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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectI feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=2722
2722, I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Blizare, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
O simply connot believe the proposed Budget President Bush has released and I think it's pretty saddening how many senators are knocking it.

Billions of dollars spent on war and billions of dollars cut from so many areas in need of the money.

President Bush is the Biggest Choadfucker in the whole Nation and I can't belive he's still in Office.

Arn't you all so excited tohave your phones tapped and emails looked at by the government?? I sure am Glad I live in Canada.

The attorney general Mr. Gonzales was pretty much fucking owned the other day as Rep after Rep made him look like a fucking retard and all he would say is that "I cannot comment on that subject"

Wow is all I can say. I've been watching this channel the whole time I've been in Hawai'i and It really makes me sad for every american who is being lied t and cheated my the most powerful man in the world.

Please comment if you have anything to say and just for the record....This is my opinion.

2728, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by 98VengeI4, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I agree with every single thing you said... I can't stand Bush. :nono Bush is the devil. }( I certainly did not vote for him a second time. The problem is there are too many people in the US who think that anything that they hear is right. They don't even bother to second guess it. :rolleyes

-97 Avenger I4 5spd (R.I.P.)
-95 Eclipse GS 5spd
-Mods: Megan Header ,Megan Racing Cat-Back
All-Motor Buildup on the way
2731, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by injendsm, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
this is exactly why i dont vote.
2733, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Oh jeez. Are we going back into this? :rolleyes

Bush is not the devil. Bush is not evil. Bush is just another man who was rightfully elected to run our country by our citizens. Kerry could do no better. Nor could any other man or woman, dead or alive, for that matter. Our government is of the people by the people and for the people. Guess what. That means it's accurately representative of our society - fat, bloated, corrupt, greedy, and self-centered.

Everyone in this country is busy demanding change right up until they learn that the best way to affect change is to do something about it, but that part of change is always someone else's responsibility. We've fucked ourselves into cock's hat.

If you think about it, we are the only country in the world made up of people who get their way every time. Just about everywhere else you go in the world, people have spent thousands of years under the boots of monarchs and despots so they might have an ingrained psychological tendency towards more give and take in their governments. Not so in the US. We fought for freedom and we got it. We wanted this and we got it. We wanted that and we got it. We took from the native people and we gave nothing back. We want the biggest, the fastest and the best and we don't want to get our hands dirty.

People here need a dose of STFU if you ask me. Too much asking what the country can do for you and not enough asking what you can do for the country. Scratch that. We don't ask the country to do things for us, we expect it.

The government is not the problem. The PEOPLE are the problem. We are the whiny child in the store that gets whatever it wants to shut it up. When we are bored with that, we whine for something else. Gimme gimme gimme.

Fuck politics.
2736, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by tim97rs, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
Our government is of the people by the people and for the people. Guess what.

Wrong... it's of the rich, by the electoral college, for the big Corporations!

Originally posted by DR1665
That means it's accurately representative of our society - fat, bloated, corrupt, greedy, and self-centered

Yesseree, bub!

Originally posted by DR1665
The PEOPLE are the problem.

I love you!

Originally posted by DR1665
Fuck politics.

Marry me? (no buttsecks, sorry....)
2738, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by totaleklipse97, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Bush is just a stupid fucking pawn for the GOP.. end of story.
2739, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Hult250R, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
Everything Brian said. Fuck politics.

I agree with everything you said B.
especially the last 2 words :P

2742, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by cs82685, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Blizare
President Bush is the Biggest Choadfucker in the whole Nation and I can't belive he's still in Office.

boy you don't have to get all pissy b/c you live in canada, hehe do you guys even have armed forces? j/k
and what the hell are you doing wasting a trip in hawaii by watchin CNN

Originally posted by DR1665
Oh jeez. Are we going back into this? :rolleyes Bush is not the devil. Bush is not evil. Bush is just another man who was rightfully elected to run our country by our citizens. Kerry could do no better. Nor could any other man or woman, dead or alive, for that matter. Everyone in this country is busy demanding change right up until they learn that the best way to affect change is to do something about it, but that part of change is always someone else's responsibility. We've fucked ourselves into cock's hat. If you think about it, we are the only country in the world made up of people who get their way every time.

