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Forum name2005 DSM ShootOut
Topic subjectRoll Call.....
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=50&topic_id=1293
1293, Roll Call.....
Posted by madhatter210, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
madhatter checking in, broken winshield and all. 5 miles before I get to cincinatti a giant ass boulder breaks my winshield. But arrived safe and sound.
1294, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Man, that sucks about the windshield, but at least you made it home safe. We made it back about 3 hours ago with no problems other that lack of sleep. We lift the BW around 3:00 am and went back to our hotel and couldn't get to sleep, so we decided to pack up and head home.
1295, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by QC DSM ESiT, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Just got home about 30min. ago. That sucks about the windshield but its good to see ya made it home safe. Pretty much the whole group left today at about 11 so other people should be checking in here in a little bit. Now I just have a lot of uploading and some sleeping to do. :thumbsup
1296, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by soulcontroller, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
yea ive been home for a couple hours. im going to take a nap.
hot women, fast cars, and lots of booze.

holy shit it was an awesome weekend...
1297, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Hult250R, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by soulcontroller
hot women, fast cars, and lots of booze. holy shit it was an awesome weekend...

Hell yes, I just got home about 10 minutes ago.
Lots or uploading to do!!

1298, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by willmayo, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM

being home sucks..

lets see them pictures.
1299, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by totaleklipse97, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
It's good to be home, but I would still rather be in Norwalk around some of the coolest guy's I have ever met. If it wasn't so expensive and detrimental to my liver, I would stay for a week. Hope everyone had fun and enjoyed every minute of the shootout!
1300, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by madhatter210, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by totaleklipse97
It's good to be home, but I would still rather be in Norwalk around some of the coolest guy's I have ever met.

Most accurate statement ever.

1301, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
'm posting from the Business Center of a hotel in nashville, TN right now. We made it this far, we're going to have dinner, a beer or two, and crash. We're going to make Houston tomorrow.
1302, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by XtremeRS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I need sleep :)

Best Shootout in history so far! It was great seeing you guys again, and meeting the new faces too. At least we kept our promise of mad alcohol consumption this weekend haha...
1303, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by xcasbonx, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Definitely was a kickass time, even though I was probably the quietest one there it was still great meeting people and getting tanked every night. I will be there next year with the GF and hopefully with the car running and boosted.

1304, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I took a detour to the g/f's place on my way home so I just got in....I Had a great time and can't wait until next year!

To tired to upload the mass amount of pics that everyone is waiting for. I'll do it tomorrow!

The booger back up treated me well...no matter what you guys say that's a decent car :P
1305, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Back to the room. Damn I'm tired! One more day of driving. I had a blast everyone. Even though I only see some of you guys once a year it feels like we hang out all the time. It's so freaking awesome! I think my liver is still recovering! I need to see some pics. I have memory holes to fill!
1306, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by sike, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
yeah that was good times, definettally be there next year. hopefully see some dsm's run. we left before the rain stoped and didnt get home until 3am! 5hour accidental detour through every city in pennsylvania. the good ol' red rocket ran strong though. it was good to meet you guys, a little weird but next year should be different!
1314, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by sike
yeah that was good times, definettally be there next year. hopefully see some dsm's run. we left before the rain stoped and didnt get home until 3am! 5hour accidental detour through every city in pennsylvania. the good ol' red rocket ran strong though. it was good to meet you guys, a little weird but next year should be different!

They say everyone has a twin and it's true. While standing in line to board my flight to Phoenix at Midway, I swear I was only a few feet away from you, dude. Even went so far as to say, "Sike! You're going to Phoenix?" Dude was all, "What?" Oh well.

So far, I think I have the most eventful return trip (after all, drama follows me...). Kulaga drops me off at Midway early, because he thinks John is the one flying out of Midway and needs to catch his flight first. I end up at the curb almost 8 horus early. Go in, check in, ask the guy if I can get bumped to an earlier flight because I have had my fill of DSMs, racing and drunken debauchery. He asks me if I have a 1G or 2G while he's looking up flights. I tell him a 2G with a bad timing belt issue and we were all in Norwalk at the Shootout. Turns out he had a 95 ESi and got tired of fixing shit, so he traded it in on something else. He then waived the $84 fee to bump me to the earlier flight out. Instead of arriving at midnight, I am scheduled to arrive at 9pm. Rock.

So I'm getting on the earlier flight and I can hear this bitch behind me on the jetway running her mouth. Didn't know what she was talking about, but it was typical F this F that, I'm a tough guy bullshit and I just forgot about it as I got on the plane and proceeded to fall asleep confident that the cute, first year as a fourth grade teacher sitting next to me wasn't going to draw "wienerballs" on my face if I passed out.

