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Forum nameHandling/Suspension
Topic subjectRE: honestly, how much better is upgrading your calipers to 2 or 6 pot?
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9802&mesg_id=9803
9803, RE: honestly, how much better is upgrading your calipers to 2 or 6 pot?
Posted by juan, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
IMO, you only really _need_ bigger rotors/calipers if you are going to be running sessions at the track. On the street, a better pad compound and stainless lines will do the job for most people.

Remember that increasing the unsprung weight (as bigger rotors/calipers generally does) can negatively affect handling. I'd say that a large percentage of people get the big stopping hardware cos it looks cool, not because they have a real need for it. My disk is bigger than your disk, if you will... ;)


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