Contrary to the uphill scenario, if you were traveling down the same hill with OD on, you would notice that, even without applying the throttle, the car would continue to accelerate due to the force of gravity. If you were to then turn off OD, this would up the RPM once again, but without applying throttle the engine, would then slow the car down as you are not supplying enough air and fuel to run the engine at that higher RPM range. This is called compression braking.

Having said all of that, I still don't think I've actually addressed your question, you are essentially wanting to know what will make you faster on the on-ramp. The short answer to your question is yes, leaving OD off while transitioning onto the on-ramp will result in a higher speed at the end of the on-ramp. This is not however due to any 'boost' in power, more due to the fact that you are holding the transmission in 3rd gear longer, and thus staying in the engines powerband longer. There is a limit to how far this will take you, and that limit is conveniently marked on the Tachometer by the little red numbers (this means SHIFT). This is what racers do when drag racing.

An even deeper look into this reveals that manually shifting into each gear can result in a lower elapsed time in a given distance. A very common method of 1/4 mile racing is to put the transmission into 1st gear and hold that gear until the engine hits it's maximum RPM range (about 6400rpm) and then shift into 2nd, then repeat this method for the following gears. You will find that you will not reach OD in this method at a stock performance level.

Now finally, is this safe? That has been a constant point of contention. The most obvious point is that shifting in this manner put's a higher level of stress on the transmission and thus lessens it's ultimate expected operating life. This method most likely will lead to an accelerated wearing of internal components such as the clutches, pump, etc. Even supporters of this method of shifting will highly recommend that you do not do this under normal conditions and leave the transmission in D with the OD on unless you are actually racing. And most if not all of the RESPONSIBLE members of this board will tell you NEVER to race on the street, it is dangerous to yourself and those around you and degrading for our community as a whole.

So in summarization, just leave your car in D with the OD on, for the on-ramps it won't do enough to warrant the effort, and also, if you mash the pedal, the TCU drops down into 3rd anyways

Representing the Central Cali chapter of 2GNT!
(I think I'm the only member )


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Overdrive button on A/T [View all] , dalesmitsu, Aug-02-06 03:08 PM
  RE: Overdrive button on A/T, Keith2172, Aug-03-06 05:50 AM #1

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