Next thing I know. We're being diverted to Amarillo because the drunk bitch in the back is making threats and not listening to the flight attendant (who, I might add, was a smoking hot redhead). Turns out, that's a good way to get an undercover US Marshall to blow his cover, take your ass down in the aisle, and then use some heavy duty zip ties to "cuff" you. We land in Amarillo, local 5-0 boards us, drags her out (being thoroughly ridiculed the entire time), then the FBI shows up and everyone at the back of the plane who was involved has to fill out a statement before we leave.

Coming back into town, sinuses are completely fucked from that damn cold weather and humidity out there, and my ears have yet to pop. Feels like I have daggers stuck in my head just behind my ears and my jaw might be borked. Ugh.

But I am home. Going to take a hot shower (with water pressure and a functional drain) and then go to sleep in my own bed without the threat of kamikaze vienna wieners.

PS - pictures should be up later tonight on az2gnt. "Wanna shot?"
1319, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by BeththeNeth, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
So, i read the directions wrong on the way home and ashley and i drove an hour and a half out of our way... YUCK! But we stopped at the mall:) It took us almost 11 hours to get home. 7 o'clock felt really nice this morning, lol. Anyway, I had a great time guys thanks a lot! Can't wait till next year... hopefully i'll have my OWN 2gnt by then.

P.S. we still have alf!!!
1325, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by BeththeNeth
So, i read the directions wrong on the way home and ashley and i drove an hour and a half out of our way... YUCK! But we stopped at the mall:) It took us almost 11 hours to get home. 7 o'clock felt really nice this morning, lol. Anyway, I had a great time guys thanks a lot! Can't wait till next year... hopefully i'll have my OWN 2gnt by then. P.S. we still have alf!!!

BETH! you want a shot? :D

good times at the shootout. sorry bout your problems driggs, at least YOU werent the one that got taken down on the plane. im home, tired as crap, going to eat some lunch with my woman and then go back to bed.
1329, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Corbin, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I had to be at work on Monday, so i got home Sunday night. Pretty uneventful 7 hr drive. Nothing cracked or exploded. I had a great time and expect to come back in '06. Deanna might return too, even after someone explained what "the shocker" was.


'95 ESI-T
Now with more power and fewer leaks

Gimme fuel...Gimme fire...Gimme that which I desire
1330, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by micyek, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Corbin
I had to be at work on Monday, so i got home Sunday night. Pretty uneventful 7 hr drive. Nothing cracked or exploded. I had a great time and expect to come back in '06. Deanna might return too, even after someone explained what "the shocker" was. Corbin '95 ESI-T Now with more power and fewer leaks Gimme fuel...Gimme fire...Gimme that which I desire

It was defineatly cool to meet you for the first time. Hopefully you both can make it again next year and we really get to pick your brain...things got a little crazy for that this year...LOL

Glad you made it home ok!
1332, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Michael_97RS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Thura, You, Dino and me all need to fill in some memory loss...

Damn good to meet you and Deana in person Corbin! She did surprisingly well tollerating Dino and I.

Beth, you and Ash were just looking for an excuse to go shopping.

Driggs, I went to Midway first because it was on the way to O'Hare. I wonder if John managed to get an earlier flight too

Without a doubt the best one yet, hopefully, the car will be built better next year and I'll actually race with no rain.

I think I'm going to bring bail money next year.

Exile Racing Technologies
Go that way, really fast, if something gets in your way... turn.
1333, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
This was the best Shootout ever. Ironically enough, it seems that someone from Buschurs has been sharing that businesses in Norwalk don't like us and they might not be allowed to have it next year. That would suck.

I am still sick as a dog. I did gegt really lucky with the flights, though. Appreciate the lift in any case, Mike. I ended up landing about 20 minutes before John even with my stop in Amarillo. Good times. Good times.

It was really cool to meet the new faces this year. Cas, Joe, Amy, Rob, Sike, Mayo, Tim, even Corbin! And special thanks go out to all the wives/girlfriends who were there and made an effort to try and have a good time "hanging out with the guys."

So, for next year, remember "Ladies drink free with 2GNT." Be sure to bring along some bail money and maybe we should try to put something nice together for the staff at BW. After all, they put up with a LOT of shit this weekend each year. :P
1336, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by ashaleenicole, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Wow, best shootout EVAR. Haha, I can say that word cuz Dino didnt fix it yet. We didnt detour to go to the mall, we got lost AFTER we got back on the road. Whats funny is Beth looks right at the thing and reads it wrong! The road was East or South, she says South, the road says East. She looks right at it, and STILL says the wrong road. Luckily we found an exit that led us to where Hot Import nights was held and we managed to find our way back from there. Plus i have mapquest on my phone. I miss everyone so much already, I love how a whole year can go by, and everything is still the same... I love 2gnt, and im glad Beth finally got the chance to understand how freakin sweet it is to own a dsm. Now we gotta get her one.