Now why do people think he's such a bad president, is it b/c he has the balls to actually stand up for something he believes in and is not afraid to fight back and follow through with things he says instead of just making promises to do something and then ignore them while getting blown in the oval office. Or is it because he's trying to rid the world of bad people and give others the opportunity to experience the freedom we all have. Oh and for those that say the war in Iraq is about oil, do you really think we would have wasted this much time, if that's what we were there for we could have had it a long time ago.

-But that's just my opinion

^^^Notice the patch
2747, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by 98VengeI4, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
Oh jeez. Are we going back into this? :rolleyes Bush is not the devil. Bush is not evil. Bush is just another man who was rightfully elected to run our country by our citizens. Kerry could do no better. Nor could any other man or woman, dead or alive, for that matter. Our government is of the people by the people and for the people. Guess what. That means it's accurately representative of our society - fat, bloated, corrupt, greedy, and self-centered. Everyone in this country is busy demanding change right up until they learn that the best way to affect change is to do something about it, but that part of change is always someone else's responsibility. We've fucked ourselves into cock's hat. If you think about it, we are the only country in the world made up of people who get their way every time. Just about everywhere else you go in the world, people have spent thousands of years under the boots of monarchs and despots so they might have an ingrained psychological tendency towards more give and take in their governments. Not so in the US. We fought for freedom and we got it. We wanted this and we got it. We wanted that and we got it. We took from the native people and we gave nothing back. We want the biggest, the fastest and the best and we don't want to get our hands dirty. People here need a dose of STFU if you ask me. Too much asking what the country can do for you and not enough asking what you can do for the country. Scratch that. We don't ask the country to do things for us, we expect it. The government is not the problem. The PEOPLE are the problem. We are the whiny child in the store that gets whatever it wants to shut it up. When we are bored with that, we whine for something else. Gimme gimme gimme. Fuck politics.

Ok, so maybe he is not the devil. I was basically trying to say I just do not like his way of running things. I never felt this bad about a president before Bush is all. I also don't like how he tries to be funny all the time.

-97 Avenger I4 5spd (R.I.P.)
-95 Eclipse GS 5spd
-Mods: Megan Header ,Megan Racing Cat-Back
All-Motor Buildup on the way
2759, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by ScreaminE, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I hope we get a black liberal democrat president in office next term. Then maybe everyone will shut the fuck up.
2760, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by eclipse_99rs, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Now with all the money being dumped into the military we could take canada over!

2766, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by lild14, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by eclipse_99rs
Now with all the money being dumped into the military we could take canada over!
errr uuhhh........why bother??? lol

2768, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by BlackMagic, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
edit don't really feel like starting a philosophical battle
2789, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by eclipse_99rs, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by lild14
Originally posted by eclipse_99rs Now with all the money being dumped into the military we could take canada over!
errr uuhhh........why bother??? lol

I was just kidding i have family in canada, I was just trying to stir the pot :P
2795, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by lild14, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
lol yea i know...... same here hehe :cheers
2798, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
As of Feb. 9 the following have been added to the NSA's watch list;

98VengeI4 on the charge of Blaspheme
Totaleklipse97 on the charge of Blaspheme
DR1665 on the charge of fronting a militaristic terrorist group
Hult250R on the charge of affiliation with a known militaristic terrorist group
Tim97rs on the charge of contributing to the delinquency of the sanctity of marriage by supporting gay marriage

And ScreaminE because he actually thinks that Americans will elect a black president

Blizare, as he is currently in the United States, though not an American citizen shall be apprehended and turned over to the CIA, who will then place him in a detainment camp in an undisclosed location.

