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Forum namePerformance/Engine
Topic subjectEngine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=111470
111470, Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Since there have been a rash of the engine swap questions this past couple of weeks I'm going to take the time to reply to ALL of them and to anyone thinking about it (because my buddy with a Honda can blah blah blah). This includes the question "can I swap a GS-T motor into my RS/GS" ... which should be more appropriately titled "can I swap some mistubishi motor into my chrysler" because that is essentially what you're asking. There is absolutely nothing similar between the 2 engines (I'm not going into that).

Here is what I posted about swapping in a different manufacturers motor into your car:
<Quote start here>
I'm not trying to rain on anyone's ideas but I want to make sure that you guys know what you are getting really into.
1. you will need to check compatibility for your transmission.
2. you will need to fabricate motor mounts
3. engine bay clearance
4. engine electronics ... you will have to get new ecu figure away to wire everything for this new engine and/or transmission
5. if the tranny changes maybe you might have to change axels
6. weeks to months of downtime

Engine swaps aren't a bolt on or even just doing internals. You will basically be removing everything in the engine bay then figure out how to put one thing back one after another. The reason it is such a common practice for Hondas are because they can put in a motor from a higher model (DX motor to EX or SI maybe Prelude). They are almost take one out and put one in. They still have to change the ECU in most cases and the wiring harness too. But they do have the luxury that the motor mounts are the same (i think) and all the engine configurations between the cars are alike. But the largest plus they have is that it has been done very many times so their is no suprises and people have figured out how to work everything in.

In our case not alot of people have done a motor swap. It's not a common practice. As such there isn't a lot of information out there. Which translate into a huge learning curve. Just putting in a 2.4 420a will still be a difficult task but to entirely put in a different motor has so many possible hurdles and suprises that it might not even be worth it. Unless you plan on doing most of the labor yourself (or you have a friend to do it for free) it can't be cheap. You will experience at least 2 weeks of downtime (probably much more) and parts alone will cost you in the thousands of dollars.

I know most people on the board are very cost minded. In the terms of cost efficiency, the swap will cost as least as much as you bolting on a hrc stage 4+ and putting yourself in the 13s maybe lower. If your goal is speed well there you go. Most people on the board only have one car too. There will be a lot of down time which means no car. I don't want to get on people's case for asking this question but I really don't think people think about it in depth to see what really needs to be done.

Now you got another car, a ton of cash, and you still want to do it. Go for it. The only point I'm trying to make is it isn't as simple as people some time make it sound. Realize what you are actually trying to do (rx7 in a eclipse frame or whatever). If you have to make a post asking about what is neccessary for a swap ... you're probably in over your head to begin with ... there you go.
<Quote End here>

The most reasonable swap possible, not to mention probably the only one you can get a shop to do for you, or for a reasonable amount of money is swapping in a 2.4L 420a.

I know there are a few people out there with endless resources and time this isn't meant as an insult to you guys (I actually hope one of you guys goes crazy and does some crazy ass swap just for kicks). This is meant as a reality check for those out there that just got their car (only car in most cases) and want to do it. It's not feasible for the average person. Time wise, money wise, everything wise.

That's it. I'm done. I hope this answers all your questions. It's blunt, and probably a little rude but I'm kinda tired of this subject being brought up by people that don't think about their question before asking.

P.S. I know it doens't technically fall under general but engine swap posts have been cropping up in a few of the forums so hopefully everyone will check here first.
111471, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by damasta, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Thank you Avenger for saying that.


111472, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by fasterGS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Thank you very much for posting that. It seems like the motor/tranny swapping questions were becoming more and more frequent. There is one thing that I would like to add about the 4g63 motor...

My local car guy and I were talking before I bought my 99 GS (december). I really wanted a GS-T or a GSX, and was determined to find one. He brought something to my attention. Just in december alone he shipped in 3 brand new 4g63s, and not because someone just wanted a new motor, it was because these people blew theirs up. Granted those motors have turbo already on them, but in the long haul they are a weaker motor. None of those three motors lasted past 60,000 miles. The 420a is a stronger motor to build upon. So why on earth would ou want to put a weaker motor in your car anyway?? Just take your time, build your car up right, and you will be smoking GS-Ts no problem. Just something else to think about. ;)
111473, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by soldier101, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
did I piss you guys off when I asked if a rotary engine could be swapped? I thought it through and came to the same conclusion, I was just curious as to wether or not that engine would fit. My bad man.
111474, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Breezio, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
you can make anything fit in anything.. it's just a matter of if it's worth it. I've seen a chevy luv pickup with a blown 454ci in it. anything can be made to fit.. just weather or not it's worth it.. in the case of eclipse's and the 420a motor.. most people agree it's not worth it to put a different motor in.
111475, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Weezle745, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Theres a dude out here who put a Honda CRV motor in his "stock lookin" Civic DX. It took lots of time and was very costly but hes very fast. However he could of achieved the same results in the 1/4 mile with a big turbo and NOS. It is seriously cheaper to just trade in your RS/GS for a GST/GSX because the GST is only about $1500 more than a GS for the same year/miles. There was a guy on this board that wanted to drop a GST engine and add AWD to his GS, but if he would trade his GS in for a GST, it would be a whole lot cheaper. Anyways Im just beginnig to ramble.
111476, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by HadesOmega, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
man of course that engine would fit it's 1.3 liter dude.
111477, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by fasterGS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
No Soldier, i dont think you pissed anyone off with your post. I figured you were just curious. Its just aggravating, seeing the same posts over and over and over again when if they would scroll down or go to the next page they could find thier answers. I think these comments are directed more towards the 420 <-> 4g63 and the
2wd <-> AWD swap questions.
111478, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Weezle745, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
>man of course that engine would fit it's 1.3 liter dude.