PS- bitch hands sucks, kulaga prefers penis, weinerball's car is fast, and Alf is in our bed.

Cant wait til next year!!!!

1339, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by run4cvr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I had a blast, even though i am paying for it now. I feel like i havent slept in a week. Like Driggs said, it's nice to sleep in my own bed where there isnt the stench of Vienna Sausages, or the threat of being "weinerballed"

It was a great trip. I had so much fun hanging out with you all.

I need a nap now...

Oh, BTW, sorry about your leg Derek }(
1341, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Michael_97RS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by ashaleenicole
PS- bitch hands sucks, kulaga prefers penis, weinerball's car is fast, and Alf is in our bed. Cant wait til next year!!!!

Only my own.
Thura it's 398 not 392.
And I'm envious of ALF.

Originally posted by ashaleenicole

hahahahahaaaa, ALF buckled in!!! Awesome.

Exile Racing Technologies
Go that way, really fast, if something gets in your way... turn.
1343, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by ashaleenicole

I was there Sunday. :thumbsup (Reminds me, I need to find a way to get to Best Buy!) Also, I think he needs a 2GNT shirt and to be at every Shootout from now on.

Some of my favorite memories...
"Move your arm."
"Water. Get me water, Driggs."

Kent at NRP with the camera.
Luke "Fuckhead" Hultquist
The Slip'n'Slide
Raving at the Super 8 in Chicago.

Maybe we should start up a Shootout 2006 forum and only allow those people who have been to a Shootout see it? There's a lot of things I can't talk about. ;)

Finally, Terry and Stillwell need to be there next year. Fer sure.
1344, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Hult250R, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Lol ya Driggs, I know, Im a "Potty Mouth"
1345, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by madhatter210, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
I was there Sunday. :thumbsup (Reminds me, I need to find a way to get to Best Buy!) Also, I think he needs a 2GNT shirt and to be at every Shootout from now on. Some of my favorite memories... "Move your arm." "Water. Get me water, Driggs." Kent at NRP with the camera. Luke "Fuckhead" Hultquist The Slip'n'Slide Raving at the Super 8 in Chicago. Applebees. Maybe we should start up a Shootout 2006 forum and only allow those people who have been to a Shootout see it? There's a lot of things I can't talk about. ;) Finally, Terry and Stillwell need to be there next year. Fer sure.

couple of my favs
xcasbonx "This whole weekend has been an Epic situation"
Backyard boxing
Meet cacti my shoulder pet
just a few from a foggy memory
I can't wait to show you all some of the pics from the hatter cam, I won't have them up though for about a week.
1347, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Star Turbo Talon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DR1665
Originally posted by ashaleenicole
Finally, Terry and Stillwell need to be there next year. Fer sure.

Dont worry i am already considering making researvations now.

That is if i am not stuck at the airport!
1351, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by run4cvr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Some of my favorite quotes...

Dino: Are you the Arby's chick?
Thura: Is there really a dick on my back?
Andrew: Wanna shot?
Aaron: I'm not quiet, I'm stoic.
1352, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Hult250R, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
HAHAHA I just got off the phone with the manager from the BW to have a chat about the Bitch at check in that Flipped out on me.
The manager just informed me "Oh, her, She no longer works here"
Hehe... Call me a "Potty Mouth" and you get called "Unemployed"!!

BWHAHA What a friggin bitch
1353, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Diceman19, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by run4cvr
Some of my favorite quotes... Dino: Are you the Arby's chick? Thura: Is there really a dick on my back? Andrew: Wanna shot? Aaron: I'm not quiet, I'm stoic.

dont forget michael, "i prefer penis"


i love that dino quote too.
1358, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by DarkOne
'm posting from the Business Center of a hotel in nashville, TN right now. We made it this far, we're going to have dinner, a beer or two, and crash. We're going to make Houston tomorrow.

Dino, you should have called me. You all could have stayed with us last night. It would have been a few miles out of you way, but you would not have had to pay for a hotel room. Maybe next year we can plain on everyone coming up from the south can make our house a halfway stop to and from the Shootout. Tracy and I could have food a drinks waiting on everyone when they get here. Then we all could caravan out the next day.

BTW: Thanks Brian for introducing me to everyone. It was truely great to meet everyone of you. Tracy and I had a blast, but we were worried at first that she would be bored being around of a bunch of car guys and girls, but she had a blast and definitely wants to go back next year. :thumbsup Also I have some pictures, mainly from Sunday night. If I can find some place to host them I will put them up.