Special marks go to cs82685 for defending the honor and dignity of the American way, he can expect a gold star signed by the president to arrive in the mail within 5-15 business weeks.
2800, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by CustomGS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Regarding Canada. Its probably a great place to live. I however could not live there just for the simple fact that I am really into taking care of my body and nutrition plays a huge role in my life now. You can not buy any legal supplements in Canada. I know this is a car forum so im not going to get into my knowledge of nutrition. One example is you cant even buy essential Fatty Acids in Canada to supplement your diet.

My opinion on Bush...

It's about god damn time someone is taking care of these piece of shit nations that LIVE to hate America, support and harbor terrorists. I am proud to be an American and I am proud of our commander and chief. Did you know that 9-11 could have been prevented during the Clinton administration? probably not. Clinton had no balls. He had bin laden in cross hairs and didn't pull the trigger. Its about time that someone said F*ck You! to Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, communist N.Korea and Iran. Saddam needed to be removed from power not only for our safety but for the safety of the innocent people of Iraq and surrounding countries. DO I GIVE A SH*T if there were really WMD's in Iraq. HELL NO!!! Iraq has been a Nuclear threat since before the majority of us were born not to mention their Biological warfare bullshit and no president of this nation we call home has ever cared enough to do SH*T. So I really don't care if they were there this time or not! That regime needed to be toppled anyway. About the deficit... What the f*ck do you expect? We took down an Evil regime$$, We blasted the shit out of Afghanistan$$, -- 9/11 --, Major F-ing Hurricanes. New Orleans, money we contributed to tsunami victims etc..I'll tell you what, I personally was happy to see how much of a Tax refund I was getting this year. I could go on and on and on. And I am so GOD DAMN SICK of people who form there opinions based on what the BIAS "talking head" liberal media says. Do your own research, read books, arm yourself with knowledge and then form your own theory on how to Run this country.

Phone tapping NON issue. And I say non issue for a reason because im am Happy to see that something is being done about trying to locate the Terrorist cells we have living amongst us. The only people who have been looked into are the ones who are a possible threat against this country. If I have a someone down the block from me that was making calls to the middle east, I would tap his phone myself. Its time to protect our asses and if it means that I have to give up my right to have a PRIVATE conversation with someone who lives in a terrorist harboring country then so be it! I DO NOT want another 3000 innocent Americans killed by a 747 flying into there office building. What happened to "We will never Forget". Just an example on another bias spin by the liberal media to make something good for our protection look like something bad. If giving up my privacy with communications to Anti-American nations means stopping another terrorist attack on MY country that has provided me a Free and prosperous life, Then TAP MY MOTHERFUCKIN PHONE MR. PRESIDENT!!!
Edit done*

One other thing.. As for the idiots that scream and carry around signs saying "WAR FOR OIL" That tells me all I need to know about them. I didn't know we invaded Saudi Arabia!
I could go on all day on this subject but I hate it! We should all be united and for the SAKE of OUR troops over there ( including some 2gnt members ) this kind of NON-SUPPORT attitude sucks. ESPECIALLY coming from someone who is not even an American citizen. What the hell has Canada done to support the WAR on Terrorism? What? Canada is one giant PUSSY. I feel bad for YOU Sir! I don't need your pity or feelings of sorrow. But thank you for your concern.

Disclaimer- This was just MY opinion. I support my Moth*r F**cking Nation and Leader with PRIDE! this country is WAY to Divided. Divided we fall.
2846, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Honestly its surprising that nobody realizes that nobody here (and most likely nobody any of you know) has enough insight, knowledge, and resources to make a -valid- argument over whether bush is a good president or bad president.

Anywhere you see this argument, its the same thing over and over, one side arguing about his militaty conquest, another about his poor domestic policies, another about his 'greed for oil', or another about his removal of american citizen's privacy.