??? I dont get it.

111479, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
The motor in the RX-7 is a 1.3 liter twin rotor motor. It's larger for a 1.3L motor because of the rotary design but it's still not very large.

Honda's like I've said. It's been done before. People already make all the parts you need to do swaps in a nice handy kit and many shops out there have actually performed them so they know what they are doing. And at the same time motor swapping in honda's is like bolt ons.
111480, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by 99Eclipse, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Ok guys I might be new to posting on this board but as I read this post and hear about these guys wanting to do engine swaps because they want the 4g63 and im starting to think they are dumb for thinking such a stupid thing.. Question for you "lets do a 4g63 swap guys" would you buy a peach if you wanted a plum?

The 420a motors are more up to date in technology and will last longer.. Most of you I take are wanting some fast street cars not full blown drag/strip cars.. Some of our 420a powerplants our laying over 500 HP to the wheels on the street and are daily drivin w/ no problems.. and are running 11's soon to see some 10 and a good chance even 9 second times.. check out Hahn's updated website. If 11s or 10s are not cutting it for you on the street (which im sure will) than you are a nut case. Have you have ever been in an 11 second car let alone a 10?? its breath taking....


You can run 11s, 10s, and quite possably soon 9s with the 420a platform so why would you even want a GST or GSX (aside from the AWD) in the first place? You like higher insurance rates and just pissin money away?.. I didn't think so.. you all have a brain start useing it.

Im a proud owner of a 99 GS (auto) and am waiting on a torque converter and a PTS kit from level 10.. ill throw you guys some pics in a few months after I finish this 10-11 second street car which is plenty fast for me.

If I insulted anyone from this post don't take it personally.. just learn from it.. OR you can always learn the hard way :P
111481, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Niclipse, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I didnt mean to BORE anyone with my motorswapping post, I was just thinking that maybe something more original then Turbo/NOS could be achieved.
111482, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by bigbrent88, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Actually I am waiting on some info on a rotory engine. Its small, like 26 in long with four rotors, producing 200hp. They don't need a cat conv. because of how it burns. I figured these light engines would balance the car out for road racing. Very cool technology, used in the flying car.
111483, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by SHOGUN98RS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
<~~~sighs...bout DAMN time. thank u, and i hope people will just do their research before posting topics that are WAY beyond 98% of the people here's goal and possibilities. if u are actually serious and like thura said some people have the money to do so all my props to u but has anyone here even attempted to do any of the ideas some of u ask. NO
111484, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Eclipse97, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I think admins should put this info on the main page of 2gnt, so later if someone asks, they could just check it out.
111485, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by EvuLFleA, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
>I think admins should put this info on the main page of
>2gnt, so later if someone asks, they could just check it

It is there and has one hell of an explanation.

By the way this isnt even going into the archives..... By using the archives I could have found at last 25 more.







111486, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by fauchpj, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
dont say you cant swap anything, it might take time and money but you could. example--delorean with a cadillac v8 northstar engine

111487, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by iamnotwhoiam, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
the post wasnt really about the fact that you cant swap anything you want into pretty much anything you want.. it was about how difficult it can be and that people were going overboard thinking it was just a bolt on affair and that would not cost much.. but yet it will be more costly than anything, but i can still be done with the right amount of money.
111488, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by guest, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Anything can be done with money.
111489, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Avenger, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I never said it can't be done it's just not realistic for the majority of the people that ask the question. I know of a few people on this board that have the resources and the technical ability to actually do something of this nature but even most of them don't see a point in doing this due to the time, money, and the INITIAL return of marginal results (vs. cost of course).

And you're right. Anything can be done with money but how many people that have posted this question actually have that amount of money to do something of this nature. I'd like to think if they did they be out buying a stage V kit so we could have some more 2gnts in the 12s (plus you can actually get some tech support for something that isn't working right instead of scrambling to find someone out there that has any experience with a 2gnt with a rotary engine in it).
111490, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
the engine bay should be the same. Swap would be evrything else you named though, and it would be a better idea to just build your mtor and then turbo the NT, or do as I am doing, sell yours for a 4G63'd car. anyway you look at it, it's just not practical to swap the engine. High cost to be the same as everyone who bought a GST stock. Or GSX if u wanna get real expensive with a swap. anyhow, sell it, and get a used one and have mod money, or save up for mods, which are more responsive once u have boost. Or boost your NT. End of story. Or you could build an all motor beast and have fun doing what nobody else really does and have fun being different.
111491, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by Breezio, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
By the way.. the guy that posted about the northstar caddy motor in a delorian.. that wouldn't hard at all. Delorian's stock run chevy motors (350ci to be exact), that "northstar" probably slapped right in there without any modifications (except electronics), it's just another chevy motor. Just thought i'd let you know that. :)
111492, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by guest, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
the delorean does not run a stock chevy motor. It's a volvo motor.

Read more here, too btw...they talk about the northstar motor briefly...kinda interesting.


Heres the specs on the engine itself inside a delorean.

111493, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by fauchpj, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
yeah, deloreans run the volvo/peugot v6 with 130hp. the guy said the conversion cost 20k
111494, RE: Engine Swap ... final answers and a reality check
Posted by iamnotwhoiam, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
It'd be like trying to stick an Intel Processor on an Amd based Motherboard..

hmmm.. :-)
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