1367, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by QC DSM ESiT, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by BOOSTED ECLIPSE
Originally posted by DarkOne 'm posting from the Business Center of a hotel in nashville, TN right now. We made it this far, we're going to have dinner, a beer or two, and crash. We're going to make Houston tomorrow.
Dino, you should have called me. You all could have stayed with us last night. It would have been a few miles out of you way, but you would not have had to pay for a hotel room. Maybe next year we can plain on everyone coming up from the south can make our house a halfway stop to and from the Shootout. Tracy and I could have food a drinks waiting on everyone when they get here. Then we all could caravan out the next day. BTW: Thanks Brian for introducing me to everyone. It was truely great to meet everyone of you. Tracy and I had a blast, but we were worried at first that she would be bored being around of a bunch of car guys and girls, but she had a blast and definitely wants to go back next year. :thumbsup Also I have some pictures, mainly from Sunday night. If I can find some place to host them I will put them up. Joe

I can host em for you. Not sure how you wanna get them to me though.

1364, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Last but not least ... weinerballs is home with his fast car still in one piece. Damn I'm tired and I have to be at work in 6.5 hours. Bleh!!!!!
1377, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by 992gnt, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
But more importantly, how does the car feel? Remember saying "As soon as I hit the Texas state line, it's on!"? WELL????

1378, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by ian7321, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Ya well the shootout did kick a lot of ass this year. I met some cool guys at the Best Western and got drunk as piss. So just wondering what ever happened to the fat chick that was showing everyone her tits. Heard she got gang banged.......But anywho Dino thanks for letting me crash on your floor though it wouldnt have matter if I passed out on the sidewalk as I was too wasted to care.

And just if you are wondering I was the kid who was 18 and everyone kept asking where the school bus was........
1379, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 992gnt
But more importantly, how does the car feel? Remember saying "As soon as I hit the Texas state line, it's on!"? WELL????

Wanna know something wierd ... once I dropped Dino off I pushed it pretty good ... and it felt faster than it did on the way down. Faster in a very scary sort of way. :D

1380, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by 992gnt, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Avenger
Wanna know something wierd ... once I dropped Dino off I pushed it pretty good ... and it felt faster than it did on the way down. Faster in a very scary sort of way. :D

EXCELLENT!!! I had a similar experience. Once I had no one in the car and no luggage, I threw in a new fuel and timing map and the car freaking rips. I can't wait to take it back to the track. Speaking of which, when are we going to see some big trap numbers from you???

1381, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 992gnt
Originally posted by Avenger Wanna know something wierd ... once I dropped Dino off I pushed it pretty good ... and it felt faster than it did on the way down. Faster in a very scary sort of way. :D
EXCELLENT!!! I had a similar experience. Once I had no one in the car and no luggage, I threw in a new fuel and timing map and the car freaking rips. I can't wait to take it back to the track. Speaking of which, when are we going to see some big trap numbers from you???

About the same time I put up those HUGE 60' times since I have no traction. Gimme a week or 2. I'll make it out to a test and tune during the week.

1419, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by Prism, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hey all!
I know that Rob counted me in when we got back but I wanted to say Hey to everyone myself. Been busy trying to get set up here in Cincinnati.

Thanks to all you that were there....you made me feel very comfortable for my virgin SO experience. :) It was nice to meet so many great people. Sorry I was so quiet but I promise next year I'll break out the funny Amy. :) I cant believe that I have so many little memories that I giggle at daily. I dont think I'll ever look at a cactus the same way again.....Thanks for the great time.

(Thank Brian for being the guy you are BTW. It was nicest to get to know you. You're a hell of a guy.)
1422, RE: Roll Call.....
Posted by DR1665, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Prism
Been busy trying to get set up here in Cincinnati.

Ugh. You live somewhere green and wet. Don't know how you do it. I felt like I was drugged in a moldy basement all weekend. Maybe that was the alcohol...

Originally posted by Prism
my virgin SO experience.

You never forget your first Shootout. Or your second... or your third... I hope I get a third. /prays for the Shootout

Originally posted by Prism
It was nice to meet so many great people.

They are great, aren't they?

Originally posted by Prism
Sorry I was so quiet but I promise next year I'll break out the funny Amy. :)

Uh oh. :P

Originally posted by Prism
I dont think I'll ever look at a cactus the same way again...

I don't think you'll ever see cactus like that in Ohio ever again... well, at least not until next year. }(

Originally posted by Prism
(Thanks Brian for being the guy you are BTW. It was nicest to get to know you. You're a hell of a guy.)

Why thank you. We just need to convice a small harem of beautiful, wealthy, yet faithful women here in Arizona to see me that way. Then I would be set imo.

Until next year...
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