Fact of the matter is, the only thing I know FOR A FACT, is that he is a blubbering idiot who would be rejected from 75% of this nations top paying jobs when the supervisor brought him in for a pesonal interview and asked him a few questions to which he would stutter and try to crack poor jokes and use the word 'got' repetitively, even though that isn't proper english. He's the president, and he can't invest a few bucks in some literacy lessons? Pretty sad that out of all the Americans in the country we voted this jackass in.

Some lesson we're teaching youths. "Do your english homework" - "Why? I don't need to know english to run the country why should I know it to work at the local jiffy lube or mcdonalds" or whatever other minimum wage job kids end up with.

anyways my point is, politics are retarded. Its not about whos most qualified to run the country (because believe me there are plenty more qualified than Bush), its about who has the money to pay for the campaign and the resources/connections to sway things in their favor (thanks Jeb).

2850, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Weezle745, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Personally would rather live in Southern California with the conditions the way they are than to ever live in Canada... *cringe*
2855, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
Honestly its surprising that nobody realizes that nobody here (and most likely nobody any of you know) has enough insight, knowledge, and resources to make a -valid- argument over whether bush is a good president or bad president.

This is true, however my biggest annoyance with the subject comes from how people are so quick to point their finger and assign blame when it's more than just one individual's fault.

People who are actually concerned about the well-being of this country as a whole and who actively work to get things done around here will tell you that the biggest problem with America is not it's president, it's not it's government - it's the people who live here.

Everyone bitches.
Everyone complains.
Everyone demands action...

but it's not MY responsibility.

Think about it.

It's not my fault the coffee burned my lap.

It's not my fault the gun went off.

It's not my fault my kids are fucking deviant miscreants.

It's not my fault I can't pay my bills on time.

It's not my fault I can't read.

It's not my fault I live in the ghetto.

It's not my fault I got that speeding ticket.

It's not my job to take care of the homeless.

It's not my job to keep my own neighborhood safe.

It's not my job to pick up the trash.

It's not my job to teach my kids.

It's not my job to put the shopping cart back.

It's just not my job.

If it's not your job and it's not your responsibility, then guess what. It's not your country either.

2857, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
Originally posted by EclipseSix Honestly its surprising that nobody realizes that nobody here (and most likely nobody any of you know) has enough insight, knowledge, and resources to make a -valid- argument over whether bush is a good president or bad president.
This is true, however my biggest annoyance with the subject comes from how people are so quick to point their finger and assign blame when it's more than just one individual's fault. People who are actually concerned about the well-being of this country as a whole and who actively work to get things done around here will tell you that the biggest problem with America is not it's president, it's not it's government - it's the people who live here. Everyone bitches. Everyone complains. Everyone demands action... but it's not MY responsibility. Think about it. It's not my fault the coffee burned my lap. It's not my fault the gun went off. It's not my fault my kids are fucking deviant miscreants. It's not my fault I can't pay my bills on time. It's not my fault I can't read. It's not my fault I live in the ghetto. It's not my fault I got that speeding ticket. It's not my job to take care of the homeless. It's not my job to keep my own neighborhood safe. It's not my job to pick up the trash. It's not my job to teach my kids. It's not my job to put the shopping cart back. It's just not my job. If it's not your job and it's not your responsibility, then guess what. It's not your country either.

I like that point... a lot.
2862, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Kirby, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
Honestly its surprising that nobody realizes that nobody here (and most likely nobody any of you know) has enough insight, knowledge, and resources to make a -valid- argument over whether bush is a good president or bad president. Anywhere you see this argument, its the same thing over and over, one side arguing about his militaty conquest, another about his poor domestic policies, another about his 'greed for oil', or another about his removal of american citizen's privacy. Fact of the matter is, the only thing I know FOR A FACT, is that he is a blubbering idiot who would be rejected from 75% of this nations top paying jobs when the supervisor brought him in for a pesonal interview and asked him a few questions to which he would stutter and try to crack poor jokes and use the word 'got' repetitively, even though that isn't proper english. He's the president, and he can't invest a few bucks in some literacy lessons? Pretty sad that out of all the Americans in the country we voted this jackass in. Some lesson we're teaching youths. "Do your english homework" - "Why? I don't need to know english to run the country why should I know it to work at the local jiffy lube or mcdonalds" or whatever other minimum wage job kids end up with. anyways my point is, politics are retarded. Its not about whos most qualified to run the country (because believe me there are plenty more qualified than Bush), its about who has the money to pay for the campaign and the resources/connections to sway things in their favor (thanks Jeb).

