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Forum nameThe Pits v3.1
Topic subjectRE: .... Someone's dead.
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=60&topic_id=11883&mesg_id=11941
11941, RE: .... Someone's dead.
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Nine5eclipse03
well lets say an m-80 can blast a pumpkin to peices. I was told an m5000 is equivilent to a quarter stick of dynamite. Its about as thick as a roll of toilet paper, and about 3/4 as long.

I highly doubt that. Fireworks that size are typically smoke bombs. Would also do much more damage to the interior of your car, coating everything with a filmy bullshit. The average person who compares any firecracker to "a stick of dynamite" likely has no idea what that entails.

Given the high explosivity of a real stick of dynamite, filling a tube the size of a toilet paper roller would result in a "firecracker" capable of taking out half a house. I can all but guaran-damn-tee you that old George at the Black Cat stand carries nothing even remotely approaching real dynamite or TNT.

They haven't sold real M80s in the USA in nearly 20 years. Last time I saw them was in Germany a decade ago and even then, they were somewhat pricey and rare. They were about 2/3 the length of a roll of nickels and one wedged between a door handle and a frame would blow the knob out of the door. Three taped together and thrown in a galvanized trash can would split it on two sides. When I lived there, you bought all your fireworks at New Years (they don't exactly celebrate our indepence in other countries) - bottle rockets and M80s - and then you made damn sure you saved some for July.

Sorry about your car, man. That is some shitty business. Shitty fucking business.

EDIT: Good old George carries nothing remotely close. Not "anything." :P
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