Oh so you KNOW FOR A FACT that Bush would be rejected for 75% of the high paying jobs in this country? Ok so that must mean that you do the hireing for 75% of the high paying jobs in the country. Well I would like to make an appointment to get a higher paying job because my grammer is good. Do you guy's not realize that public speech is not the only quality that is important when you are running the free world. Did you know that Alberrt Einstein could not tie his own shoes? Does that mean he was stupid or unqualified to do his work? I think fat man and little boy still worked right? Think back to the students in your english class that got to read their speeches in private with the teacher because they were unable to read them to the class. Some people are terrified of public speaking to a classroom full of children. Now on a national stage with the entire world watching your every word, you think you would all be cool calm and collected. We didn't ask the man to win a debate match or put on a play, we asked him to be the president. And if any of you believe we went to war for OIL then check your last gas recipt and tell me we are benefiting by fighting for oil.
2874, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by BigBald, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Bush is a tyrant....like Ceasar....
2881, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Blizare, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by BigBald
Bush is a tyrant....like Ceasar....


I made this post before getting on the plave back to Canada, where my government isn't in debt billions and billions of dollars. lol

I only really made this post after seeing senators from cali, illinois, ohio, tennessee, texas, and the list goes on.....BASH the budget that was set in front of them.

So as far as I'm concerned, if these people who play a large role in how the government is run, think bush is fucking nuts....thats saying something.

You guys can preach and go on about being the ones standing up for thier country and all but I still think Bush CAUSED 9/11.

I totally believe he pushed the fucking button so to speak. He is the antichrist :P

There would probably be no wars in this world if he fucking died got capped before his term. I mean, there was a huge surplus BEFORE his father came into power and they spent it all. In the next five years look forward to the country's debt to keep going up and up and up.

Canada is smart and has money in the bank. You guys who have never been here have no idea how much better this place is to live. :)

No clue at all. After spending 2 weeks in various places ie: hawaii, san fran, L.A. Seattle, I really don't feel like going back. I'm going to goto europe or something next time.
2884, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by cs82685, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Blizare
Originally posted by BigBald Bush is a tyrant....like Ceasar....
You guys can preach and go on about being the ones standing up for thier country and all but I still think Bush CAUSED 9/11.

^^^Mind elaborating on this ridiculous theory? 9/11 had nothing to do with who was in power at the time it happened
2911, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by CustomGS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
This is true, however my biggest annoyance with the subject comes from how people are so quick to point their finger and assign blame when it's more than just one individual's fault. People who are actually concerned about the well-being of this country as a whole and who actively work to get things done around here will tell you that the biggest problem with America is not it's president, it's not it's government - it's the people who live here. Everyone bitches. Everyone complains. Everyone demands action... but it's not MY responsibility

Damn good point. :thumbsup

Originally posted by BigBald Bush is a tyrant....like Ceasar....

Holy hell, Real good comparison. Shall we call you Cindy Sheehan?

Originally posted by Blizare
Werd.I made this post before getting on the plave back to Canada,where my government isn't in debt billions and billions of dollars.

WOW. You just showed why Canada isnt in debt, They obviously put no funds for Education where you come from. But i understand if you cant get a grant from your "rich" government for your speech/grammar courses.

Originally posted by Blizare
You guys can preach and go on about being the ones standing up for thier country and all but I still think Bush CAUSED 9/11.

Besides this being THE dumbest statement I've ever heard, You also spelled "Their" wrong. (Come on Canada, pay for some education)

Originally posted by Blizare
Canada is smart and has money in the bank. You guys who have never been here have no idea how much better this place is to live.

My God. Your "money in the bank" comes from us. We are Canada's trading partner, we basically keep your economy afloat. Christ, you don't even have an army (saves a lot of money hmmmmm). You are protected by our nuclear shield. Canada is lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent! Half your country speaks French, what does that tell you? Without the U.S., Canada is essentially Honduras, but colder and much less interesting of a place. Go home, stay there, and we will keep protecting you! That's right, the Nation that you are putting down. Do me a favor, say hi to all the Vietnam draft dodgers that are still there with you.

Originally posted by Weezle745
Personally would rather live in Southern California with the conditions the way they are than to ever live in Canada... *cringe*

Smart man.

Originally posted by Kirby
And if any of you believe we went to war for OIL then check your last gas recipt and tell me we are benefiting by fighting for oil.

He cant, you have to be able to read it.

Originally posted by cs82685
CustomGS I like the way you think :thumbs up

Thank you.

Originally posted by cs82685
Anyways I don't feel like arguing politics I think a lot of people need to get all the facts before making a decision and need to understand the reasoning for such critical decisions as wire tapping and how many troops we have overseas.

Exactly. I'm done

Originally posted by Blizare
I'm going to goto europe or something next time.

Thank you! Go visit Iraq. And while your there, check out our deficit dollars at work. Schools being built, hospitals etc..American soldiers fighting for our beautiful country.

Thank you to everyone who listened to me rant. Anyone I offended, Go shove a Canadian up your a$$.

Oh yeah, one more thing....

2879, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by cs82685, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
Fact of the matter is, the only thing I know FOR A FACT, is that he is a blubbering idiot who would be rejected from 75% of this nations top paying jobs when the supervisor brought him in for a pesonal interview and asked him a few questions to which he would stutter and try to crack poor jokes and use the word 'got' repetitively, even though that isn't proper english.

So if its a fact that he's an idiot then you do know the person you probably voted for in the last election was even dumber according to both of their transcripts from yale http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2005/06/07/yale_grades_portray_kerry_as_a_lackluster_student?mode=PF

And I'll agree he's not the smartest person out there and there may be more qualified but he also knows he's not the smartest and has surrounded himself with plenty of other smart people to help lead this country

CustomGS I like the way you think :thumbs up

Anyways I don't feel like arguing politics I think a lot of people need to get all the facts before making a decision and need to understand the reasoning for such critical decisions as wire tapping and how many troops we have overseas
2895, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
all this crap gives me a headache. bush is not the devil. we are not in iraq for oil. saddam and all the other communist nations need to be brought down. canada has no opinion on anything. the us gives a butt ton of support whenever practically ANYONE asks or needs it, thus, we can go kill a bunch of terrorists because we feel like.

do you really need a reason to rid the world of filth?

by the way, can you tell the leader of canada that his check for our tsunami relief bounced, along with the rest of the world? hold up, just balanced our check book here, we are in the red because we gave all our money to everyone else.

screw a bunch of schools too, for the first two years i went to high school, the school was generally dirty, was infested with cockroaches and other rodents, and was understaffed. guess what, i still graduated with a C average. if i can do it, everyone else can. it has nothing to do with funding, at least not as much as everybody whines about it.


2900, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by ScreaminE, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Bush caused 9/11? I cant believe you would say something that retarded. Did you watched Michael Moore movies too many times?

Even though he didnt cause 9/11, he DID cause hurricane Katrina, mostly because he does not care about black people.

If you want to talk about hating someone, lets talk about Kanye West, Racist as hell and he can get away with it because he is black. Degrades white people in a lot of his songs and that is okay, but if at ANY time anyone makes ANY degrading comment about a black person, you are the racist scum of the earth.

Found the following on some website.

- He uses the slur "devil" in referring to white people
- He says white people don't want his children to eat (what the fuck???)
- He says that the white man tries to get rich off of all the problems of black people, when in fact they bring the majority of their problems upon themselves
- He called his first single "history in the making," which is incredibly presumptive and arrogant
- He deified himself as some sort of miraculous superhuman because he got in a car crash and survived non-life threatening injuries
- Instead of just focusing on making music and entertaining peole, he chooses to act as if he is one of the greatest people who ever lived and that all his fans should bow down to him

End rant.
2914, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Keith2172, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Im scarred of this thread, just counting the minutes till the first lock of the Pits part III
2924, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Keith2172
Im scarred of this thread, just counting the minutes till the first lock of the Pits part III

Bring it on.
2922, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by xcasbonx, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Blizare
You guys can preach and go on about being the ones standing up for thier country and all but I still think Bush CAUSED 9/11. I totally believe he pushed the fucking button so to speak. He is the antichrist :P

I didn't really want to jump into this but, I think this needed to be said.

The entire basis of your theory is nothing more than speculation and at most CONSPIRACY. You have no factual evidence to backup what you think or have read through the grapevine.

And yes, I have seen all the flashes, articles and information about how 9/11 was a big setup.

Don't waste your time replying to this, I've already made my point.

2938, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by ScreaminE, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I should not have gotten so into what I put above. But when there is a thread that starts with: I hate .... with a severe passion, there is bound to be trouble.

Think happy thoughts everyone :+
2968, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
no one cares about my liberals are pussies comment? :-( nobody loves me. i dont like kanye west either, hypocrite.
2974, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by cs82685, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Diceman19
no one cares about my liberals are pussies comment? :-( nobody loves me. i dont like kanye west either, hypocrite.


There ya go
2978, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by cs82685
Originally posted by Diceman19 no one cares about my liberals are pussies comment? :-( nobody loves me. i dont like kanye west either, hypocrite.
^^^Agreed There ya go

2991, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by EclipseTenzoR, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Here is what I believe in. I believe in my country becoming stronger. Do I disagree with the war? No I don't I proudly serve my country with honor courage and commitment. I'd rather put myself in harms way providing that blanket of freedom that many americans I believe are taking for granted. So for anyone to knock President Bush because of the war truely offends me in a way, because yes though I voulnteered my services to the military that pay is shitty, the life is rough and its not entirely for myself. I do this so that myself and others in the military keep the war from spreading and we end it where it started. There are various sources of information all over the internet. And like posted earlier everyone will say this and say that but give no action. You don't like something do something about it whats happening in the government cant just happen because the powers above want to do something, we are not communist. You have an issue with your well being talk to your senator. You dont like the war then do something about it. That war has been going on for way to long and it's not going to end on its own. There is a struggle in the east and we offer our services to help. Given our actions also protect against terrorism, but we are also in the process of giving others the opertunities americans here take for granted everyday but they surely wont. In the end of this rant I proudly serve my country and the commands of my Commander and Chief President Bush
2997, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseTenzoR
Here is what I believe in. I believe in my country becoming stronger. Do I disagree with the war? No I don't I proudly serve my country with honor courage and commitment. I'd rather put myself in harms way providing that blanket of freedom that many americans I believe are taking for granted. So for anyone to knock President Bush because of the war truely offends me in a way, because yes though I voulnteered my services to the military that pay is shitty, the life is rough and its not entirely for myself. I do this so that myself and others in the military keep the war from spreading and we end it where it started. There are various sources of information all over the internet. And like posted earlier everyone will say this and say that but give no action. You don't like something do something about it whats happening in the government cant just happen because the powers above want to do something, we are not communist. You have an issue with your well being talk to your senator. You dont like the war then do something about it. That war has been going on for way to long and it's not going to end on its own. There is a struggle in the east and we offer our services to help. Given our actions also protect against terrorism, but we are also in the process of giving others the opertunities americans here take for granted everyday but they surely wont. In the end of this rant I proudly serve my country and the commands of my Commander and Chief President Bush

YEA, down with communism. :-) and liberals.
3011, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by youkickedmydog, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
The war is kinda like sex, if you pull out too early no one will be happy, if you pull out too late your fucked.
3012, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by jsupetran, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
viva le canada!!!
3052, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by reeveso, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Now i personally see good AND bad things in bush..some things i think he's a complete idiot for doing (no child left behind act-worst is the worst education act ever created, believe me i know i'm goin to 2 to be a teacher, well not anymore but i was), other things i think were a good idea (going to war to defend our country. i hate people who bitch about our troops being over there. THEY ARE THERE VOLUNTARILY!!!)..now heres the solution that will hopefully end this

Bush is the president until his term ends. Unless your personally going to assasinate him, NO AMOUNT OF BITCHING IS GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING HE HAS DONE OR WILL DO

people need to stop being negative about things they cant change and spend more time on doing something productive rather than fight about something u have no control over until the next presidential election
3084, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by EclipseSix, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Just read the front page of the Chicago Tribune, and there was a story about an ex-CIA official who announced all these things about the lead-up to the Iraq war. Some of the points he made that I remember are

-There was no evidence linking Hussein to Al Quaeda. The Bush Administration knew this but wanted to use 9/11 for support for the war

-The war in Iraq was decided on well before anything went public. Once it was decided on the Bush Administration spent months trying to convince the American Public that it was necessary.

Any man that lies to the world on television is a douchebag in my book.
3144, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Kirby, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
Just read the front page of the Chicago Tribune, and there was a story about an ex-CIA official who announced all these things about the lead-up to the Iraq war. Some of the points he made that I remember are -There was no evidence linking Hussein to Al Quaeda. The Bush Administration knew this but wanted to use 9/11 for support for the war -The war in Iraq was decided on well before anything went public. Once it was decided on the Bush Administration spent months trying to convince the American Public that it was necessary. Any man that lies to the world on television is a douchebag in my book.

1. When exactly did Bush say that Al Qaeda was linked to Hussein? In what way did he claim the link? (financial, sympethetic, etc...)
2. Have any angry employees tried to hang their bosses on the way out before?
3. What evidence did he provide, and what "true" cause did he give for the war?
4. So with your third comment what exactly do you mean? Are you saying that the president may have known that we were going to war before the country did? I can't believe the person we elect to protect us might know more about our national security plans than we do. This would surly shock me to my core. Or are you saying, like other douchbag's before you, that Bush was going to war from the day he was elected and was just looking for a reason?
If you can answer these questions I will inform you of your flawed logic from a typical left wing media outlet.

3146, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by KaptainMyke, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Can't we all just get along as one great planet? We are too civilized to be in such pressing matters, in my opinion.

3213, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by reeveso, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by KaptainMyke
Can't we all just get along as one great planet? We are too civilized to be in such pressing matters, in my opinion.

3295, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Blizare, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by EclipseSix
Just read the front page of the Chicago Tribune, and there was a story about an ex-CIA official who announced all these things about the lead-up to the Iraq war. Some of the points he made that I remember are -There was no evidence linking Hussein to Al Quaeda. The Bush Administration knew this but wanted to use 9/11 for support for the war -The war in Iraq was decided on well before anything went public. Once it was decided on the Bush Administration spent months trying to convince the American Public that it was necessary. Any man that lies to the world on television is a douchebag in my book.

Yea I agree with that. He's a lier.

That is all.

3584, RE: I feel sorry for the American People. I've watched too much C-Span this week.
Posted by Kaoz78, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
This post went out the window as soon as the words GOP and liberal were used.

Anyone even remeber who said a bi-partisan government was bad?

I personally think too many people concentrate on who is liberal and who is conservative. Why can't we be americans with different ideas? Does noone screaming about the left wing media realize how much that sounds like whining? You are always going to have spin on things no matter what side the media comes from. Just depends on what YOU want to hear, as to what side of the fence the media is on.

Sorry I know this is probably hard to understand. I do tend to ramble at 2:45 a.m. .
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